A Load of Rubbish
[wpaudio url=”https://www.btbpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/A-Load-of-Rubbish.mp3″ text=”Click to listen”]
As I’m sure you all know, throwing out rubbish in Japan can be a very complicated business. For me, this is always one of the most difficult things to figure out when I move to a new place, and this year was no exception.
When I first came to Japan, throwing out rubbish was quite simple. Even big things like sofas and TVs could just be put out by the roadside on the appropriate day. Actually, this led to a lot of recycling, because people used to drive around on those days and pick up stuff that other people had thrown out. My friend used to do this in a “kei van,” which he used to call “the gomi van” for that very reason.
Nowadays, throwing out “sodai gomi” is much more complicated, and in most places you have to pay to do it. I understand the idea behind this, but I don’t think the people in charge really thought it through. If you make it too difficult or expensive for people to throw things away properly, some of them will just take their rubbish to the countryside and dump it there. When I lived in Seto, I used to live near a mountain where people were always throwing away old TVs, fridges, and microwaves. At the end of the day, the city council had to send someone to pick them up anyway.
In April this year, I moved from Seto to Ono-cho in Gifu. Seto used to have a recycling centre where you could take recyclable rubbish like cans, PET bottles, and cardboard anytime you wanted. Of course, it was free. In Ono-cho, the rubbish collection system is not so convenient. Plastic is only collected once every two weeks, so if you miss the day, you end up with a month’s worth of plastic stored in your house.
I went to the town office the other day to ask about cardboard boxes. They told me that there is a paper collection, but it only happens twice a month, it’s on a Saturday, and the collection point is a long way from my house. I am often away at weekends because of conferences, so this is very inconvenient for me. I asked if there was anywhere I could take it on another day, but there isn’t. I also asked if I could throw boxes away as burnable rubbish, and the guy said “Yes, but we would prefer that you recycle them.” I wanted to scream at him, “Well stop making it so difficult, then!!”
I don’t understand why they cannot just set up a recycling centre at the town hall where people can bring stuff at their own convenience. I suppose you could say it might be difficult for old people or people who don’t have cars, but the recycling station for boxes is a five-minute drive from my house anyway, so that doesn’t make any sense.
Anyway, I was wondering what you all think about the rubbish collection system in your area. Is it likely to encourage people to dispose of rubbish properly, or is it so complicated that people give up and stop recycling?
Look forward to hearing your stories.
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Hi David and everyone,
In my area burnable rubbish is collected twice a week, plastic is once a week, and paper collection is twice a month.
What bothers us the most is ごみ当番. Anyone who is a member of the 町内会 has to do the job on a rotating basis. Actually, I have never done it yet, but my husband always does.
Apparently, there are lots of people who don’t know how to separate rubbish for recycling. Some of them might be just lazy to do it, but some might find the rubbish collection rules too complicated and give up and stop recycling, as David says.
To be honest, I’m not really for recycling anything and everything, I suppose you could say I’m a bad person, though… In my opinion, recycling costs money and energy a lot.
Apart from that, for example, SEIYU near my house started to charge us for the plastic bag since last month “for protecting environment”.
However, I don’t think it makes sense at all, because people just will need to buy plastic garbage bags on the market instead.
That means, we anyway use plastic bags to dispose rubbish in both cases. So, I’ve been wondering since long what the merits of being charged plastic bags at the supermarket are… Does anyone have any ideas? I guess supermarkets have some benefits from that, though…
Anyway, I’m not saying that we don’t need to recycle anything at all, but I think we’d better start thinking about which ones are really environment-friendly and cost effective, and which ones are not.
Hi David,
Sorry,this comment has to be posted in the previous entry, but I was too late. Thanks for your explanation. John Wayne was a good example for me to understand. I think I got it. I’ll put some Japanese here for those who might not be sure about the rule. (or was it only me that didn’t understand?)
「住んだことがある」または「住んでいました」の訳として以下の3通りが考えられる。但し、used toについては具体的な「期間」を表す語と一緒に用いることは出来ない。
My friend has lived in various countries.
My friend used to live in various countries.
My friend lived in various countries when she was young.
Hope I’m right this time.
Hi everyone,
In my place, burnables are collected twice a week, and all the others like plastic, PET bottles, glass bottles and cans, paper(newspaper/magazines/cardboard) are collected once every week. Except one day for the burnables, they’re all collected on weekdays, so I don’t feel so much inconvenience so far.
However, I hate seeing those rubbish piles covered with green nets to avoid crows. It seems like some of the very modern apartments have a place/huge bin to store those rubbish, so I guess the residents can dispose them anytime at their convenience, and it’s also nice because you don’t have to see those ugly piles.
For those who want to dipose recyclables but just can’t because of the collecting day like David, I wonder if the convenience stores can be one of those collecting spots. They all have a place to stock cardboard which contained the merchandise, and I guess the whole-salers’ trucks are collecting them more than once a week. Isn’t this a good idea?
Hi Biwa,
> It seems like some of the very modern apartments have a place/huge bin to store those rubbish, so I guess the residents can dispose them anytime at their convenience, and it’s also nice because you don’t have to see those ugly piles.
My brother bought a condo(very modern one) in Tokyo two years ago. He lives on the 22nd floor and it seems that every floor has such a place(a room with double doors) to store those rubbish and evey day or every other day someone comes to collect all kinds of rubbish. I wonder if they are sent from a private garbage collecting company… Anyway, as you say, my brother goes to the room to dispose garbage anytime he likes.
> I guess the whole-salers’ trucks are collecting them more than once a week. Isn’t this a good idea?
You mean, the wholesalers’ trucks should collect cardbord boxes disposed by the public(like David) for free?
If so, I don’t think they like to collect them for free because it will need labor costs, petrol expense and so on…
I don’t think convenience stores don’t like to store other people’s rubbish, it’s a bit dangerous and troublesome for them, however, they may do it if you pay.
> I don’t think convenience stores don’t like to store other people’s rubbish
I don’t think convenience stores like to…
Hi David and everyone,
In my area, situation is almost same as YU and Biwa.
As for recyclable rubbish, plastic containers and packages are collected once a week at each household, and others are collected once a week at collected stations.
Non burnable rubbish is collected once a month at each household.
One thing bothers me is some of the non burnable rubbish were changed into burnable ones a couple of years ago. This sorting is very complicated and irritating.
ひとつやっかいなのは,1,2年前に不燃ごみの一部が可燃ごみへと変更になったこと。 この区分けは、すごく込み入っていて、イラッときます。
>I don’t understand why they cannot just set up a recycling centre at the town hall where people can bring stuff at their own convenience. ーーーーI agree with you, but the government or each prefectural office hesitate setting up the center besides the present system because of the cost for setting up the place and labors.
Hi YU,
>I don’t think it makes sense at all, because people just will need to buy plastic garbage bags on the market instead.—-In Nagoya, it started several years ago.( I forgot the exact yea,thought…) I’m accusted to bringing my own bag when I go shopping. There’s no problem for me. I guess many of plastic bags are disposed just as rubish, so I think bringing each persons bag is a good idea. Having said that, this is mainly applied for grocery corner,right? At least,in Nagotya, it is.
名古屋では、これは数年前に始まりました。はっきりした年は忘れましたが。。。買い物に行くのに、myバックを持参するのには慣れていて、なんの問題もありません。 思うに、プラスティックバックの多くは、そのままゴミとして捨てられるのでは?なのでバック持参はいい考えだと思いますよ。 そうはいっても、これおもに食糧品売り場に適用されていますよね。少なくとも、名古屋ではそうです。
I’m going to be away from home for a while, so see you in two weeks.
David, thanks in advance for your feedback. I’d like to read it later.
>others are collected once a week at collected stations.—others are collected once a week at collection stations.
In Nagoya, there are places where you can take recyclable rubbish like cans, PET bottles; recycle center or some supermarkets.
>Even big things like sofas and TVs could just be put out by the roadside on the appropriate day—Concerning this, I heard an interesting story. A guy from a foreign country pick up TVs, fixed and sold them again to people from foreign countries. He earned quite a few money! Of course, it’s not the story after the recycling system has started. It’s really a spirit of recycling,isn’t it?
By the way, I’m going on a Turkey tour with my husband. We are flying to Beijing tonight, we’ll wait an hour and a half there and then head for Abu DHabi. After arriving there, we transfer to a domestic airline for Istanbul. It’ll be a long flight.
Hi Anne,
Wow! A trip to Turkey? Lucky you and have a pleasant trip!
Hi YU,
>however, they may do it if you pay.
I guess, that is the biggest point to be considered. I thought of this idea because our 子供会 collects those recyclables to make money for children’s events like 盆踊り大会and 餅つき大会. I used to do it when my children were in elementary school, and we took turns collecting and sorting them once a month. I’m not sure exactly how much money they made, but I thought that the convenience stores would like to do it as long as they already have a collecting system for their own.
As you say, if the quantity becomes too much, it will be likely to affect their current collecting system. However, if it costed to dipose, people would never bother to bring them all the way. Though, I still think that it would be a good way to improve the company’s image.
Hi Anne,
> I guess many of plastic bags are disposed just as rubish, so I think bringing each persons bag is a good idea. Having said that, this is mainly applied for grocery corner,right?
Yes, you’re right, but that’s what I exactly wanted to point out this time.
The point is the ”unnecessary” number of plastic bags that supermarkets offer us. I have to admit that a lot of people end up with disposing them as rubbish, as you say. I often wonder why they give us that many.
However, I think it would be more customer-friendly and eco-friendly if they just offered us the “appropriate” number of plastic bags for the amount of our shopping.
Eco(My) bags can be certainly eco-friiendly when you carry your purchases other than food, but I don’t think no one use Eco-bags to dispose kitchen garbage or burnable rubbish in this country after all, that is the point. Don’t you think so?
So, finally, we anyway need the same number of plastic (garbage) bags to dispose those kind of rubbish unless you have a garbage disposal at home.
By the way, I have a feeling that “garbage disposal” hasn’t been spreading very much.
Today a variety of plastic ゴミ袋 are still sold at drug stores, so I wonder what is the good of being charged plastic shopping bags at supermarkets and using Eco-bags except transporting groceries from the supermarket to your home.
By the way, are you going to Turkey with your husband? Lucky you!! I’m looking forward to hearing your interesting stories of your travel.
Have a safe journey!
Hi David,
> I don’t understand why they cannot just set up a recycling centre at the town hall where people can bring stuff at their own convenience.
Do you mean you don’t need the current collecting systems for recyclable staff at all? If you mean so, not everyone would bring them to the place properly if they were abolished, I think.
Setting up a recycling centre “at the town hall”? Why there? Because it is a “very public” place?
Anyway, I wonder why you just don’t tear your cardboard boxes to pieces and throw them away as burnable rubbish.
As the town office staff said, it isn’t a bad thing to do so at all, though they can’t be recycled any more… Too troublesome? Or do you have any thousands of cardboard boxes at home??
I don’t think everyone brings them to a place like that individually is very eco-friendly because most of them will need to use a car to transport them.
> but the recycling station for boxes is a five-minute drive from my house anyway, so that doesn’t make any sense.
For most people, the recycling station for boxes is closer than going to your town hall, I think you’re just unlucky. So, why don’t you complain to your city about that?
Hi YU,
I’m not suggesting that they abandon the current system, but I think they should also have a central place where people can take items for recycling at their own convenience. The town hall where I live has a lot of space around it, so it would be easy to do.
“Anyway, I wonder why you just don’t tear your cardboard boxes to pieces and throw them away as burnable rubbish.”
That’s what I’m going to do from now on. The point I was making is that if the city wants me to recycle, they should make it as easy as possible for me to do that.
“I don’t think everyone brings them to a place like that individually is very eco-friendly because most of them will need to use a car to transport them.”
Most people have to use cars to take their rubbish to the collecting stations anyway, because there are so few of them.
“For most people, the recycling station for boxes is closer than going to your town hall, I think you’re just unlucky. So, why don’t you complain to your city about that?”
I’m not sure about that. I think a lot of people live a long way from the collecting stations. When I take my regular rubbish and plastic to the nearest station, I see a lot of people coming in their cars.
Hi Biwa,
> As you say, if the quantity becomes too much, it will be likely to affect their current collecting system. However, if it costed to dipose, people would never bother to bring them all the way. Though, I still think that it would be a good way to improve the company’s image.
If covenience stores really took the task “for free”, I guess the current collecting systems by our community would be almost no use for anyone. I think for most of us it is much more convenient to bring those recyclables to convenience stores at our own convenience than bringing them to the recycle stations in the early morning on the determined days.
However, convenience stores always say ; “Don’t bring garbage from your house, we only accept the ones which are from our merchandises.”
I guess that means they don’t have no intention whatsoever of helping us “for free”(There are many other ways to be contributed to our society for convenience stores. For example, they could be 災害ステーション in time of disaster.)and still I think collecting recyclables is the task of local governments because we pay tax to keep the collecting systems and run garbage treatment facilities. I don’t think we need to pay double.
Hi YU,
Thanks for your idea. Is your recyclable collecting spot farther than the convenience store? I didn’t imagine that. I was just suggesting that if there were more choices to dispose those recyclables, we don’t have to waste the eco-conscious feelings of those who have it. The collecting spots don’t necessarily have to be located at town halls or conveniece stores at all, but I thought they can be considered as options. Those conscious people are saying that they will bear the burden of bringing in the recyclables as long as they accept them.
Also, I agree to what you said about those plastic bags, but the program to charge plastic bags is at least providing eco-conciousness to people. It might be a little thing, but I think we ought to think about reducing rubbish and recycling even if it costs a lot. If we don’t, we’ll just end up lacking landfills.
Sorry, I said “agree to” again! It should be “agree with”.
Hi David,
> I’m not suggesting that they abandon the current system, but I think they should also have a central place where people can take items for recycling at their own convenience.
I see. Seto has it, but Ono-cho doesn’t.
So, you can ask your town to set up a place like that. I wonder how they would react…
> Most people have to use cars to take their rubbish to the collecting stations anyway, because there are so few of them.
Is Ono-cho a small town?
I have a feeling that there are more numbers of collecting stations and more frequent collecting
days in bigger local governments.
I thought of another advice for you regarding building a house of your own. I didn’t care much about that, but many of my mother friends told me that they compared the garbage collecting systems when they chose where to live. I think finally things like that is also very important for your comfortable life.
Hi David,
Can I ask you a question?
Do you have different collecting spots for burnables and recyclables because you said the collecting spot was so far away. I can’t imagine driving a car to throw away burnables like vegetable skins etc!
Hi Biwa,
>Is your recyclable collecting spot farther than the convenience store? I didn’t imagine that.
Almost same disatnce, the spot is maybe 20 meters closer than nearest convenience store from my house.
> It might be a little thing, but I think we ought to think about reducing rubbish and recycling even if it costs a lot. If we don’t, we’ll just end up lacking landfills.
I can’t agree with the part “even if it costs a lot”, but I didn’t say I’m not aginst those ideas at all. I think it’s a good thing more people to become eco-conscious, too. However, don’t you think we should gradually realize that reducing unneccesary plastic packages for vegetable, meat or fish is more eco-friendly than using eco-bags to carry your groceries as for our grocery shopping? In Germany all those food is sold by measure. They are very eco-conscious, I think.
Hi Biwa,
The collecting spot for burnables and most recyclables is about 800m from my house. That would be a 1.6km round trip, so I usually take the car, as do the other people who live around me. Plastics are also collected at this point, but only for one hour between 7 and 8 every other Wednesday. If you miss this narrow window, you have to keep all the plastic in your house until the next one.
The spot for paper is, for some reason, completely different. I have never been there, but looking at it on the map, I would guess that it is probably at least 2km from my house – about the same as the town hall.
Ono-cho is indeed a small town, which is probably why things are so inconvenient, but the problem could be solved with just a bit of flexible thinking in town hall. Unfortunately, the phrases “flexible thinking” and “town hall” are rarely used in the same sentence. In my experience, these people are bureaucrats who have been trained to worship at the altar of 従来通り and avoid individual thinking and decision taking at any cost. (Apologies to any of you who work in a town or city hall, but I have always found these to be very inefficient and frustrating places.)
As for the question of money, on top of paying 町民税, we also have to pay 1,000 yen for each set of rubbish bags, so we are really paying for rubbish collection twice.
Hi YU,
Yes, I really think 量り売りis a very good system, but how do you bring back those meat and fish you bought? Do you bring containers? 昔は日本でもお鍋持ってお豆腐を買ったって言いますよね。(ところで私はそんな歳じゃないですよ。(^-^)b)
By the way, I do my shopping at Seiyu, too, and they provide meat in plastic bags instead of trays. I think it’s a very nice idea because they’re mostly sold in large packets and of course less expensive than buying in small trays. I freeze them if they’re too much for one meal.
Hi David,
Hmmmm… Sounds that things are very different from place to place. For me, I just have to go down to the first floor and put everything right in front of our apartment’s parking space. I’ve heard that rubbish bags are charged for eating and drinking places like restaurants and bars in Tokyo, but I didn’t know that ordinary residents in some towns have to double pay for throwing away rubbish. That’s very unfair! I wonder how people bear that system.
By the way, I like the phrase “if you miss the narrow window”. It sounds perfect to express your heartfelt scream.
Hi Biwa,
In Germany people weigh vegetables themselves by using the scale set on the table. The rates of the day for the each vegetables are installed into the scall in advance and all what you need are putting the vegetables on the scale and press the button of the vegetable you buy. The buttons usually have vegetable pictures so foreigners like me can easily know which button you should press. For the packages, very thin plastic bags are usually used(ペラペラのナイロン袋です). That’s why they have very little amount of plastic rubbish.
As for meat and fish, there are almost always staff to weigh them, even at the supermarkets(対面式です、ものすごく安いスーパーを除いて). I guess those people need to be qualified to weigh and sell meat or fish in Germany. Like vegetables, very thin plastic bags are used to pack meat and fish, too.
> By the way, I do my shopping at Seiyu, too, and they provide meat in plastic bags instead of trays.
I see, that’s a good movement.
The system hasn’t been introduced at SEIYU near my house…By the way, I seldom do my grocery shopping at SEIYU.
Plastic shopping bags at the supermarkets are not free in Germany, too. But the difference is theirs are much much more stronger so that they are duarable. They cost almost 100yen whilst Japanese ones cost only 2~5 yen in average. However, they prefer to buy and use the ones made of clothes.
> 昔は日本でもお鍋持ってお豆腐を買ったって言いますよね。(ところで私はそんな歳じゃないですよ。(^-^)b)
I know you are not that old!! 🙂
Sazae-san still brings a shopping bag made of straw and shops at 商店街. She orders rice, soy-sause or sake from individual shops like Mikawaya-san. And Sabu chan delivers them to her home. I wonder if she really lives in the 21st century…but, that’s very human and heart warming…
Hi YU,
Thanks for introducing the German system. I hope the Japanese supermarkets will take in the good system, too. I’d like to know how they throw away burnables in Germany. Actually, I’ve tried to do that in those thin plastic bags, but I finally put them in stronger bags because it was too scary to imagine the cats and crows tear up the bags and make a mess at the collecting spot. That’s one of the headaching problems why we can’t reduce plastic bags, isn’t it? And if we use containers/bins, that will cause another problem like “who’s going to keep them clean?”
Very tangled problem, I guess.
Hi Biwa,
There are big garbage containers with a lid(I think they are made of steel) in each residential areas. So, I always threw away burnables into them. I don’t know who cleans those spots, maybe the residents(?), but no one asked me to do that even once.
Hi David and Biwa,
> As for the question of money, on top of paying 町民税, we also have to pay 1,000 yen for each set of rubbish bags, so we are really paying for rubbish collection twice.
I have a friend living in Yamato-city in Kanagawa prefecture with her husband and two children.
She told me that they have to pay for the rubbish bags in Yamato-city, too, and they are very expensive compared to the ones sold on the market. They can’t dispose burnables or recyclables unless they use the plastic rubbish bags designated by the city. I guess that is one of the ways of the city to reudce rubbish. However, she also told me that lots of people in Yamato-city bring their home garbage to convenience stores, supermarkets and other places like neigbouring cities.
At the supermarkets in Yamato, everyone tries to unpack the packages of vegetables, meat, fish and other staff to reduce home garbage so the garbage boxes at the supermarkets are always full of those plastic rubbish. I wonder if we should call those phenomenon “eco-friendly”.
I found an interesting article.
I think too strict rules sometimes lure people to evil ways…
Hi Biwa,
I just happened to find a photo of the same type of scale to weigh fruits and vegetables used in Germany.
Here it is ;
The plastic bag on the photo is almost the same, too.
If any of you have read my article on the Blog for Teachers called “Ten things you should not say to people from other countries,” please have a look at a new comment I have posted there. It is a list written by a Japanese woman of “Nine things you shouldn’t say/do when you meet an Asian,” and it’s very funny.
Hi David,
Judging from your story, you seem to live in a bit inconvenient area 🙁 Anyway, here are my thoughts.
I live in a condo and there is a place we can dispose of rubbish anytime, so all we have to do is just sort out of our rubbish and put it there. Because of this, I don’t know when burnable and unburnable rubbish are collected in my area. About PET bottles, plastic trays and milk cartons, we used to take them back to the supermarket, but the rubbish collection system in my area changed several years ago and then luckily we can put those recyclable rubbish on the same place 🙂
>Apart from that, for example, SEIYU near my house started to charge us for the plastic bag since last month “for protecting environment”.
The said supermarket don’t charge you but they discount 2yen if you bring your own bag, so we usually take my own bag most of the time.
>There’s no problem for me. I guess many of plastic bags are disposed just as rubbish, so I think bringing each persons bag is a good idea.
I totally agree with you. If those plastic bags end up using as rubbish bags, that would be fine, but I don’t think so, the bags are disposed just as rubbish like you said. So charging plastic bags encourage people to use the bags wisely. At least, I believe nobody want to pay extra money for rubbish! さすがに有料化すれば今まで何も考えずにビニール袋をもらってすぐにゴミとして捨てていた人も、少しは環境のことを考えるようになるのでは??
Oh, it’s almost midnight. I should be in bed.
Good night and sweet dreams,
Hi David and everyone,
In my area, burnable rubbish are collected twice a week, plastic are done once a week and bins and cans are done twice a month. As for Sodaigomi(big rubbish within 1 meter), we can throw away within 6 items at one time. In this case, we call the city and ask them to pick them up and they came in front of each households. Aside from city’s rubbish collection system, Kodomokai and some private companies collect papers, cans, milk cartons and cardboards once every 2 weeks. Having several systems, I don’t feel inconvenience though I don’t want to pay for throwing away big items: TVs, fridges and microwaves. People became more aware of environment, especially 3R (recycle, reuse, reduce), I think it’s a good thing. I don’t remember from when it started but we used to throw every rubbish together on a same day. As often being said that, things are still excessively packaged in Japan. In my city, city take some thrown-away garbages like bicycles, wardrobes and after clean and fix them, they sell them at low cost at recycle fair. I think it’s a great idea.
Hi David,
>The collecting spot for burnables and most recyclables is about 800m from my house.
-That is very inconvenient. In my area, garbage station for those is just 10 meters away.
I will read “Nine things you shouldn’t say/do when you meet an Asian,” later, thanks.
>nobody want
nobody wants
Hi David and everyone,
I was going to take a day off today, but I have some loose ends I have to tie up. So I postponed my day off to tomorrow.
I got to go, bye for now,
Hi amo,
> The said supermarket don’t charge you but they discount 2yen if you bring your own bag, so we usually take my own bag most of the time.
I think SEIYU near my house used do so until the end of September, but they changed the system and started charging us for plastic shopping bags. AEON still discount 2 yen if you bring your own bag.
> さすがに有料化すれば今まで何も考えずにビニール袋をもらってすぐにゴミとして捨てていた人も、少しは環境のことを考えるようになるのでは??
That’s very true, but as I explained many times, don’t you think you’ll just need to buy plastic rubbish bags yourself somewhere else instead? That means, you do finally the same thing. So, the point is whether supermarkets offer us an appropriate amount of them or not.
Hi YU,
Thanks for the article and the photo. I think it’s a nice system, but I came to think that you might not need to scale things by yourself as long as they’re scaled afterwards at the register. Perhaps, just showing the unit price would work as well, and I also noticed that Seiyu sells fruit and some kinds of vegetables like potatoes and onions that way.(最近は西友でも果物や一部の野菜をばら売りしてますね。)I guess this is rather because of the increase of seniors living alone, but it’s a good change anyway.
For the charged plastic bags, I think amo wanted to say like this. If the bags are charged, people would try to reduce the total rubbish at home because no one would really want to buy/pay for them at drug stores. It’s funny, but other stores still give us free bags, and I think I have more than enough to throw away my whole rubbish.
So I think we have to approach from many sides, like introducing 量り売りsystem, charging bags=get people conscious, thinking of ways to dispose rubbish using less plastic bags, etc.
Hi David,
Thanks for letting me know. I’ve just posted a comment there. After reading all the comments, I’ve noticed that Vick is a teacher, too!
Hi Biwa,
> but I came to think that you might not need to scale things by yourself as long as they’re scaled afterwards at the register.
Although I don’t understand why you mentioned that(the supermarket on the photo and in the texts is not German one), it is true that they are weighed at the cashier once more at “some” supermarkets in Germany because some customers might use a sly trick, like lifting vegetables in the plastic bag when they weigh them.
As for meat and fish, you’d better have scale them by shop assistants for hygienic reasons.
> Perhaps, just showing the unit price would work as well, and I also noticed that Seiyu sells fruit and some kinds of vegetables like potatoes and onions that way.(最近は西友でも果物や一部の野菜をばら売りしてますね
I don’t really know about other European countries, but German people like to measure everything and anything. For example, glasses at restaurants have a scale even paper cups at MacDonald have it!! They pour the exact amount of beer, spring water, juice, etc… you ordered. When I saw the glass for the first time, I was very surprised.
ほかのヨーロッパ諸国の事情はよく知りませんが、ドイツ人はとにかく何でもかんでも量るのが好きみたいですよ。たとえばレストランのグラスには必ず目盛りがついています。マックの紙コップにいたってでも、です!(ちなみにメニューにもついていることが多いです、0.3L, 0.5L, とか)
Here is photos for your image ;
So, in German people’s case, they prefer to buy by measure to by the number of articles, I guess, because some articles are big and some are small. They might have the idea of “measuring everything is fair”!!
> I think I have more than enough to throw away my whole rubbish.
In my case, I usually say to the cashier, 「こんなに要りません」after she has gave them to me more than neccessary, so I don’t get more than enough to throw away my whole rubbish.
In addition to that, my family does our grocery shopping at the supermarket only once a week on weekends, so I get three or four of them at most per once, and that is just right amount for the amount of my family’s whole rubbish for a week.
> So I think we have to approach from many sides, like introducing 量り売りsystem, charging bags=get people conscious, thinking of ways to dispose rubbish using less plastic bags, etc.
I totally agree with you. Like everyone mentioned, I also think that being conscious of environment protection is a very good thing.
However, what I wanted to say is that “being conscious of environment protection” and “whether you’re doing really something effective in keeping environment or not” is a different matter.
Like you said, I think it’s about time we started thinking of more practical approaches than just imaginative approaches.
Hi YU,
I just thought the same way (they might use a sly trick), and the footnote of the photo said like that.(写真の但し書きにそんなことが書いてあったので)So, I came to think that it would be unnecessary to scale things twice.(どうせレジで測りなおすなら、2回測る必要もないような感じがしましたが・・・)
Perhaps, German people are very “fair” in some ways, and scaling things might be a good idea to avoid fusses. The photo of the beer glass is amazing! LOL! I wonder what the beer would taste like. A very fair taste, maybe?!!
Hi everyone,
Do you think we should put a translation for this entry, too? I’m not sure if that is the reason, but we might be missing comments from other members.
As I’m sure you all know, throwing out rubbish in Japan can be a very complicated business. For me, this is always one of the most difficult things to figure out when I move to a new place, and this year was no exception.
When I first came to Japan, throwing out rubbish was quite simple. Even big things like sofas and TVs could just be put out by the roadside on the appropriate day.
Actually, this led to a lot of recycling, because people used to drive around on those days and pick up stuff that other people had thrown out. My friend used to do this in a “kei van,” which he used to call “the gomi van” for that very reason.
Nowadays, throwing out “sodai gomi” is much more complicated, and in most places you have to pay to do it. I understand the idea behind this, but I don’t think the people in charge really thought it through.
If you make it too difficult or expensive for people to throw things away properly, some of them will just take their rubbish to the countryside and dump it there. When I lived in Seto, I used to live near a mountain where people were always throwing away old TVs, fridges, and microwaves. At the end of the day, the city council had to send someone to pick them up anyway.
In April this year, I moved from Seto to Ono-cho in Gifu. Seto used to have a recycling centre where you could take recyclable rubbish like cans, PET bottles, and cardboard anytime you wanted. Of course, it was free. In Ono-cho, the rubbish collection system is not so convenient. Plastic is only collected once every two weeks, so if you miss the day, you end up with a month’s worth of plastic stored in your house.
I went to the town office the other day to ask about cardboard boxes. They told me that there is a paper collection, but it only happens twice a month, it’s on a Saturday, and the collection point is a long way from my house. I am often away at weekends because of conferences, so this is very inconvenient for me.
I asked if there was anywhere I could take it on another day, but there isn’t. I also asked if I could throw boxes away as burnable rubbish, and the guy said “Yes, but we would prefer that you recycle them.” I wanted to scream at him, “Well stop making it so difficult, then!!”
I don’t understand why they cannot just set up a recycling centre at the town hall where people can bring stuff at their own convenience. I suppose you could say it might be difficult for old people or people who don’t have cars, but the recycling station for boxes is a five-minute drive from my house anyway, so that doesn’t make any sense.
Anyway, I was wondering what you all think about the rubbish collection system in your area. Is it likely to encourage people to dispose of rubbish properly, or is it so complicated that people give up and stop recycling?
Look forward to hearing your stories.
Hi Biwa,
> 写真の但し書きにそんなことが書いてあったので)
The supermarket on the photo seems to be in a city called Groningen in Netherlands. By the way, I’m not sure if the information in the text(corrupt scales) is reliable. The writer might just hold something against the supermarket…?!
> So, I came to think that it would be unnecessary to scale things twice.(どうせレジで測りなおすなら、2回測る必要もないような感じがしましたが・・・)
I think so, too, but the scale in the fruit and vegetable corner has a function to make a seal type slip where the nett weight and the price are written after scaling, but the one at the cashier doesn’t it. You take the slip, put it on the plastic bag and pay at the cashier.
> Do you think we should put a translation for this entry, too? I’m not sure if that is the reason, but we might be missing comments from other members.
Huummm, maybe…
Hi Biwa,
Thank you for your translation!
I think your translation is fine as usual.
(“town hall” has a meaning of 市役所, but perhaps the one here should be translated as 町役場 because David lives in 小野”町”…)
After reading your translation, I again felt sorry for David and his neighbours. I felt they are just “bringing/transporting” their rubbish to other place, not Ono-cho is “collecting” their rubbish. Should it be called 行政サービス? I think it should be called 市民によるサービス.
Luckily the burnable rubbish station is only 5 meters away from my house, and the one for recyclables is 100 meters away or so. My husband always complains that the recyclables spot is too far, but he’d better shut up!
Hi David and everyone.
I was surprised to hear David’s story that the system of rubbish collection is very inconvenient in Ono-cho!In my area burnable rubbish is collected three times every week and plastic is done once everyweek.And recyclable rubbish is collected twice every month.There is a collecting spot just in front of the apartment I live.
Also some supermarkets cooperate with the city and they have collection stations for recyclable trash like pet bottoles and cans, we can take them there anytime we want.
So I don’t think the collecting system is inconvenient at all but we have to purchase specific bags for burnable rubbish(燃えるごみ専用の袋) to throw them out.I always have to be careful not to run out of them!
Sorry I don’t have time to add a Japanese translation.I have to leave.
Bye for now everyone!
Hi David and everyone,
Thank you, Biwa for translating the entry. It is very helpful to me.
In my area, burnable rubbish is collected twice a week, but plastic and tray are only collected every two weeks as well as in Ono-cho. So I can’t miss the day by any means. Plastic and tray build up in the trash bin for two weeks. Probably for this reason, in this area I can see people doing what YU mentioned about Yamato-city (trying to unpack the packages of vegetables, meat, fish and other staff to reduce home garbage and throw the packages away in the garbage boxes at the supermarkets). Then in my area, we have to buy a dedicated bag for burnable rubbish.
In my hometown, some of them used to burn raw garbage by themselves. Some of you could not believe it. There used to be an incinerator in my backyard. Now it is prohibited because of dioxin emission.
Anyway, it will be off the topic, yesterday I attended an English seminar organized by ALC. Do you know Mr.Shibahara who hosts 攻略!英語リスニング on radio. He taught us.
The words impressed me the most was ”確かに語学の才能をもっている人はいます。でも、それはマラソンで例えるなら、その人は600メートル先でスタートするようなものです。42.195キロの600メートルです。多少有利かもしれませんが、決定的な差ではないでしょう。それにそういう人は意外と余裕こいて、努力している人に抜かれたりするんですよ”
I have a long way to go, but I renewed my resolve that I never give up.
Hi YU,
No, I never bought plastic rubbish bags, like your family we use the plastic shopping bags as rubbish bags and we still got a plenty of the bags in stock. I should’ve said that we didn’t use to bring our own bags, but as I said we still got a lot, so we had decided to bring eco-bags until we run out of stock. So of course, once we run out of the bags, we have to give up on getting a discount for a bag. Because I am sure that it’s still cheaper than if we buy the rubbish bags at drag stores.
I didn’t say the supermarkets should stop giving you the plastic bags, because I still need them too.
>In my case, I usually say to the cashier, 「こんなに要りません」after she has gave them to me more than necessary, so I don’t get more than enough to throw away my whole rubbish.
I did the same thing as you do, end yet we still got a plenty of bags
No I did the same thing as you do. We kept those bags in stock, but It seemed that our rubbish never catch up with them(strange English lol), so we sometimes ended up disposing them as rubbish. I am sure you would say “What a waste!” and so do I. That’s the reason we started use eco bags now. YUと一緒でうちも捨てずに取ってましたが、捨てるゴミの方が少ないのか袋が溜まってしまい、もったいないと思いつつも最終的には捨てるはめになっていたです。なので今はエコバッグが重宝してます。
Hi Biwa,
>I think amo wanted to say like this. ….
Thanks for helping me 😉
>I think I have more than enough to throw away my whole rubbish.
That’s why I started to bring my own bag.
>So I think we have to approach from many sides, like introducing 量り売りsystem, charging bags=get people conscious, thinking of ways to dispose rubbish using less plastic bags, etc.
I totally agree with you.
Bye for now,
Hi amo,
First of all, sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by this sentence ;
> I should’ve said that we didn’t use to bring our own bags
Thank you for your explanations, but still I don’t understand why you end up with having such a big plastic bag collection at home…
Why don’t you just always “refuse” to get them at stores, not only at supermarkets, but at other stores, too??
Have you heard of “4R”?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and “Refuse”.
Apparently, the last one has been added recently and “4R” is getting more popular than “3R” these days.
I think you told us you live with your sister, but maybe both of you work during the daytime?! That means, you don’t produce(?) so much rubbish as my family does I guess.
So, why don’t you simply stop receiving plastic bags if you always bring your eco-bag with you? And you should get only the amount you need for a week as I do, that’s so easy! I don’t think the amount of your rubbish for a week doesn’t change so much.
> Because I am sure that it’s still cheaper than if we buy the rubbish bags at drag stores.
Huuummm, I’m not sure which is cheaper, but anyway if you shop at the supermarkets or at any other stores that give you plastic/paper bags for free, you are always charged for them. I mean, the price of their articles/items are including those costs, of course. In this meaning, you might have more benefits if you receive them from the stores….
That’s why I wrote before, “Supermarket might have some benefits if they start charging us for the plastic bags”. If they returned the money to us through discounting the price of their articles, that would be vey nice, but I don’t think they are that kind… So, their “eco” is actually “ego”?!
I don’t think it’s not only a matter of money, though…
See you!
Hi YU,
Thanks for checking my Japanese! Yes, 町役場should be more appropriate for this case, thanks.(確かに!いつもありがとう♪)
Living in the countryside might have a bit of inconvenience, but I’m sure that they still gain lots of pleasures as well. It’s a kind of balance and harmony, I guess.
Hi amo,
>That’s why I started to bring my own bag.
Yeah, that’s what I’m doing, too. However, it’s not only me that buys things, my husband and sons buy things for themselves, too, and they don’t like using eco-bags (they say they’re too unfashionable!), so we end up with plenty of plastic bags. I kind of understand what happens to you and your sister! Anyway, my sons use them to put in their dirty 部活着every day, so I think we’re not just throwing them away like rubbish, at least.
Hi Kimi,
You’re really a hard worker, aren’t you? I admire you! I hope you could share some of the things you’ve learned at the seminar some day. Let me try translating these words:
It’s true that some people are talented in their English abilities, but it’s like start running a full marathon from just 600meters ahead. It’s only 600meters in the whole 42.195kilometers. It might be a bit of advantage at first, but not such a crucial one, I guess. Also, those people tend to forget the hard work and lose the lead at the end.
Hi amo,
Sorry, now I know what you mean.
>I should’ve said that we didn’t use to bring our own bags
You meant, “以前はマイバッグを持ち歩いてなかった”, right?
Hi Kimi,
> In my hometown, some of them used to burn raw garbage by themselves. Some of you could not believe it. There used to be an incinerator in my backyard. Now it is prohibited because of dioxin emission.
> 私の故郷では、以前は家庭で生ごみを燃やしている人も結構いました。信じられないかもしれませんが、うちの裏庭にも焼却炉がありました。今はダイオキシン排出の問題などから禁止されています。
That reminded me of the fact that my elementary school(and maybe my junior and high school too?) had a incierator (ごみ焼却炉) of their own, and our caretaker(用務員のおじさん) regularly burn up rubbish there. I wonder if schools today also have such a incierator and burn up garbage themselves… probably not, because I never see smoke sending out from schools in my area.
By the way, you work really hard to learn English! I admire you!! I never heard of Mr./Ms. 柴原, but I also think that learning foreign languages needs a lot of efforts and a little talent.
Hi Biwa,
> Living in the countryside might have a bit of inconvenience, but I’m sure that they still gain lots of pleasures as well. It’s a kind of balance and harmony, I guess.
I agree.
When I read the part of David’s entry, “I wanted to scream at him, “Well stop making it so difficult, then!!”” I felt he is patient.
If it were me, I might have said it in reality. However, they may ask me back, “Why did you choose to live in Ono-cho, then?? There are any thousands of choices where you live. Some offer you more convenient services. We never asked you to live here at all, did we? ” !!
Hi amo,
Now I understand what your whole comment means after reading through it once again. Actually I read it several times before posting my first comment, but I couldn’t get you well then, sorry.
I’m too slow.
Well, what you meant is that ;
Hi YU, Kimi and everyone,
>but I also think that learning foreign languages needs a lot of efforts and a little talent.
I’d also like to add “flexibility and a bit of sense of humor”.
Yesterday, I had a class of four 6th graders, and we were doing some Q&As as a warming up. I asked them if they could say three scary things. Most of the students said things like earthquakes, ghosts, darkness, mom! and cockroaches, but a girl happened to say “消費税増税、少子化、格差社会!” (of course in Japanese). I know she was trying to say something funny and we all did laugh, but I think she is smart or I shall say she has a huge linguistic sensibility in her mother tongue in other words. She is a good student for sure, and I guess she has lots of interactions among various people and naturally, that leads her linguistic sensibility to a very good one. (I hope I’m making sense!)
So I think that as long as languages are kinds of tools, it’s important to have a “good sense” for language to use it flexibly. I guess that can be gained plentifully in the mother tongue.
Hi YU,
>Now I understand what your whole comment means after reading through it once again.
I am glad that you understand what I meant 🙂
I know that I am not good at explain things in concise, clear language, even in my mother tongue lol
Same here!
Same here again 🙂
Hi Kumi,
>Yamato-city (trying to unpack the packages of vegetables, meat, fish and other staff to reduce home garbage and throw the packages away in the garbage boxes at the supermarkets). Then in my area, we have to buy a dedicated bag for burnable rubbish.
I am sorry to hear that you live in a bit inconvenience area, too. Anyway, I am just curious to know about the supermarkets in your area. Does anyone complain them about the packages? I was just wondering if the customers end up throwing the packages right after they bought, why don’t the supermarkets just sell meat and fish without trays?
Hi Biwa and everyone,
>I’d also like to add “flexibility and a bit of sense of humor”.
Yes I think so too. The girl you mentioned is brilliant 🙂
I got to go now.
I am off to get a massage.
Hi Biwa, Kimi and everyone,
> I know she was trying to say something funny and we all did laugh,
This morning I went to the kindergarten with my son to take a “ならし保育” lesson. His teacher put many colors of 折り紙 one by one on the chalkboard with a magnet and asked children “What color is this?”. All other children answered, “Red!”, “Blue!”, “Green!”, but only my son answered “the color of magnet” throughout the questions!! I felt a burning shame!!
I don’t think he doesn’t know the color of 折り紙, but he is just a へそ曲がり!! I guess he likes to find fault with others, just like me!!
> I shall say she has a huge linguistic sensibility in her mother tongue in other words. She is a good student for sure, and I guess she has lots of interactions among various people and naturally, that leads her linguistic sensibility to a very good one. (I hope I’m making sense!)
I agree.
I think talkative people are also often quick leaners of foreign languages. Do you think is that why women are generally better talented than men in languages?
Hi YU,
>I guess he likes to find fault with others, just like me!!
I love that! I’m sure you’re son’s going to be a somebody!!
>Do you think is that why women are generally better talented than men in languages?
Many people say that, and I’ve heard it has something to do with the larger size of women’s brainstem. (脳幹の太いために右脳と左脳の行き来がスムーズらしいです。本当かしら・・・)
I believe David has a very large brainstem and also his parents and brothers gave him lots of linguistic gifts!
Sorry, I made a mistake again!
“you’re son” has to be “your son”!
Hi Biwa
Thank you for all your trouble of translating my sentences. I love it and can learn a lot from it. ‘lose the lead’ is new to me.
Hi amo,
>I was just wondering if the customers end up throwing the packages right after they bought, why don’t the supermarkets just sell meat and fish without trays?
Actually, I could see people doing it at a certain supermarket. The supermarket had several big trash boxes so that its customer could through the rubbish away in it. However, the other day it went bankrupt. I don’t think the cause was over packing. LOL
Hi everyone,
I’m writing about the seminar I last attended. First, we practiced pronunciation, counting aloud from one to ten. It seems that the numbers from 1 to 10 include almost all of the consonants. He showed how to pronounce one by one. I have realized I didn’t pronounce them well. After that, while listening to an interview of Steve Jobs, we dictated some part of it. Then, we practiced shadowing, overlapping and repeating by using the same material. The key about shadowing is that you have to continue it until you can realize its content. (It seemed to be called content shadowing.) By repeating it some more times after you come to be able to do ‘content shadowing’, you can learn more. I will try it from now on. That’s all.
Anyway, I agree with Biwa and YU about learning foreign languages. In fact, I go to school once a week and have asked my teacher what kind of people would improve quickly. He said that those who can handle Japanese improve more quickly. I remember I felt down listening to it. Haha..
Hi Kimi,
Thanks for sharing what you’ve learned!
I’ve never tried “overlapping”. Does it mean “reading along”? Anyway, that must be very good practice because I think when you speak English, you use quite different parts of your face muscles from those when you speak Japanese. Also, I’m glad to know that your teacher mentioned about the importance of the Japanese ability, too.
By the way, I found a mistake in my translation.
“it’s like start running a full marathon” should be “it’s like to start running a full marathon”. I guess it’s still full of mistakes, so please wait for David’s feedback.
Hi Kimi and everyone,
“your teacher mentioned you about the importance”
“your teacher mentioned the importance about something” が正しい?
“mention about something”は文法的におかしい?どなたか教えてください。
Hi David,
May I ask you a question?
The answer must be correct in any case, so I’m asking you.
“She is sitting on the chair between Taro and Hanako.”
Is this sentence grammatically correct?
The model answer suggested by my company is ;
“She is sitting between Taro and Hanako.”
but I want to know if the sentence(answered by a student) makes sense too.
I guess she/he wanted to say, 「彼女はTaroとHanakoの間の”イスに”座っている」.
If the sentence were wrong, how would you say it correctly?
The peroblem is my company’s policy as follows ;
“Don’t reduce points as long as the answer is grammatically correct, and when it sounds unnatural, just suggest them a natural sentence.”
Hi YU,
There is nothing wrong with that sentence grammatically, so you could not mark it as incorrect.
Hi David,
It was a great help.
Thank you very much!