Mt. Fuji (Feedback)
Thanks for your comments. They got me thinking that it might be interesting to find out what percentage of Japanese people have climbed the mountain. I tried googling it, but I could only find figures for how many people climb it annually.
Anyway, as I said, I do not intend to climb the Mt. Fuji in the summer season when it’s really crowded, but I might try it off-season one day if I can find some adventurous friends to go with me.
Here is some feedback on your comments.
I can’t tell how pleased I was to dive into a hot onsen after going down to Kiyosato.
This may just be a typo, but “I can’t tell you how pleased I was…”
Mt. Fuji is only allowed to climb during July and August because it’s dangerous to climb in another months.
You are only allowed to climb Mt. Fuji during July and August because it’s dangerous to climb it at other times of the year.
Last year I gave a serious thought to climb it
Last year, I gave some serious thought to climbing it
Maybe I can handle those problems but my children might not.
I would probably be able to handle those problems, but my children might not.
not a few people suddenly start to feel like going to see a world cultural heritage as soon as it has been decided to given a special name.
quite a few people suddenly want to go to see a world cultural heritage site as soon as it has been given a special name.
It says that 片山’s co-climbers were both dead because of an accident.
… were both killed in an accident.
As you know, the first one means “the beginning of the climbing season”, but the latter one means “to found a temple, or the founder himself”
Thanks for the info. I didn’t know that.
I have to leave a plan for climbing Mt. Fuji. up in the air, because of It(UNESCO status.)
I didn’t understand this sentence. If you explain what you were trying to say, I’ll help you translate it into English.
I found an another interesting article. Mt. Fuji might errup again!
Apparently, there is a serious risk of this happening.
I try not to worry about it too much because if you do, it’s almost impossible to live in a volcanic country like Japan!
That’s a good attitude for people going about their daily lives. Unfortunately, it seems to be shared by the operators of nuclear power plants!
Perhaps the best choice is to fly to Gifu and take your lectures! I wish I had どこでもドア!!
You would be very welcome!
If so, you shouldn’t have got me wrong? or you still think so?
If I had, maybe you wouldn’t have taken me wrongly? Or maybe you would have got the same impression anyway?
I don’t really understand the differences between “I’m Okinawan” and “I’m from Okinawa”!
Actually, there is a slight difference here. “I’m from Okinawa” is just saying where you were born, whereas “I’m Okinawan” stresses that this is part of your identity.
I have a question for your latest tweet “I went and told you the answer!”. What does “went” mean?
“Went and …” is similar to してしまった. It expresses the idea that you did something you shouldn’t have done.
One of the sudents started talking about her trip to Mt.Fuji she took with her husband last Autumn.
One of the students started talking about a trip she took to Mt. Fuji with her husband last autumn.
That’s all for today. I have a meeting with the house builder tomorrow, and we are going to sign the contract. If everything goes according to plan, the building will start in about a month.
Have a great weekend.
Hi David,
Thank you for the feedback. It’s always very helpful.
>This may just be a typo, but “I can’t tell you how pleased I was…”
It wasn’t a typo, I didn’t know that you needed “you”, so thanks! I wonder if you can say “I can’t express how pleased I was…”
Also, the expression “went and…” is very interesting. I can’t wait to actually see or hear it somewhere.
Good luck with your signing the contract!
Have a nice weekend everyone! 🙂
Hi David,
Thank you so much for your feedback!
>Anyway, as I said, I do not intend to climb the Mt. Fuji in the summer season when it’s really crowded, but I might try it off-season one day if I can find some adventurous friends to go with me.
Really! If you do it, please be very careful.
>If everything goes according to plan, the building will start in about a month.
You must be exciting!
Hi YU,
About Mt. Fuji pictures of Sento, I think you are right. I’ve never seen pictures of Mt. Fuji in any Sento here. But, I thought we can see it only few Sentos now because there are few painters left. So, can you still see the pictures of Mt. Fuji in Kanto when you go to Sentos?言われてみればこちらの銭湯では富士山の絵は見かけないです。でも絵師が少なくなってきたから、全国的に富士山を描いた銭湯が少なくなってきたからだと思っていました。ということは関東の銭湯では今でも富士山が描かれてるんですか?
Have a lovely weekend, everyone!
Hi David,
This site answered your question.
According to this article, quite a few foreign people climb Mt. Fiji.
>That’s a good attitude for people going about their daily lives. Unfortunately, it seems to be shared by the operators of nuclear power plants!
I like your sarcasm here!
Hi David,
Thank you always for your feedback!
>“I’m from Okinawa” is just saying where you were born, whereas “I’m Okinawan” stresses that this is part of your identity.
Now I know the differences, thank you. That means my impression of amo’s sentences was not exactly wrong.
By the way, are you going to sign the contract today?
That’s really exciting! Those papers are really difficult to undersand for people not working in the industry like us, so be careful!
I really hope the home loan rates won’t go up more than now before you borrow money from your bank!
Hi Fumie,
Thank you for your comment!
> I’ve never seen pictures of Mt. Fuji in any Sento here.
I see, ミヤネ屋 was right!
> But, I thought we can see it only few Sentos now because there are few painters left.
I’ve hear of that, too. Actually, I think the main reason is that there are very few Sentos left in Japan because most people have a bath at home today.
The American teacher I mentioned first came to Japan about 40 years ago. At that time he used to live in an apartment without a bath in Shitamachi in Tokyo, so he used to go to the Sento near his house every evening, but he told us that he didn’t remember clearly if there was a picture of Mt.Fuji in his Sento.
> So, can you still see the pictures of Mt. Fuji in Kanto when you go to Sentos?
To be honest, I’ve never been to Sentos since I moved to Kanto about 25 years ago because there’s been always a bath in my house, so I’ve never seen them with my own eyes, but I guess there still must be some pictures of Mt.Fuji in some Sentos in Kanto!
Actually, I have a feeling that pictures of Mt.Fuji are often drawn in 男湯, but not in 女湯…
Have a nice weekend, all !
See you!
Hi YU,
>Actually, I have a feeling that pictures of Mt.Fuji are often drawn in 男湯, but not in 女湯…
That’s new to me. That’s interesting.
Hi David,
Thanks for your feedback.
How was the meeting? You signed the contract? You must be very excited 🙂
By the way, we are having our bathroom renovated since yesterday. It is going to be finish next Wednesday. Also, we bought a dining table and chairs the other day. My youngest sister and her 3 children are visiting Okinawa now, and they are visiting us next Thursday. So everything will be ready just in the nick of time!
Hi YU,
Thanks for your comment, but your comment confused me more 🙁
At first you said “I have to admit that almost all Japanese people have special feelings for Mt.Fuji since their childhood, so do I.”
I translated “have special feelings for ~” to “特別な思い入れがある” in Japanese, am I wrong? Because you said this time “地元の人は特別な思い入れがあると思うけど。” then I got confused. So could you translate this sentence into Japanese? because I have lost my English ability.
私はYUのコメントを『ほとんどの日本人は富士山に対して特別な思い入れがあるし、私も特別な思い入れがある。」と訳しました。でもその後「地元の人は特別な思い入れがあると思うけど。私も凄く好きってわけではない。」とあったので、混乱してきました。もう自分の英語力が信じられません。”special feelings “はどういう意味だったのか教えてください。
>if you are born in Japan, naturally you should have a lot of chance to feel close to Mt.Fuji, through pictures like ”浮世絵”, old stories, or even through a picture of Mt.Fuji in the public bath!
Of course, I learned that Mt. Fuji. is a highest mountain in Japan when I was a child. Also I have seen some pictures of it. Sorry but I can’t call those things are connections or memories for me. そんな事で富士山を身近に感じたり、ましてや素敵な思い出にはなりえません。少なくとも私には。。。Just because you were born in Japan does not necessarily mean you have some connection with Mt, Fuji.
hahaha, maybe I really don’t have any feelings for it, because I have never seen Mt. Fuji from up in the air, even though I have flown a lot of time (lol) おまけに新幹線からも富士山を見た記憶がありません。というか、富士山を直に見た記憶が一度しかありません。印象が薄かったのでしょうか、よくおぼえてません 。:(
Have a nice weekend,
Hi amo,
Thank you for your comment, and sorry if my comment has made you confused more.
> I translated “have special feelings for ~” to “特別な思い入れがある” in Japanese, am I wrong?
I don’t think you are wrong, but I actually meant “特別な感情がある” there, and in my mind they are slightly different.
> もう自分の英語力が信じられません。”special feelings “はどういう意味だったのか教えてください。
> Just because you were born in Japan does not necessarily mean you have some connection with Mt, Fuji
Thank you for sharing your opinion.
That’s very true, but as I explained, I didn’t write “all Japanese” from the beginning, and I still believe that Mt.Fuji is a sprcial thing for “most” Japanese people. In my personal view it’s difficult for people from other countries to have feelings like that.
If not, why so many Japanese people get very excited hearing it will be a national cultural heritage soon? I don’t really think foreigners living in Japan(including my husband) are as much excited as us.
In fact there was a boom when 石見銀山, 小笠原諸島, etc… was given the status, too, but I feel this time “fever” among Japanese people including Japanese media are something special and different from that of them(石見銀山や小笠原諸島), I even feel it is unusual and overheating somewhat. Don’t you think so? However, I think you could also say that is one of the evidences that Mt.Fuji is something special for most Japanese people.
> Sorry but I can’t call those things are connections or memories for me. そんな事で富士山を身近に感じたり、ましてや素敵な思い出にはなりえません。少なくとも私には。。。
ドイツに住んでいる頃、ドイツ人から「日本(東京)に行くけどどこに行くべき?」という質問をよく受けました。いつも私は「浅草、秋葉原」などとともに「富士山」も答えていました。その時点でほとんどほとんどのドイツ人たちは富士山のことを知っているようでしたから、ガイドブックに “must-see places” のように書かれているのは容易に想像できます。
最後に、これは私の完全な誤解でしたがamoの”because I’m Okinawan?”という文を読んで何となく「私は沖縄の人間だから特別な感情はない」と言っているのかな?と勝手に感じてしまいました。怒らないで欲しいけど、私はamoが自分で「私は日本人というより沖縄人」と思っていて、日本に対して一種独特な感情を持っているんだ、と主張している気がしました。amoは後で「私だって日本人です」と書いていたけど、私には”because I’m Okinawan?”が全く逆のことを主張している気がしたんです。
amoが”because I’m from Okinawa”にすれば良かったかな?と書いていたけど、その時点では私にはあまり違いが分かってなかったし、”沖縄出身だから”と言われても「私も四国出身だけどそれが富士山と何か関係あるの?」としか思えませんでした。現にFumieも大阪出身(?)だけど、富士山を特別な存在だと思っているように彼女のコメントから感じました。
私は愛媛県出身なんですが、「日本人だから」と言うことはたまにあっても、生まれてからあまり(もしかしたら一度も?)「愛媛県人(の人間)だから」と言ったことがなかったので私にとってはとても新鮮な響きでした。だから”because I’m Okinawan”から私が感じ取ったのはDavidが言うようにamoの沖縄人としてのアイデンティティーだったのかもしれません。結局違ってたんだけど!
もしこのブログに100人の読者がいるとしたら何人かは”Okinawan”を私のように感じた人がいると思し、”special feelings”をamoのように訳した人もいると思います。沖縄の問題に関してはデリケートな問題でもあるので私のように堂々と本人に聞いてみようと思う人はあまりいないのかもしれません。でも直接会ってではないからこそ色々突っ込んで質問したりはっきり意見を言えるのがこのブログの醍醐味だと思っているのでこれからも遠慮なく質問、意見を言わせてもらうつもりです。もし、その上で、何ぶん英語での表現なので今回のように行き違いがあったら遠慮なく指摘してください。
Hi amo,
そんな事で富士山を身近に感じたり、ましてや素敵な思い出にはなりえません。少なくとも私には。。。Just because you were born in Japan does not necessarily mean you have some connection with Mt, Fuji.
I agree with you on that, amo.
I’ve seen Mt. Fuji from the bullet train window, and every time I see it I feel very lucky because it’s not always visible.