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Ore Ore (Feedback)

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Thanks for all your comments. It was really interesting to hear about your experiences. I was surprised to hear that some of you have experienced this type of scam yourselves. Here is some feedback on your comments.

How is your back? I hope you are okay now.
Thanks for asking. It’s not too painful now, but it’s a bit tender, so I still have to be careful.

I can’t believe why older people been fooled such lies and why they didn’t check before they send money to con men.
I can’t understand why older people fall for those kinds of lies and why they don’t check before they send money.

Actually, you know many good places more than I do.
Actually, you know many more good places than I do.

But after I sent the second one, the first one is also appeared. I wonder why?
Don’t worry about it. It happens a lot.

However, I came to admit that these conmen are real experts after hearing what happened to my friends’ parents.
However, I came to realize that ….

One case, fortunately, ended up in an attempt.
One case, fortunately, ended as an unsuccessful attempt.

‘there have been a lot of warnings being given…’⇒’there have been a lot of warnings given…’ or ‘A lot of warnings have been given…’ (I might be wrong again…)
The third one is correct.

Actually, I was thinking not to leave a comment this week because I’m busy at the moment, but why can I skip this week’s topic?

Actually, I was not planning to leave a comment this week because I’m busy at the moment, but how can I skip this week’s topic?
Fortunately(?), they have died before “Ore Ore Sagi” was going around
Fortunately(?), they died before the “Ore Ore Sagi” was invented.

I think Japanese people do a lot of worrying, so they feel relieved when they have savings.
… so they feel safe when they have savings.

I feel I’ve heard that Japanese parents tend to leave their property as much as possible for their children,
I think I heard somewhere that Japanese parents tend to leave as much of their property as possible for their children,

I found that you( in general) needed to separate sentences in two as you showed me to make it clear.
That is a good rule of thumb for English learners: if you are having trouble saying what you want to say, split it up into two sentences.

It might be more accurate to say that we won’t have any inheritance anyway!
It might be more accurate to say that we won’t have anything to leave our kids anyway! (The inheritance is theirs, not yours. The correct verb for you would be “bequeath,” but it’s not used very often.)

My mother’s friend received a call from a con man recently. She said, ” You are still young, aren’t you? How about living an honest life?”
“Bravo” indeed! Nice to have you with us.

I hear elder people are difficult to doubt someone.
I hear that elderly people tend to be less suspicious.

How is the weather where you are?
It’s very hot in Gifu! But we have lots of lovely rivers to swim in.

That’s it for today. I’ll be back on Monday to do the last entry before my summer break.

Have a great weekend.


  1. YU on 2013年08月09日 at 16:04

    Hi David,

    Thank you always very much for your feedback.

    > I think I heard somewhere that Japanese parents tend to leave as much of their property as possible for their children,

    I see.
    I couldn’t build a nice sentence like this by myself, thank you.

    Hi everyone,

    Did you receive the EEW(Earthquake Early Warning) last evening? It was just a wrong information after all, but it called my caution against earthquakes to my mind after a long time. I guess some of you felt the same, didn’t you?

  2. Anne on 2013年08月09日 at 16:39

    Hi David,

    Thank you so much for your feedback.

    >Actually, I was not planning to leave a comment this week because I’m busy at the moment, but how can I skip this week’s topic?
    —When I wrote this, saying “why can I…” sounds weird, but I’m was not sure how to express. Thank you.

    >but it’s a bit tender, so I still have to be careful.
    —“Tender” means “傷つきやすい”, right? I’ve never used “tender” in this meaning, and this use is new to me.
    Anyway, I’m glad to hear that you are getting better. Take care!

    By the way, your story about “SKI” is interesting, and it reminded me of the British movie called “The Best Exotic Mariglod Hotel(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう). The movie shows how eldelry people live their lives after retirement.

    Hi Rei,
    Nice to have you with us. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

    Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

  3. Fumie on 2013年08月09日 at 21:38

    Hi David,

    Thank you always for your feedback!
    Coincidentally, my mother had a phone call from a recycle company several days ago and asked her, “Are there any jewels, clothes, neckties etc to sell. She wanted to sell her late husband’s suit and neckties which are in good condition so she said okay when a woman of the company asked her to send a staff to assess those goods. And a man came to her house and assessed his suit and ties and asked my mom, “Do you have any jewels?” She brought two necklaces. He said suit and neckties are 1000yen and each necklace is 15000yen. (My mom said to me later that necklaces are more expensive than the prices she bought them.) She thought that’s a good deal and sold all of them. I herad that story later and felt something fishy so I called the consumer center and asked for advice. She said, first of all, it’s illegal to visit someone’s house and buy something. I wonder what’t the merit for the company. She said maybe the company get information of people(my mom’s):address, telephone number, how many people in the family etc. and sell the information to some bad company or something. That means my mom would be attacked by those companies. She advised me that my mom should change her telephone number. We shouldn’t trust sweet deal. I will protect her not to fall for those bad companies.

    Hi Rei,

    Nice to have you with us.

    Hi YU,

    Yes, I got the earthquake warning yesterday and I was frightened.

    Hi Anne,

    Thank you for introducing the movie. I watched the trailor and thought it seems interesting so I will rent it if Tsutaya have one.

    Hi everyone,

    Have a nice weekend!

  4. YU on 2013年08月11日 at 10:22

    Hi David,

    I wrote,

    > It was just a wrong information after all, but it called my caution against earthquakes to my mind after a long time. I guess some of you felt the same, didn’t you?

    I wanted to say,


    Do my sentences make sense?

    Hi Fumie,

    > I wonder what’t the merit for the company.

    Indeed!! 不気味すぎますよね。。。
    As the consumer center’s staff advised, she’d better change her telephone number. As I mentioned, it is said that there are a lot of bad list dealers in Japan. Your mother’s information might be their hands already.

    > うまい話には裏がある。うかつに信用すべきでない。何が何でも母が被害に合わないように警戒します。

    Yes, please do it for her !

    By the way, I’ve heard that kind of scam was very common particularly just after the 3.11. It is a bit different from your mother’s case, though.
    They came to your house asking for jewelry to sell telling you that it would be a donation for disaster victims. They beat down the purchase price using the words tickling your goodwill. I know all scams are vicious, but I thought they were really vicious!

    Talking of 訪問詐欺, a number of sales people from various solar power system companies have been coming to my house one after another since we built a house. Some of them might not be bad ones, but I’ve never opened the door to listen to their stories.

  5. Fumie on 2013年08月11日 at 21:18

    Hi YU,

    Thank you for the advice. Lots of solar power system companies came to our house often, too. We were thinking about having solar power system so when salesperson came, my husband listened to their talk and they came again for estimating cost.(I hate sales visit so I said no instantly.)Come to think of it, their aim is not only sell solar power system but also get our information.

  6. amo on 2013年08月12日 at 00:04

    Hi David,

    Thanks for your feedback 🙂

    >It’s very hot in Gifu! But we have lots of lovely rivers to swim in.
    That’s nice. Do you go swimming to the rivers sometimes? I wish that there were some rivers like you have 🙁 There are a river near my place but I don’t think you can swim there.

    Hi everyone,

    How’s your weekend? I feel like I caught a cold. My throat hurts a bit. I should be in bed now.

    Good night and sweet dreams,

  7. David on 2013年08月12日 at 17:12

    Hi YU,

    It was just a wrong information after all, but it called my caution against earthquakes to my mind after a long time. I guess some of you felt the same, didn’t you?

    How about:

    It turned out to be a false alarm after all, but it reminded me of the importance of being ready for earthquakes.
shemale lesbian.