Ways of Making the Blog More Accessible
Sorry for the late entry this week. There is a big conference in Hamamatsu this weekend, and I’m rushing to prepare for that. Also, my new university classes started last week, so I have a lot of preparation to do for those as well.
This week, I want to pick up on the point that YU made last week about the blog being more difficult than it used to be. First of all, let me say how grateful I am to all of the regular commenters on this blog. If you didn’t write comments, I’m sure nobody would read it at all. The figures vary from week to week, but each topic entry usually gets around 1,000 views, and each feedback entry around 500. That is the number of visits, though, so it doesn’t mean that 1,500 people are reading the blog. Anyway, a lot of people read this blog, and I’m sure that is because of the interesting comments, so thank you to all the regulars.
Of course, I’m sure there are a lot of people who are quite happy to read the blog without ever wanting to write comments. I read the Japan Today site every day, and I love reading the comments, but I would never want to write one myself. Having said that, there may be other readers of this blog who would like to comment, but who find it too difficult or scary. So what can we do to change that? I’m going to write about some of my ideas, and I hope you will give me some feedback and suggestions.
The first idea I have is for me to make my entries shorter and choose easier topics. Ideally, I would like to have them all translated into Japanese as well, but that would cost a lot of money. Unfortunately, I don’t have time to do it myself. If there are any volunteers, please let me know!
The second thing I wonder about is whether it is better to have long or short comments. When I read Japan Today, I always skip any comment that is too long to fit on the screen of my iPhone. I just can’t be bothered reading them. What do you think? Would it be a good idea to try keeping all comments very short for one or two weeks to see if it made any difference?
The third thing is the use of Japanese in comments. Would it be better if everyone who wrote a comment also wrote one or two lines in Japanese to summarise their point? Or maybe we should even do the discussions completely in Japanese some weeks?
The fourth thing is the question of staying on topic. I always tell people to feel free to discuss other topics, but do you think that might put other readers off? Some people have told me that they can’t write a comment because it seems like everyone else already knows each other, so it is difficult to join in. On the other hand, other people have told me that they enjoy the off-topic discussions.
Anyway, that is our topic for this week. If there are any readers who would like to write comments but feel too nervous, please feel free to write in Japanese and give us some suggestions about how we can make the blog more accessible.
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Hi David and everyone,
– 賛成です。
– 短いコメント賛成です。
– 日本語の要約をつけるの、いいと思います。
– 私も最初疎外感を感じましたがずっと続けて参加しているうちに感じなくなりました。
Hi everyone,
YU, thank you for putting David’s entry into Japanese!
I guess most of the people visit this blog via alc. When I did so, I got especially interested in this one because the other sites were for only reading. What makes this blog more oustanding or unique than others is that you can try to write something in English and someone will (probably!) read it. So, I don’t think suggestion 3) is a very good idea, although I like the other ones because I think writing your ideas briefly might be another good practice.
色々な方法を試すのは賛成です♪♪♪ でも日本語オンリーにしてしまうと、このブログの一番良いところを無くしてしまうようで、ちょっと残念です。(>_<)
つたない文章で申し訳ありません。英語と思考力をこのブログを通じて習得したいと考えているお気楽主婦です。次回からは、頑張って英語で書きたいと思います。よろしくお願いいたします。Submit Comment ボタンをなかなか押せません(>_<)
Hi David and everyone.
Hi Kimi.
Nice to have you with us!
See you everyone!
Hi Kimi,
『About this blog』を読んだことはありますか?
Blog – Blog for Learners – About this blog で出てきます。
あっ、ちなみに『About this blog』を読んでもらうと分かりますが日本語オンリーのコメントも大歓迎、と書いてあります。私も日本語で書いたこと結構あります。しんどい時とか(笑)。
なのでぜひぜひ今回のようにこれからも日本語でも英語でもSubmit Commentボタン押してください!
Thank you for the warm welcome.
I read only the first 100 entries, so I feel recent entries are quite difficult. That’s why I have been away from here for some time.
However, I want to join you to improve myself. If I have something not to understand, I will ask you without hesitation.
My English is poor, but I will do my best.
Thank you for reading.
Hi David and everyone,
Hi Kimi,
Nice to have you with us!
私も今年の初めぐらいから、毎週のトピックが難しくなったと感じていました。 Davidの関心の方向が変わったのかしら、と。 2006年の11月にそれまでの日本語のエントリーから英語に変わって,皆さんのそのことについてのディスカッションがありましたね。 私は、その半年後ぐらいに参加したので、すでに英語に定着していました。
確かに長いとそれだけで読む気が失せてしまうかもしれません。内容については、どの部分に関心を持っているのか、それぞれの人によって異なると思います。少し前の尖閣諸島のようなトピックが続くのは少々しんどいですね。 でも、こうした問題について考える良い機会でもあると思います。
*日本語のみのディスカッションというのには抵抗があります。 ここを訪れる人は、みな英語の力を上達させたいと考えていると思いますし、少しでも(短くても)「間違いを恐れずに書こう。」というのがDavidが提唱してきたことでは? DavidのFeedbackをいただくのもすごく勉強になるし楽しみです。
ただし、1か月か1か月半に1回ぐらい週の初め、もしくはFeedbackの時期に日本語で「今月のDavidのエントリーで、この分が引っ掛かった。」とか、「。。。この文は難しくて分かりにくかった。」、「これを覚えたいと思った。」など各自日本語で短いコメントで出し合う、というのは参加しやすいかな、とふっと思いました。 その文章について話し合えば(orコメントすれば)読んでいて「あれ?これ難しい。」と感じた人も、コメントしやすいかしら、とふっと思いました。(単なる思い付きですが。)これは、すでに行われているかもしれませんが、私もそうですが、なかなかコメントして加わるのが難しい人もいると思います。
1段目、1行目~2行目”I’m rushing to preparefor that.” の”rush to”の表現を使えるようになりたいと思いました。
これは、なかなか判断が難しいです。 私も読むだけの期間が長かったのですが、メンバーのみなさんのやり取りを楽しんで読んでいましたが、「少々参加しにくい」「私とは年代も違うし。。。」とあれこれ考えていました。参加してからいまだに試行錯誤です。
Hi David and everyone,
I’m gonna write my honest opinion. I like the blog as it is now. First of all、it’s not some kind of club or circle which people have to pay to join in ,so if they feel it’s too difficult and inaccessible they should look for other one. And David does this blog without getting any money, so he should pick whenever and whatever topics he wants to discuss.
If David changed it to the one with lots of Japanese or chose easier topics for people who are beginner level, it wouldn’t be interesting or there would not be much too learn. I sometimes feel the topics are difficult, but David choose easier ones and difficults ones in turns. When the topic are too difficult, we can skip that topic.
For me this blog is 1)Great learning tool of English. 2)learn other cultures and Western perspectives. 3)David gave us chances to think about various matters which I was indifferent to them until then. 4) Through this blog I can practice discussion which I hadn’t had chance to do that during school days.
I like the blog of current style. This blog is a big part of my life so I don’t want it will be changed its style. If this blog was changed to much easier level one, I might not join here any more.
Besides, there are few people who read only English like Kattie and David’s family and his friends.
またわずかですが、Kattie, David’s family and friendsなど英語だけを読むメンバーもいます。日本語のブログになったら、Kattieたちは参加してくれないのでは?
PS Anneのコメントを読んで思いました。
Hi Kim,
Nice to have you with us!
Hi everyone,
Kimi, nice to have you with us!
I’m quite a newcomer here, too. I guess I was too bold to start writing comments about the “Senkaku Problems”! LOL! Please forgive me, everyone!
It might be a bit noisy for a new person like me to say things, but please let me put this up.
Why don’t we just try things for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Ask David to make the entries a bit shorter and easier (more casual) and make our comments briefer.
If more commenters join us, that should be nice. If nothing changes, let’s do it as it is now.
At the same time, for people who want to try more challenging English or just have more time to spend, I think you can post comments on the “teacher’s blog”. (I hope you don’t mind, David!) YU and I posted some last week and I think the topics are quite interesting even if you are not a teacher at all.
I think it is quite difficult to manage the “level” in these places because unlike a school, people with various levels are trying to join in the conversation all through the year.
If we had both types of places to comment, such as a “more casual” and a “more challenging”, it might help those people that are just being too humble to comment. So again, for the meanwhile, I guess we can use the “learners blog” and the “teacher’s blog” like that.
Hi Kimi,
Nice to have you with us. You were exactly the kind of person I was thinking about, so that was nice timing 🙂
Hi Biwa,
If possible, I want to keep the teacher’s blog just for teachers. If there are too many comments on it that are from non-teachers, that may put other people off. Also, the topics on there are usually ones that are only of interest to teachers.
Hi David,
Okay, sorry for that.
Well then, we’ll just have to look for other ideas.
No problem. Thanks for the suggestion.
But you are a teacher, aren’t you?
Hi everyone,
1. とりあえずDavidの提案どおりエントリーを短くし、コメントも短くして2、3週間様子をみてはどうか?
2. もしそれで今よりもっとブログ閲覧者が増え、新規にコメントする人も増えればそのやり方に変え、あまり効果がなければ現状のブログのスタイルを維持する。
3. そのトライアル期間物足りなく感じるメンバーはTeacher’s blogに参加する。
1.- 前にも書きましたが試しにやってみるのはいいと思います。
2. – 反応が良ければもっと初心者フレンドリーなものに変える、あまり効果がなければ現状のままにする、という単純な決定方法には私は反対です。理由は読んでいるだけでなかなかコメントを投稿できない読者がいる一方、Fumieのように現状のブログを楽しんでいるレギュラーメンバーや読者も沢山いると思うからです。
1. 軽めの話題の割合を増やす
2. エントリーの冒頭部分に毎回『日本語でもいいから是非コメントしてくださいね』というコメントを入れる。
Hi David,
Yes, that’s what I intend to be! (*^o^*)//
I teach about 50 children(1st graders to 6th graders) at my house on weekdays.
At first, I took a look into the teacher’s blog, which I thought very interesting, but there were so few comments. I felt I could learn more useful expressions in the learners blog because it was more lively.
Hi YU and everyone,
可能ならば、2種類のレベルのブログがあるといいなと思ったので、先のようなアイディアを出したのですが、Davidの希望でそれは難しいことが分かりました。でも本当は、learner’s blogが2種類あるのが理想的ですが・・・。
I know you will become busier but I wish if there were both types. I think it’s really up to you, David.
Hi David,
Thank you for welcoming. I’m very glad to take my first step.
Let me introduce myself briefly.
I love to take a trip abroad, but what I acquired from such experiences was weird confidence that I can travel around the world without understanding English. However, I mended my ways and decided to learn English two years ago. As I am gradually learning English, I have realized something. It is that no matter how much I may learn, it is meaningless if I have nothing to talk about. I am not good at not only English but also thinking deeply about something and expressing my opinion. This site is quite difficult for me, but it satisfy my demand. I have no idea which direction this blog will proceed to from now, but I will try to join as much as possible.
Thank you for reading.
Hi Biwa,
> 現状がいい、という意見を切り捨てるのではなく、両方が出来るだけ満足できるようなアイディアの一つとして書いただけです。
> learner’s blogが2種類あるのが理想的ですが・・・。
Hi ブログ読者のみなさん、
これは前ブログに書いたことがあるのですが入会のレベルチェックテストで『How far can you swim? (どれくらい泳げるの?)』とネイティブ教師に聞かれ、『Yes, I can.』と答えるほどダメだったのでそのまま一番下のレベルへ。。。
それからかれこれ20年、細々と英語の勉強を続けてきました。私はいわゆるquick learnerではありません。
Hi Kimi,
I’m so sorry. I made a mistake. I wrote your name Kim. You said your English is poor, but I don’t think so. I learned some new expressions from your comment.
Hi David,
About this week’s topic, here are my thoughts.
1) I don’t think that you intent to choose difficult topics for us but just pick timely ones. Of course I have to admit that it takes time to read your entry sometimes, but as I said, you choose timely topics so I usually already know about the topics. As for translated into Japanese, I don’t think it’s necessary. But you might want to put Japanese sentence like “If you don’t understand some parts, don’t hesitate to ask for help.” at your entry ever time.
>I’m sure that is because of the interesting comments, so thank you to all the regulars.
If you say so, the people who read this blog are understand what we are talking, don’t they? So I was wondering if they really need translations or not…
2) As for me, I always enjoy reading every comment, if I don’t have time to read I just skip and read them later.
3)I don’t think that it’s a good idea because at least we come here for improve English. So I’d like to everyone to try to write in English. Even one or two sentences.
4) I don’t think we should stay on topic.
Actually, I am really satisfied with current system. You know I have been reading your blog since it started in 2006. I didn’t comment here so often at the beginning. I can’t remember when it was, but I started posting regularly since you wrote your entries all in English. What I like most about this blog is your feedback. My foreign friends don’t correct my English at all. Here is only place to have my English corrected. So I would appreciate if you keep doing this 🙂
Hi Kimi,
Nice to have you with us 🙂
>it is meaningless if I have nothing to talk about. I am not good at not only English but also thinking deeply about something and expressing my opinion.
I totally agree with you and I believe that here is the best place to learn how to express your thoughts.
Bye for now.
Hi Fumie,
No problem. Thank you for your kind. I have no confidence in my English and it takes much time to write comment. Especially, my speaking skills are bad. However, I believe my English will be getting better through this blog.
Thank you, David, YU, Biwa, rinko, Anne, and Fumie!
Hi, amo,
Thank you for the warm words.
Hi David and everyone,
Hi Kimi,
Nice to have you with us!
Hi Kimi,
Welcome to the blog! It’s great to have you with us.
私も英語のコメントを書き始めたころは、自分の英語をネットに公開するなんて…! とか、失礼なことを書いちゃったらどうしよう!とばかり思ってましたよ。 だから心配しなくても大丈夫です 🙂
Hi David and everyone,
前にも少し書きましたが、私が参加したころはエントリーもコメントも日本語だったので、英語力が全然なかった私でも参加することができました。 参加してから数か月後に David がブログのスタイルを英語主体に変えると言ったときは、「え~!! そんな…! もう書けないかも…」と思いました。 でもDavidの「間違いだらけでもだいたい通じるよ!」という言葉に励まされて、頑張ってみることにしました。 初めのうちは読めないし、書けないしで何時間もかかりましたが、英語と日本語を混ぜながら続けていたら、いつの間にか読める量も書けることも増え、今があります。(まだまだ発展途上ですが。。)
私自身、このブログで成長させてもらったので、昔の自分のように英語に自信がない人にもどんどん参加してもらいたい、という気持ちでいます。 でも昔の自分だったら、英語だらけのブログを見た時点で閉じるでしょうね(笑) 今のレベルのブログだったら参加してない(できなかった)と思います。 私は自分のレベルとちょうどいい頃に参加できて本当にラッキーでした。 間違いだらけでも続けてきて良かったなぁ・・・と思っています。
私は今のままでもいいかな、と思います。 全部のレベルに合わせるのはやっぱり無理ですから、英語に関すること、日常的なこと、ちょっと難しい話題などなど、今まで通り色々なトピックを取り上げる感じで。 このブログに集まる目的も人それぞれだと思うので、毎回コメントを書く人もいれば、興味のあるトピックだけ参加する人もいて、それでいいんじゃないかな~と思います。 ただ、本当に英語を上達したい人は、毎回少しでも参加することをおすすめしたいです。 アルクのブログの説明に『本当の英語ユーザーになりたい人は、勇気を出してコメントに挑戦しましょう。』とDavidが言っていますが、それは本当だったな~と実感しているからです。
私は書き出すとついつい長くなってしまうので気をつけます。 ほら、もうすでに長い(笑)
そうですね、これも自由意志でいいんじゃないでしょうか。 前に英日のコメントを書いていたこともありますが、意外と時間がかかって続かなかったので。。。 書くスタイルを決めてしまうときゅうくつに感じてしまうこともあるので、その人のペースでいいんじゃなかと思います。
あと、他の皆さんも言ってますが、ブログの始まりにDavidからの日本語のメッセージがあると、入りやすいかもしれないですね。 実は英語主体に変わってから何度かそういうこともありました。 最初のパラグラフが全部日本語だったり。 効果は?? うーん、続けてみないと分からないですね。 ブログのお引越しをしてからは特に内容が難しくなっていたので、英語をあまり読めない読者がどれくらいいるのか…。
これは賛否両論でしょうね。 昔はトピックについてコメントするのが最初の宿題で、その後のおしゃべりはお楽しみ、みたいな雰囲気もありましたが、それを読んでおもしろいと感じる人、入りづらいと感じる人、両方いるのかなと思います。 自分のコメント書くのに精一杯という人もいるでしょうし、全部のコメントを読む時間がない、読めないという人もいるでしょうし。 私もそういう時があったので、やっぱりそれはそれぞれのペースでいいのかなと思います。
Good night,
Hi David and everyone,
Here’s English version of my comment, so you can skip it.
Since sometime early in the new year, I’ve had the feeling that topics David has been choosing become difficult than it used to be, I thought,” David’s concerns has been changing.” In November 2006, the style of this blog changed from Japanese to English, and there were discussions about it. I joined here six months later, so when I joined, the style of the blog was same as now and each entry was written in English.
>Suggestion 1. Make your entries shorter and choose easier topics:
Surely, it might be discouraging for some people to read through the long entry. Concerning topics, I’M not sure which one each person is interested in. Is different for different people. It’s tough to tackle politics and difficult issues like Senkaku islands that we discussed last time a lot. Having said that, someone might say, “That’s the reason why I visit here even though I don’t leave comments.”
>Suggestion 2. About whether it is better to have a long or short comments:
When you think about some topics and try to leave comments, they could be long. If our(your) need to be short, I think it’s another kind of challenge and is good to make that way.
>Suggestion 3. About the use of Japanese in comments:
*It’s a good idea for members to summarize their points in Japanese after writing them in English.
*I can’t agree with the idea that we should do discussions only in Japanese some weeks. I think everyone who visits this blog is hoping to improve his or her English, and I guess “Keep writing something in English even a short sentence, and that’s the important thing to improve your English.” is what you have recommended.
One idea came up to mind concerning the use of Japanese.
Once a month or something, each member choose one sentence that he or she thinks is difficult to understand, needs explanation or is new to him or her. And then, he or she shares this and writes some short comment in Japanese.
>Suggestion 4. About whether the comments should stay on topics or not:
Hmmm… it’s difficult to decide. It took me a while to jump into the blog and leave the first comment. Before joining here, I was enjoying reading each member’s free discussion, but at the same time, I thought to myself, “This blog feels a but exclusive. I’m too old to join here…” Even now I’ve been thinking how I should be involved in here. Each person has different way of thinking, and the situation differs depending on each one.
Hi Kimi,
>I have no confidence in my English and it takes much time to write comment— I did and I can’t be confident. That’s the reason why I’ve been participating in here, but it doesn’t much more time to write comment than it used to be. Not comparing with others, but comparing with myself two years ago, or five years ago, I’m happy about that.
it’s me again.
“it doesn’t much more time to write comment ” shold be “it doesn’t take much time to write comment.”
Hi Yukako, Tomo, Anne, and other regular members,
Good night!
It’s fine today and the sky is blue!
>David has been choosing become difficult ーーーーDavid has been choosing became difficult
>Is different for different people.—It is different for different people.
See you soon,
Hi everyone,
I just remebered that when I tried commenting for the first time, I didn’t know what “CAPTCHA code” was.
I just tried to submit my comment without it, and when I returned to the original page to try it again, I found everything I had written was gone!
After all, I googled the word and knew it was the crooked 4 letters and numbers shown above.
I’m not sure, but maybe some people CAN’T comment just because they don’t know it.
So it might be a good idea to write about it somewhere everyone could see.
Hi Yukako,
Thank you for the warm welcome.
I’m still a little worried if I could follow the topic, but I will try. I’m counting on you.
Hi Tomo,
I read almost all of your comments at the beginning. Especially, I was excited to read the ones that said you went to Seto to attend Charity English Day. I don’t read entries and comments from the middle, though. (途中からエントリーもコメントも読んでいないのですが)
Hi Anne,
I want to follow you. (あなたに続きたい) When I look back on what I am someday, I hope I feel my English is much better.(いつか今の私を振り返ったとき、英語がかなり上達したと思えるといいな) Thank you.
Hi YU,
Let me say, “Thank you!”
You might a bit regret that your comment aroused this controversy. However, because of that, I was able to jump in with a comment. Remember that I appreciate your comment.
Hi David,
Thank you for providing such a nice opportunity for English learners.
自信がない箇所は( )で日本語併記しています。
Hi again,
I happened to remember one more thing while vacuuming the floor! LOL!
There is a kind of time expiration when submitting a comment, isn’t there?
When I wrote a super difficult comment about the “Senkaku Problems”, it took about 15 minutes or so because I had to look into the dictionaries many times. Then, when I tried to submit it, I didn’t forget the CAPTCHA code this time!, it was all rejected and the whole comment was all gone again!
This was surely discouraging for me. After that, whenever I think I had spent too much time on writing, I make sure that I copy it and paste it after I update the site.
I know I’m really bad at using computers, but I guess these little tips might help the newcomers to submit comments.
Hi Kimi,
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
I’m glad that a person like you joined this blog.
Posting your first commnet might take a lot of energy and courage, but I believe that is certainly one of the effective ways to improve your English.
So, now I simply hope read-only blog members will follow you!!
I’ve got to go.
See you!
I see no point in translating English to Japanese.
This is a blog for English learners and everything should be in English.
Also off the topic chatting-type of comments should be avoided since they are totally unnecessary.
I strongly believe that this forum should allow a freedom of speech.
I once experienced a bullying from one of those regular members of the blog because of very critical comments I made about Japan regarding the topic. Though I remember David defended me.
Japanese tend to hate those who make critical comments about their own country but this in a way shows the latest trend among Japanese, who are tilted to the right. These right-wingers start personally attacking people who make critical comments about Japan.
This repels those who would really like to express their opinions. Then, this blog ends up to be a place only for regular members, a closed circle of the like-minded people.
If no antithesis is presented, that means death, no development of thinking.
Hi YU,
Sorry, I forgot to answer your question last night.
>Do you work for a children’s clinic?
Yes, I work for a children’s clinic, but the doctor takes care of internal diseases and allergies as well, so adults also can come to see the doctor. Actually, the doctor is taking care of most of the patients’ family members. He looks very nice and kind, and so do my colleagues, so I don’t need to worry about the relationships with them. I also like the building itself because it’s lovely. The doctor seems to like Disney characters, and we have Pooh’s room, Chip&Dale’s room, Mickey Mouse’s room, and some other ones including a play room for babies and small children. You can make an appointment(受付)and check how many people waiting to see the doctor on your computer or cell phone, so you don’t have to wait at the waiting room for a long time. It’s a nice system, isn’t it?
Actually, I thought we were going to talk about the English education in Japan this week because David said, “Thanks for bringing this subject up” after your comment to Biwa. I got him wrong, but I was glad to know that David has been thinking about the blog being a bit too difficult for beginners to join in.
No, I don’t welcome those difficult topics. LOL I would never want to write a comment on those topics if it was not here.
Anyway, you gave us a good chance to think about the blog, so thanks for bringing up this topic!
Hi Kimi,
Thanks for reading my old comments. It’s a bit embarrassing, but I’m glad you enjoyed them 🙂 I’m looking forward to reading your comments!
Hi David and everyone,
I also think it’s a good idea to put an explanation about how to make a comment, especially the first one. You explained about it on ALC before, but there may be a lot of people who missed it. Maybe we should put it in “About this blog”? What do you think?
皆さんから、いろいろな意見が出ましたね。 じゃあ、私からは・・・
月に1度くらい、日本語質問デーみたいな日があっても面白いかな~と思います。 よく分からないことをよく分からない英語で質問するのは大変ですから、日本語で気軽に聞ける日があると、英語に自信がない人も気軽に参加できるかな~なんて思いました。 これはDavidに時間があるときじゃないと無理ですが。。
Have a good day!