Introducing Polls
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”Click to listen”]
Last week I added a new feature to the blog that allows all of you to answer a question or “vote” by clicking on a button in the entry. I thought it might be fun to use when we discuss “hot topics” that people have different opinions about.
As you all know, Mr Ishihara, the governor of Tokyo, has stepped down in order to set up a new political party. There is a lot of talk of him forming a coalition with some other right-wing parties including the one started by the Governor of Osaka. As I have said before, I worry a lot about the fact that these right-wing politicians are becoming so popular in Japan. This has nothing to do with the fact that I live in Japan. I don’t really like right-wing politicians in America, in Europe, or in my own country, either!
I know we have discussed this a bit before, but I thought it would be a good topic to test the new poll feature. Please choose the answer that best reflects your opinion and click on that button. After that, you have to click on the main “Vote” button for your vote to be counted. You can only choose one answer, and you can only vote once (I think!) When you vote, I think you will be able to see what percentage of people have voted for each answer. Because I have never used this feature before, I’m not entirely sure how it works myself, but let’s give it a try and see how we get on. Of course, you can still post comments on the topic as normal.
Look forward to seeing your votes!
[polldaddy poll=6654406]
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Hi David,
You’re a very techy-man! I’d like to vote after I post the translation. Do you mind if I post it?
Hi Biwa
Please go ahead.
I’m not very techy, though. I pay someone to do all the tech stuff on this site. I don’t really understand most of it.
Last week I added a new feature to the blog that allows all of you to answer a question or “vote” by clicking on a button in the entry. I thought it might be fun to use when we discuss “hot topics” that people have different opinions about.
As you all know, Mr Ishihara, the governor of Tokyo, has stepped down in order to set up a new political party. There is a lot of talk of him forming a coalition with some other right-wing parties including the one started by the Governor of Osaka.
As I have said before, I worry a lot about the fact that these right-wing politicians are becoming so popular in Japan. This has nothing to do with the fact that I live in Japan. I don’t really like right-wing politicians in America, in Europe, or in my own country, either!
I know we have discussed this a bit before, but I thought it would be a good topic to test the new poll feature.
Please choose the answer that best reflects your opinion and click on that button. After that, you have to click on the main “Vote” button for your vote to be counted. You can only choose one answer, and you can only vote once (I think!)
When you vote, I think you will be able to see what percentage of people have voted for each answer. Because I have never used this feature before, I’m not entirely sure how it works myself, but let’s give it a try and see how we get on. Of course, you can still post comments on the topic as normal.
Look forward to seeing your votes!
Hi David,
I thought you were doing the tech stuff all by yourself! Anyway, you love motor bikes, have an Android tablet and an iPhone. That’s techy enough for me!
Hi everyone,
It’s really scary that those noisy right-wingers might get more and more powerful, and become our leader some day. If they do, it will definitely be the wrong way for us to go!
Hi kattie,
Thank you for your kind words. I think I can get it, but when it is difficult, I’ll send you an e-mail for help.
Hi David and everyone,
Ah, again controversial topic! Mr.Ishihara is in the center of political concern together with Mr.Hashimoto at the moment.
Voting system sounds great and interesting, but sorry to say, I can’t find an option I want to click.
I can’t see what he is going to do, but one thing for sure is recent situation in Japan’s policy is just “chaos.”
Bye for now,
Hi David and everyone,
I’m back from my son’s kindergarten interview.
My son was so nervous that he couldn’t say even his name properly, but he was permitted to enter the kindergarten fortunately. I’m relieved! 🙂
After the interview, he had measure him for his kindergarten uniforms and gym clothes. Do you know how much they cost all together? About 40,000yen! Apart from that, I payed 80,000yen for the entrance fee today. I wonder how much more I will need to pay before he starts kindergarten! LOL!!
Regarding this week’s topic, as I mentioned many times before, I don’t like Mr.Ishihara. Like David and Biwa, I worry a lot about the fact that right-wing ploticians like him are getting popular in Japan, too.
However, I guess the fact is that almost all Japanese people who vote for him(or other right-wing politicians) have no sense of voting for right-wing politicians. Or there are any number of Japanese people who even don’t know what right/left-wingers mean. I don’t think they are to blame, but the wrong history education in Japan is one of the reasons that causes the dim awareness of that among the Japanese.
Hi Kimi and Anne,
Yes, I bought a Japanese version and think I made the right decision. Althogh I don’t have the English version, I guess Japanese version is easier to understand for native speakers of Japanese as David recommended.
Hi David and everyone,
I don’t think love of country is wrong, but I am worried that badly-balanced politicians play a leading role in Japan. I am concerned that a relationship with other countries is worsened. I hope each individual will pounder over our country’s future and vote.
Hi Anne and YU,
Thank you for your advice. I am thinking of buying Japanese version book.
Anne, thank you for the link about 吹き抜け!
Hi David and everyone,
I just finished voting. I’ve never do this on web so it’s interesting, especially as we can see what percntage of people have voted for each answer. I think we need strong politicians but I’m not support Mr.Ishihara. His tactics are too controversial and he is too old to do an important job.
Hi YU,
Congratulations! Your son succeeded in the kindergarten’s interview although you have to pay lots of money from now on. We will have to pay a huge tuition for my son’s college too. I would vote any politicians who decide to make education fees (kindergartens, private highschools, private colleges) free.
Hi everyone,
I think some of those right-wingers are quite fluent speakers (or shall I say too noisy?), and hence they just grab people’s hearts dissatisfied with the current government. What is worse, they appear too much on the media.
Hi YU,
No wonder your son got nervous at the interview.
This is the first step for your son to experience new world. By the way, 80,000 yen for the entrance fee? It cost much.
Hi everyone,
By the way, did you notice that the audio file was a bit different from what David wrote in the entry? It’s not really different, but he added a phrase. (big hint: it’s in the second paragraph)
Hi Biwa,
He added “To be honest,” before “I don’t really like…”, right?
I have a feeling that he says something between “like” and “right-wing politicians”, too, but it must be my 空耳!
Hi YU,
Bingo! I think he added “the” between “like” and “right-wing polititians”.
Hi YU,
Ooops! I’ve misspelled “politicians”.
By the way, can I ask you the difference between “unsatisfied” and “dissatisfied”?
Hi YU,
I couldn’t get the difference in the dictionaries, so I googled. I’m not sure if the commenters are right, but many say like this: “dissatisfied” means you’ve got it or tried it, but didn’t like it, “unsatisfied” means you haven’t got it yet.
Hi Fumie and Anne,
Thank you!
Actually, the amount of the entrance fee is the same at any kindergarten in my city(FYI, our neigbouring city’s fee is even 100,000yen!!), but as Anne mentioned, it’s indeed too much for families like us who can’t get any financial support from their grandparents….
School fee in Japan is too expensive. That is one of the reasons why I didn’t want to have more children. I wonder why our government still continues to ignore the fact.
By the way, Ms. Tanaka, the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology didn’t approve the plan for building three new universities (in three different prefectures). Apparently, that is an unprecedented news. Now she meets with a strong opposition from the three governers who plan to build them. The number of children is declining, but why do we need to build more universities!? I really wonder… According to Ms.Tanaka, the fact that there’re too many universities for too few number of children brings the deterioration in the quality of university students in Japan. Sorry to say this, but what she says is right, I think.
Hi Biwa,
> I think he added “the” between “like” and “right-wing polititians”.
You have good ears!
I listened to the part again and again after I read your comment, but it still doesn’t “the” to me!
My dictionary (Oxford E-E dictionary) says almost the same ;
– “unsatisfied” : not having got what you hoped; not having had enough of sth
– “dissatisfied” : not happy or satisfied with sb/sth
* dissatisfied customers ~ with sb/sth
* If you are dissatisfied with our service, please write to the manager.
Hi David and everyone.
I’ve just voted now.This system is a very nice and interesting idea!
About this week’s topic,actually I was surprised when it’s announced that Mr.Ishihara resigned his job and was going to start a new party.I had thought he kept putting pressure on Japanese government as Governor of Tokyo because he had enough power to do that.
Although I was for his action about the issue of Senkaku Islands,I don’t think I will support his new party.It’s not understandable that he is thinking of a coalition with Mr Hashimoto despite that some of their policies are completely different.
As for “right wing parties”, I totally agree with YU on the opinion that most people have no sense of voting for right wing politicians in Japan.There are much more people thinking “No one can change Japan” than before.So someone who is outstanding and known well,like Mr Ishihara and Mr hashimoto, can get their votes quite easily,I think.
Conguratulations! I hope your son will have great days next year!
Have a nice day everyone!
Hi rinko,
> Although I was for his action about the issue of Senkaku Islands
This ways of thinking among Japanese people are all Greek to me, I’m afraid. I’m not blaming you, rinko, but I simply can’t understand why lots of Japanese people still believe that Mr.Ishihara has done something great for the Senkaku issue. What on earth did he do actually? He has done nothing but destroying the relationship with our neighbouring countries and Japanese companies in China, I think….
Hi YU,
Thanks for looking into your dictionary. Mine is published from Longman but it didn’t have enough explanation. I think I’d better get another one!
For the “listening”, I think David’s stuttering a bit, so maybe my imagination makes me think there’s a “the” between.
I’m also curious about what will happen to Ms. Tanaka and those three universities. I understand what she says, but rejecting the establishment of those universities was beyond her authority, I guess. She should have suggested changes for the system, but she shouldn’t have rejected those applications individually. I think a big fuss over this issue is inevitable.
Sorry, it’s me again. I think I should have said “looking up your dictionary”. So many mistakes:(
Hi David and everyone,
Can I ask you a question?
My sons were talking about the US presidential election this morning and asked me how to call “白人” and “黒人” in English. I know people avoid to label people that way, and I told them about it. Still, I’d like to ask you what words would you use.
Hi, Nice to meet to you.
My name is Maki. This is my first post on this website.
I think the economic recession causes the rise of
right-wing parties. People don’t afford to take care of other country. However, if right-wing parties win some elections, there will be much worse relationship among Japan’s neighboring countries and it will become an obstacle to recover the economic recession.
Hi Maki,
Thanks for joining us. I think you are right about the connection between economic conditions and the rise of right-wing parties. The same thing is happening in Greece, Spain, and Italy.
Hi Biwa,
That is a complicated question. Some people still say “whites” and “blacks,” but that doesn’t cover people of mixed race or people of South American origin. Those terms also have negative connotations for some people.
In America, the term “African-American” is often used to mean “black,” but that only covers black people who have African heritage.
Actually, I have a friend from Uganda who lives in Japan, so I will ask him for his opinion about the best way to translate 黒人. (I think “white” is fine for 白人.)
Hi David,
Thanks, I’d be very pleased if you could do so.
As you said, I heard the adults using “African Americans” or “Latin Americans”, but how would you call those people who live in Europe? Do you call them like “African English” or “African French”?
I remeber a classmate who had African heritage, I think, and she said she didn’t like to be called “black”. One day, she told us to call her “chocolate brown” which we loved to call. I still love that but I’m sure it will be a lot weird if I say it now, so I just wanted to know which terms I should use.
Hi Maki,
Nice to have you with us!
I agree! I also feel very upset by the ways those right-wingers prompt peoples fear of being looked down by neighboring countries. Again, they’re really good at grabbing people’s hearts.
Thank you for your comment.
>I’m afraid. I’m not blaming you, rinko,
Of course I know what you mean!And this is my another honest opnion.
>simply can’t understand why lots of Japanese people still believe that Mr.Ishihara has done something great for the Senkaku issue.
It’s starange for me that people who had surpported Mr Ishihara’s action about the Islands turned to blame him after the riots occured in China.I wonder if they would have been still for hime if there had not been any difficulty between two countries.
Also if no one had done anything to this,I think there would’ve been more serious confliction on the sea and the situation could have been worse in a way. And I’m sure people would have attacked the prime minister for doing nothing as always.I think this repetition is the main reason of that Japanese prime minister changes so often in a short period and I don’t like that.I think some politicians who blamed this nationalization should have thought about an another wise way and shown us that.
Of course it’s very dangerous that Japan is provoked to do something about this issue,but as I mentioned, “nothing to do but seeing” causes another serious problem.
Hi Maki
Nice to have you with us!
>I think the economic recession causes the rise of
right-wing parties
I agree with you.
Also I think rapid economic recession of Japan causing the lose of balance in international relations.
Have a nice day everyone!
recession of Japan causing
→recession of Japan is causing
I just saw that Obama has won the US election, so that’s one less right-wing group we have to worry about!
I also noticed that he is referred to in most newspapers as “the first black president,” so I guess the word “black” is still okay.
I also heard him say “no matter black or white, Hispanic or ~~” in his victory speech!
Hi Maki,
Nice to have you with us! 🙂
Hi rinko,
Thank you for your comment.
> It’s starange for me that people who had surpported Mr Ishihara’s action about the Islands turned to blame him after the riots occured in China.
It’s not surprising to me.
Those people haven’t had opinion their own and still don’t have it. Thier minds are just controlled by media like TV or newspapers.
By the way, I’m not one of those, I didn’t like his ways of thinking from the beginning, as I’ve been writing here over and over.
> Also if no one had done anything to this,I think there would’ve been more serious confliction on the sea and the situation could have been worse in a way.
I have a completely different opinion about it.
If Mr.Ishihara hadn’t announced buying the islands, Japan might have found a better and more peaceful solution. As you know, he is a very smart man. Mr.Ishihara knew who he was for China, but went ahead anyway, so it’s hard to believe for me that he just wanted to protect our land and water.
Hi Biwa and David,
> I also noticed that he is referred to in most newspapers as “the first black president,” so I guess the word “black” is still okay.
> I also heard him say “no matter black or white, Hispanic or ~~” in his victory speech!
Please let me share my opinion.
I have a feeling that the point is who is talking about who.
Obama is Afircan-American and his skin is quite dark, so no one feels bad even if he uses the word “black”. However, if he were white and repeated “black, black, black” in his speech, I don’t think black people would feel nice. I think black people often use the word “black” among them, and they call themselves “black” when they talk about themselves to other skin colored people.
In newspapers case, it isn’t a human being and it is neutral, so it might be okay to use those words.
This is just my personal opinion, though.
Hi David and everyone,
Have you ever heard of 海島保護法? It went into effect in 2010. Actually, I haven’t. This is enforced to nationalize a lot of uninhabited islands in China territorial waters including disputed islands. It means China declared that it would place Senkaku islands under state control. As rinko mentioned, if Japan didn’t take measures against it, we cannot eliminate the possibility to worsen the matter in the future.
Hi Maki,
Nice to have you with us! Let’s enjoy discuss together.
Have you ever heard of 海島保護法?
⇒ Have you ever heard of 海島保護法 in China?
It’s me again.
Let’s enjoy discuss together.
⇒ Let’s enjoy discussion together.
Hi Kimi and everyone,
Please remember why the riots in China occured once again.
– Because Japan nationalized the Senkaku islands.
– 日本が尖閣諸島を国有化したからです。
Then, why Japan needed to nationalize the Senkaku?
– Because Tokyo(Mr.Ishihara) tried to purchase them. Our government thought that it was better to own them by themselves, as Ishihara was “a dangerous person” for China. If Isihara hadn’t done anything, the islands still would have been owned by a Japanese family named Mr.Kurihara, and that was much better than current situation for both countries, I think.
– 東京都(石原氏)が尖閣諸島を購入する、と言い出したからです。日本政府は石原氏は中国にとってとても危険な人物で彼が購入するより日本が購入した方が中国を刺激しない、と判断したのです。もし石原氏が何もしていなければ今でも尖閣諸島は「栗原氏」という方の所有であったはずで、その方が両国にとってずっと良かったのでは、私は思います。
This means, “if Ishihara had not announced to purchase the Senkaku islands, those riots in China would not have ocured at least”.
I understand what rinko and Kimi mean(深刻化は避けられなかったはず), but the Senkaku issue had been put aside since long(since 鄧小平’s 棚上げ論 in 70’s), and both countries had been seeing calmly how it would go, because they both knew well that they needed to cooperate with each other for their economic developments.
So, although there were some conflicts over the islands between two countries in the past few years, I believe that Japan should have observed developments calmly and kept insisting China’s injustice to the world as ever, because soon or later China will surely get damaged if they lose their main business partner – Japan.
Hi YU,
I know what you mean, and if I don’t know the law I mentioned, I might think the same thing. However, as I got to know that China takes a hard-line attitude about it, I wonder if it would be okay for Japan to keep on doing what it has been doing. China will enhance military power and put pressure on Japan. The disputed island was captured by China after the US bases were removed from Philippines. Everybody hope peaceful settlement, but it has not been realized, which has bring about such a situation. Much has been said about this nationalization, but I don’t think it itself is wrong. FYI, I don’t support Mr.Ishihara.
Hi Kimi,
> Much has been said about this nationalization, but I don’t think it itself is wrong. FYI, I don’t support Mr.Ishihara.
What are the advantages of nationalization of the Senkaku? I don’t think nationalization of the islands means that they belong to Japan. In fact, it just put China off more. And nothing has been solved with that. Am I wrong?
BTW, I knew the weired law, but I still think the way I mentioned. So, you mean we should even go to the war to protect the islands?
Hi Kimi,
Sorry, one more thing.
I didn’t say you’re for Ishihara at all.
(I don’t mind at all whether you’re for or against Ishihara, though….)
As I wrote at the top of the comment, I wrote the comment to “you(Kimi) and everyone”.
Hi David, Biwa and others, congratulations to Mr. Obama, the first ”Black American President”.
I think as a black African from Uganda I wouldn’t mind being called ”a black man”. I also think it is right and neutral in its meaning.
In different political situations, in reference to naturalised immigrants and/or minorities, for example, I think some people refer to black people as ” an American, a Japanese (like Bobby Olegon (sp.)), a Canadian etc…..OF AFRICAN DESCENT, as obviously all black people originally came from Africa South of the Sahara.
I would say therefore it is OK to tell your son
”kokujin” is a black man/ woman and ”hakujin” is a white man/woman.
Hi Vick,
Thank you so much for replying my question. I see. I’m going to tell your story to my sons tomorrow morning! By the way, it’s interesting that you said “from Africa South of the Sahara” because when I visited France, I saw lots of people of African descent and I thought they came from “North of the Sahara” countries, though I’m not really sure.
Hi YU,
Sorry, I got you wrong. You didn’t mention I was for Mr.Ishihara. Forgive me.
I don’t think you were wrong. However, I wonder if what will happen in the future would be more serious than this situation. The more I think about it, the more I am confused.
>So, you mean we should even go to the war to protect the islands?
I didn’t mean it.
I can’t explain this issue well. I think I should study more about it.
Hi everyone,
Speaking of the Presidential Election, I think most people in the UK were very relieved that Barack Obama was voted back in. American politics is much more right wing than British politics and they seem to value ‘freedom’ above everything, including things like universal healthcare. This idea of ‘freedom’ is a farce for those who don’t have the money to exercise choice – and there are a lot of people in America who don’t.
Hi Biwa
>My sons were talking about the US presidential election this morning and asked me how to call “白人” and “黒人” in English. I know people avoid to label people that way, and I told them about it. Still, I’d like to ask you what words would you use.
I think the simple answer is that it’s fine to call someone black or white but I wouldn’t generally mention someone’s colour unless there was a particular reason – e.g. I was describing what someone looked like or I was flagging up their colour for a particular reason (i.e. it’s culturally significant – like the fact that Barack Obama is the US’s first black president)- this is simply because it wouldn’t be relevant and so would be racist. I also don’t like it when people talk about ‘Blacks’ or ‘Whites’, as opposed to saying black people or white people – it sounds like you are objectifying people. I know people in America sometimes talk about people ‘of color’ to describe black, Asian and Hispanic people but I have never really heard this used in the UK. I would feel uncomfortable saying this because you are lumping everyone together who isn’t white and it also sounds to me like you are identifying these people as somehow out of the norm – it’s also too similar to calling people ‘colored’ which is definitely not politically correct. Here is a link to something from Michigan Uni which might be handy – it’s very American but I think most people want to learn American English anyway
I have also heard that some people really don’t like to be referred to as African American – after all, they could have been born in the US and never even been to Africa. I have never heard people being referred to as African British.
On the subject of political correctness this wiki how article is quite interesting I think talking in a politically correct way is very important in American and Britain these days.
I’ve been talking to Tom and Rosie about this and I think I should slightly revise what I said earlier. Whilst I wouldn’t generally refer to a person’s colour unless it’s relevant because it could be construed as racist I don’t think this is always the case – for example, you might say ‘a black guy came into my shop and we got chatting ….’ and this would be fine as long as you weren’t inferring anything negative by stating his colour -in much the same way as you could say ‘a young guy came into my shop and we got chatting…’ I suppose it’s more to do with your state of mind than anything.
Hi David and everyone,
I have a situation at work at the moment. I am not that busy these day but even I am not working, I think how I should solve the issue. So I am sorry that I don’t have time to post a comment on this week topic. Anyway I just joined the voting, though:) it’s interesting, but one thing, I’d like to know not only the percentages of the choices but also the number of people who voted.
Have a good day, everyone:)
Hi Kattie,
Thank you always for your explanations in details.
>I think the simple answer is that it’s fine to call someone black or white but I wouldn’t generally mention someone’s colour unless there was a particular reason
I agree 100% and I think my sons wanted to know which terms to use in these cases. I think it’s unnecessary to mention someone’s color in an ordinary conversation, too. I used to live in San Francisco for 4 years in the early ’70s, and as you might imagine, there were really lots of peolple from various backgrounds. I guess there were many exclusive words in those days, and I actually remember some, but in most cases, I didn’t really care what I would be called as long as they didn’t mean to offend me. So, I really agree with the sentence below which comes from your second link.
>Just because someone uses “exclusionary” language, doesn’t mean that they harbor ill feelings for the excluded group,and in many ways, running around accusing others of harboring prejudices will reflect negatively upon you
I just received your second comment right before I was going to post mine! I really agree! and please say thanks to Tom and Rosie, too.
Hi Kimi,
Please don’t apologize.
I guess everyone feels the same way as you including me, but I just thought that if you were provoked by China or Mr.Ishinara’s clever trap now, Japan would fall to be as same outrageous as China.
However, you can have any opinion of your own. It’s a very nice thing that you can discuss these kind of political matters freely in this country, I think.
Hi Kattie,
I’m adding this just to make sure that I also think that “trying” to talk in a politically correct way is a very important thing because most people (including me!) don’t want to sound offensive. Your links make me feel that many people think the same way, and also have some difficulties in choosing words to express their honest/nice feelings. Thanks for the useful links!
Hi Kattie,
Thank you for your explanations.
The links you posted were both very interesting.
> I suppose it’s more to do with your state of mind than anything.
I totally agree with you.
> When making reference to people as a group, you should avoid terms that may be considered
offensive by members of that group.
I think this is the most important point.
Like other physical traits, we should avoid using terms that might sound offensive to the person. This is what we had been taught by our parents or teachers since our childhood over and over.
Some might not mind being called “black”, but some might do like Biwa’s classmate, so it would be safer not to use the term at all, except some cases you mentioned.
My son has a bit exotic face as his father isn’t Japanese, his skin color is almost same as others, though. I would feel uncomfortable if he were called by his skin color or other physical traits in the future.
In the second link, I found interesting to know that there are differences between “colored people” and “people of color”.
And the description about stewardess, chairman,etc.. was interesting, too. In Japan we used to call female nurses “kangofu” and male nurses “kangoshi”. I don’t know since how long ago or why, but we stopped using the word “kangofu” and started call them “kangoshi” all together. I wonder if it was because “politically correct”…
See you !
Hi Amo,
I changed the poll so that you can also see the number of votes. Click on “view results.”
Biwa, Hi.
Back to that topic a bit. It just happens that most African countries and tribes covered by the Sahara are more Arabic than black, though you find some say in Chad and Mali who are black. On the other hand, all SUB SAHARAN COUNTRIES (South of the SAHARA) are black.It is so confusing I have met many people who think purely Arabic countries like Libya, Egypt and others are NOT part of AFRICA!!
>By the way, I’m not one of those, I didn’t like his ways of thinking from the beginning
Of course I know you are not the one.I’ve been always reading other members’ comments and know what you think about Mr Ishihara.
>It’s a very nice thing that you can discuss these kind of political matters freely in this country, I think.
I agree with you. I think everyone has a different opinion and hope there will be more places and people to discuss the issues like that.
Hi Kimi
>I wonder if what will happen in the future would be more serious than this situation. The more I think about it, the more I am confused.
I really know what you mean!
The important thing to remember is that Japanese economy is going down rapidly,whilst Chinese economy is going up in some years so Chinese govornment doesn’t think it’s necessary to depend on Japan as much as they did.That’s why balanced situation of issue of Islands was broken.I’m very worried there will be another serious matter although the issue of Islands has still not solved.
Have a nice day everyone!
Hi rinko,
> whilst Chinese economy is going up in some years so Chinese govornment doesn’t think it’s necessary to depend on Japan as much as they did
That was true until some years ago.
This is another topic, but lots of analysts and investors are talking that China’s economy is shrinking these days, and apparently their period of rapid economic growth is ending or has already ended.
Hi David,
Thanks for improving the system. The results are quite interesting and also scary (for me!) and it’s like foretelling the real election results!
Hi Vick,
You’re right! Africa is surely a huge continent and also very difficult (almost impossible!) for me to define each country. Also, I’ve almost forgot I learned at school that most of the northern African countries have Arabic culture and heritage. It’s nice to hear these things from you and I guess I’m going to be more careful when I see someone from Africa. Thanks!
By the way, do you ride motor bikes, too? I was just wondering what kind of a friend you are to David.
Hi everyone,
For the problems with China, I kind of think like this. Those riots have more to do with Chinese people’s frustration towards their internal affairs like “income gap”, “unequal society” and “shrinking economy”. As Maki said, I also think there is a connection between those bad conditions and the rise of the right-wing parties ( or shall I say left-wing for this case?). Thus, the Chinese government tries various ways to shift the people’s frustration outwards, and I guess the 海島保護法was one of them, too.
I know that Japan should not provoke China, but I think that, at least once, Japan needed to claim that those islands are ours. I understand that we have to stay calm and see how other countries will say about China, but who would really worry about other people’s territorial problems? Japan IS the party in charge, and who else would do that?
I hope you don’t get me wrong. I will never vote for Ishihara.
Hi Biwa,
If you check the entries of Jan 15 and 17, 2007 on David’s blog of ALC’s website, you can see his face. FYI
bye for now
Hi David,
Thanks for your prompt action taken on my request 🙂
I am happy with that.
Hi YU, rinko and everyone,
It is true that as YU mentioned China’s economy is shrinking, but it doesn’t mean that China could not be a threat to Japan. Many countries keep depending on China’s economy and would feel threatened by strengthening of military power. No wonder we are worried if it is okay for Japan to keep on taking wait-and-see strategy.
Hi Biwa,
> but I think that, at least once, Japan needed to claim that those islands are ours
Actually, I think Japan has claimed it many times.
PM Noda stated clearly why the Senkaku belong to Japan by explaninig historical backgrounds in his speech towards us right after Japan nationalized the Senkakus. Japan had a heated argument with China over the Senkaku issue at the UN General Assembly in September, too, and PM Noda has just claimed it again at the ASEAN Assembly the day before yesterday.
So, I don’t think Japan just does wait and see, at least.
> but who would really worry about other people’s territorial problems? Japan IS the party in charge, and who else would do that?
I agree with you.
So, may I ask you what Japan should do next? Except military conflicts?
I have no idea.
> in his speech towards us
…..towards us and the world…
Hi YU,
>So, I don’t think Japan just does wait and see, at least.
That’s right. Apart from whether nationalization is correct or not, it might lead Japan to change its attitude. We need to turn our attention to the moves.
Hi YU,
Maybe I should have said “show” than “claim”.
I meant to say the nationalization of the Senkaku Islands was something that Japan needed to do because no other country would do that for us. That means I don’t blame Japan for nationalizing those islands. I hope this makes it clearer.
Hi amo,
Thanks! I found Vick with a big smile!
By the way, I tried to listen to those interviews, but the audio file doesn’t seem to work. Does it have a time limit, David?
Hi David and everyone,
Discussion about politically correct words is interesting.
Hi Vick, Thank you for sharing your thought.
Hi kattie, Thank you for letting us the site referring to the politically correct words.
>I suppose it’s more to do with your state of mind than anything.—Yes! I agree with you.
Can I share my thought about this issue?
People have become conscious of the use of the words and have chosen more political correct words, but it is also true that the way of using has been changing.
When you refer to “老人”, “old people” is thought to be a bit rude, and I think “older people”,”elderly people” or “senior citizen” are more commonly used.
I asked two people about how you should say “白人&黒人” in a non offensive way. One person from France said, “I would say,’African American and a Caucasian’.” The other person from the U.S said, “White and black.” He also said, “Saying ‘black’ isn’t discriminatory, but you should avoid the words ‘yellow’,’red’ and ‘brown’ when you refer to the race. It’s quite offensive. As for the Caucasian, it is used only to a formal case like filling in a National Census.”
I think it is important to know the information and care about these issues, but whether a person take offensive or not depends on the person and the situation. When your words that have racial implications, that is the problem, and you need to read the air.
The important thing is the thoughts in each person’s mind that exclude people or things which are different. This is not only about race.
By the way, I might be off the track, but have you ever heard of a book called “Black like me”? It’s a real story and was published long time ago; the story about a man in America who made his skin darker to see how he would be treated.
Hi Kimi,
I’ve already talked about my thought about Mr.Ishihara on the blog(Problems with China Sep.18/21st), so I’m not going to say, but as far as the thought(or idea) about Mr. Ishihara , I think we are on the same page.
Bye for now,
Hi Anne,
Thank you for sharing your thought about Mr.Ishihara. I also think we are on the same page. ‘on the same page” is new to me. Thank you! And, the book you introduced sounds very interesting. I will try to read it after I finish reading ‘Tuesdays With Morrie’. I just started to read it, though. Is ‘Black like me’ easy to read or difficult?
Hi YU,
>So, may I ask you what Japan should do next? Except military conflicts?
I cannot think of better ideas than these:
1. Get those noisy right-wingers to shut up.
2. Never let them become our leaders.
3. Revise our history textbooks and the ways of teaching.
4. Show China that we are NOT teaching false history to our younger generation.
5. Realize these things sooner as possible and present it so they can actually see.
Hi Biwa,
Thank you for sharing your ideas, I didn’t expect that you would answer it.
I don’t think China’s reckless actions toward Japan would stop unless they revise the extreme anti-Japanese education for children. I heard that the anti-Japanese feeling is higher among younger generations(under 30) than the one in older generations in China, and it is because China has strengthened it last 20 years or so.
As for the Senkaku issues, Japan has already increased the security(最新の巡視船投入などで) around the Senkakus, but some politicians urge the necessity of arms expansion.
By the way, Mr. Ishihara is the one who has been advocating Japan’s nuclear armament for a long time. I don’t think he would show it before the election, though….
I’ve gotta go.
Have a nice day!
Hi YU,
Yes, I understand. However, I guess everything between us goes back and forth like playing catch. If we throw a nasty ball, they just throw a nasty ball back. It’s not easy to always throw good balls for both, but I think we should try. If it doesn’t go well, we’ll just try other ideas. Perhaps I’m quite an easygoing preson. lol!
Hi Kimi,
Actually, I didn’t read it in English but read it in Japanese, so I’m not sure it’s difficult or not.
I had a look at the content at the “なかみ検索”, and I guess writing style sounds simple.