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Nuclear Weapons

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As I’m sure you all know, North Korea recently conducted another nuclear test, and they have said that they intend to do more in the near future. The United States has reassured the people of South Korea and Japan that they are protected by its “nuclear umbrella,” but many in both countries have started calling for their governments to develop nuclear weapons of their own.

When I was a child, the Cold War was still going on, and people took the threat of nuclear war very seriously. I remember watching TV shows about people who had built nuclear bunkers in their back gardens.

After the end of the Cold War, I think people began to worry less about nuclear weapons. In recent years, however, more and more countries have begun to develop them. Some of these countries have very unstable governments, and some of them have strong connections with terrorist organisations.

If only stable, democratic countries had nuclear weapons, I suppose most people would not worry too much, but when countries like Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea have them too, I think it is quite natural for everyone to worry a lot more.

My question for this week is very simple: should Japan continue to rely on the U.S. for protection, or should it develop its own nuclear weapons?

I’m not really sure what I think about this topic, so I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

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  1. YU on 2013年02月18日 at 19:29


    Nuclear Weapons

    As I’m sure you all know, North Korea recently conducted another nuclear test, and they have said that they intend to do more in the near future.

    The United States has reassured the people of South Korea and Japan that they are protected by its “nuclear umbrella,” but many in both countries have started calling for their governments to develop nuclear weapons of their own.

    When I was a child, the Cold War was still going on, and people took the threat of nuclear war very seriously. I remember watching TV shows about people who had built nuclear bunkers in their back gardens.

    After the end of the Cold War, I think people began to worry less about nuclear weapons.
    In recent years, however, more and more countries have begun to develop them.
    Some of these countries have very unstable governments, and some of them have strong connections with terrorist organisations.

    If only stable, democratic countries had nuclear weapons, I suppose most people would not worry too much, but when countries like Pakistan, Iran, and North Korea have them too, I think it is quite natural for everyone to worry a lot more.

    My question for this week is very simple: should Japan continue to rely on the U.S. for protection, or should it develop its own nuclear weapons?

    I’m not really sure what I think about this topic, so I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

    Should Japan develop nuclear weapons?

    Yes はい
    No いいえ
    Don’t know わからない

  2. YU on 2013年02月18日 at 19:52

    Hi David and everyone,

    Like David, I’m not really sure what I think about this topic, either.

    All I can say now is this :
    “We should develop nuclear weapons because every other countries have started to have them. Some of the countries are too atrocious. We can not protect our country only by nuclear weapons controls any more.” This sounds exactly like when some of American people talk about their gun society to me.
    So I think once every country starts to think of developing nuclear weapons, they can’t go back to normal.

  3. Tomo on 2013年02月18日 at 20:50

    Hi everyone

    The topic is so difficult that I don’t have clear opinions.

    If Nuclear weapons were used in war, it means that cities were destroyed completely and many people were killed like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. As a Nation which has memories of the atomic bombing, Japanese people, especially in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, have special concern about Nuclear weapons. However, the fact that, although Japan doesn’t have their Nuclear weapons, Japan depends for its national defense on US which has so many Nuclear weapons, is important.

    Many Japanese people may think that Japan should not make their Nuclear weapons, but may also think that if there aren’t any defense powers in Japan, relationship between Japan and US is important.

    These days, Prime minister and LDP said that the Constitution of Japan, especially Article 9, should be revised and Japan should have its own army. I don’t agree with the revision of constitution of Japan. The reason is not directory because whether Japan should have its own army or not, but it is also important concern for me.平和なときに平和条項を掲げ、そうでなくなったら改正するのであれば、何のために憲法に平和条項をわざわざ書く必要があるのでしょうか?

  4. Mika on 2013年02月19日 at 10:02

    Hi David and everyone,

    Good morning!

    May I write about my grandmother here? She used to say to her children to live with integrity.
    On the 15th of August in 1945, the war ended. All of her boy children came back one after another by the end of December. She was very glad to see them again, but she hesitated in saying, “Every house had some war deaths, but in my family everybody came back home with five fingers on each, so I feel sorry for those other families. If someone had died in my family, it might have been better.” In her hometown, there was only one other family that had all their children come back home safely.
    At the end of 1971, she passed away. She said her very last words to her children with a calm voice, “The war is over. Everybody should dwell in peace.” Her husband passed away when he was young, so it wasn’t easy for her to care and raise her five sons and two daughters. She used to live feeling more constrained than necessary, unlike all other people in her hometown.

    So, my opinion is that any country shouldn’t have Nuclear weapons and never use them, because this exacerbates rather than addresses problems. We have to live as a civilized people not barbarian. We love our families then, we have to leave the peaceful international environment for our future generations.

    Have a nice day.

  5. Biwa on 2013年02月19日 at 10:10

    Hi everyone,

    This is quite a tough topic for me, too. I know I’ll just end up in a contradiction between reality and ideal.

    Many people say that having nuclear weapons works as a deterrent, and keeps the power balance between the nations. I kind of understand that because we are actually protected by those weapons/power of the US. That is one reality.

    However, as YU said, I can’t help thinking that it is very similar to the gun society. What happens if people start buying more powerful guns? It’s quite obvious that people would look for newer and more powerful ones. It’s just endless.
    I think the same thing would happen for nuclear weapons, too, and I would never want them to use our money endlessly for that! I know I’m being too idealistic, but I really want them to use money to make the world a better place.
    What is more, I don’t think anyone or anything would be able to live after a nuclear weapon will actually be used, especially after experiencing the Fukushima disaster. It sounds pretty stupid to waste money for making weapons to destroy the whole world.

  6. YU on 2013年02月19日 at 16:42

    Hi Tomo,

    > 平和なときに平和条項を掲げ、そうでなくなったら改正するのであれば、何のために憲法に平和条項をわざわざ書く必要があるのでしょうか?

    Indeed. You have a point.
    However, there is talk that the U.S. forced Japan to include the article 9 after the WWII so that we couldn’t be as atrocious as we were before and during the war. Some people even say that the article 9 was one of the U.S.’s ways to keep us under their control.
    I’m not saying we should revise the article and have our own army, by the way.

    Hi Mika,

    > We have to live as a civilized people not barbarian. We love our families then, we have to leave the peaceful international environment for our future generations

    I agree with you.
    I always really wonder why some people in some countries never learn that wars are barbaric and stupid acts. I became aware of it already when I was in elementary school!!

    Hi Biwa,

    > It sounds pretty stupid to waste money for making weapons to destroy the whole world.

    I agree.
    Why do people want to ruin themselves so much?

    Hi everyone,

    I was in charge of exporting car accessories at my last job. There is a lot of paperwork to export something to other countries, and there was one that always made me to hesitate to sign on. That was the paper which certifies that our export goods don’t include any article which could be a material for nuclear development not only in the destination countries, but also all other countries. Signing on the paper means that you agreed with that you would accept being punished by law if your export articles were used to develop nuclear weapons somewehere in the world. Don’t you think that is a very scary paper?!

    This is nothing to do with the topic, but I’d like to share one of the Beatles’ songs with you. I’m going to give a lesson(?) at my English club this Friday and I was looking for a song for listening and dictating. I found one. It is a song named “In My Life”. I chose this song mainly because of its slow tempo, but I like the lyrics, too because there are a lot of parts I can sympathize with.

  7. David Barker on 2013年02月19日 at 16:48

    Hi Mika,

    I agree with your ideas 100%, but I’m afraid there is one reason why there will never be peace in this world – men! Watch how little boys fight and compete with each other all the time. Adult men are exactly the same, but instead of toy guns and sticks, they have nuclear weapons and fighter jets. I often think this world would be a much better place if women were in charge.

    Hi Tomo,

    I was wondering if I could ask you a favour. Would you mind changing your blog name? As you may know, we already have a “Tomo.” She hasn’t been writing comments recently because she’s been busy, but I always get confused when I see your name, and I have to read the whole comment to figure out who wrote it. If it’s inconvenient for you to change it, though, please don’t worry about it. I really enjoy reading your comments.

  8. Tomoaki on 2013年02月19日 at 18:25

    Hi David

    I don’t mind changing my blog name. I know there are another “Tomo,” so I thought it may confuse someone who read my name.

    After this, I want to change my blog name from Tomo to Tomoaki. Is it OK?

    Hi YU

    I know there were many complexities surrounding the drafting process of The Constitution. However, I think hoping for peace doesn’t depend on who make it. To defense our nation Japan already has Japan Self‐Defense Forces which is called “Jieitai,” so I think people who say “the constitution was made by US or GHQ, so we have to make it by ourselves and have our army,” may wanted to go to war. Although the interpretation of Article 9 has been changed many times when it is needed and Japan can do many warlike actions today, I think (or wish) most of all Japanese people desire peace rather than hold weapons in their hands.

  9. David Barker on 2013年02月19日 at 18:47

    Thanks Tomoaki. That will be less confusing.

  10. YU on 2013年02月19日 at 19:26

    Hi Tomoaki,

    Thank you for your comment.

    > However, I think hoping for peace doesn’t depend on who make it

    You mean “praying for peace” and “who made our constitutions are two different matters”?
    I think so, too.
    That’s why I wrote :

    “I’m not saying we should revise the article and have our own army, by the way.”

    What I wanted to say was that some people say things like that as I wrote in my comment.

    私が言いたかったのはコメントに書いたようにそういうことを言う人もいる、ということだけで(There is talk = そういう説もある、Some people even say = こんなことまで言う人たちもいる、という意味です)、それが正しいとは言っていません。
    だから”I’m not saying…”の文を念の為に誤解のないよう最後に但し書きとして入れました。

    > I think (or wish) most of all Japanese people desire peace rather than hold weapons in their hands

    I hope so, too, but sadly, it seems most of us don’t realize that they actually voted for the party which is not really pacifism. Before last ellection Makiko Tanaka said, “安倍さんは岸さんのお孫さんだから戦争がやりたくてしょうがないのよ”. I felt very scared to hear that and just hoped what she said was not ture.

  11. Tomoaki on 2013年02月19日 at 19:34

    Hi YU

    >>You mean “praying for peace” and “who made our constitutions are two different matters”?

    Yes. What I wanted to say was it, and I didn’t talk about you. If you thought so, I’m sorry.

  12. YU on 2013年02月19日 at 20:01

    Hi Tomoaki,

    Please don’t apologize!
    Everyone has a different thought.
    Even if you really talked about me, I would not be angry with you at all!



  13. Fumie on 2013年02月19日 at 23:13

    Hi David and everyone,

    It’s a tough topic for me and I’m not really sure what I think about this topis either. Anyway, I’m against Japan developing its own nuclear weapons. We are the only victim of atomic bomb and last year Fukushima disaster caused much damage.
    So protecting ourselves by developing our own nuclear weapons isn’t a good way.

    Hi Mika,

    Thank you for sharing your grandma’s story.
    The time when she was living was so hard. How heart-wrenching for parents to send their cherished children to war.

    Hi David,

    >I often think this world would be a much better place if women were in charge.
    Men are aggressive by nature. But recently there are more rather aggressive/strong women and more rather defensive/reserved men than before. So this world would not might be like what you imagined.

  14. Biwa on 2013年02月20日 at 07:18

    Hi David and everyone,

    >Watch how little boys fight and compete with each other all the time.

    I agree! I’d also add that those little boys learn there is a limit to everything by doing that all the time. That’s why most men would never hit women, bully others to death nor would they kill others. I can’t help thinking that 金成恩 and all the other dangerous men hadn’t had enough fighting and competing during their childhood. They must have missed one of the most important lessons in their lives.

  15. Biwa on 2013年02月20日 at 07:34

    Sorry, “haven’t had enough fighting and competing” should be correct.

  16. YU on 2013年02月20日 at 10:12

    Hi Biwa,

    > I’d also add that those little boys learn there is a limit to everything by doing that all the time.

    Did your sons learn “the limit” in that way, too?

    > That’s why most men would never hit women, bully others to death nor would they kill others.

    I think so, too. That is the most usual way to learn those fundamental morals as a man.

    > I can’t help thinking that 金成恩 and all the other dangerous men hadn’t had enough fighting and competing during their childhood.

    I guess 金成恩’s friends were afraid to fight with him because their whole families would be sent to concentration camps if they hit him!! hahaha…

    Joking apart, as I wrote here before, my son doesn’t fight with his friends at all, he chases each other around or plays with them, though.
    Even if his friends hit him, he just controls his anger. I don’t know this is the reason or not, but his friens have started to stop picking a fight with him.

    I’m not sure if my way is right or not, but I’ve been teaching him not to use violence on his friends because my mother used to tell so to my elder brother. He and my son have a point in common. That is they are both much bigger than friends of their age. It is clear that my son will win if he fights with someone of his age.

    My husband always tries to teach my son, “やられたらちょっとはやり返せ”, but I don’t like such a simplistic way of thinking. Maybe that is typical men’s way of thinking, but I believe that might be the main cause of fighting, wars, and so on.

  17. Biwa on 2013年02月20日 at 12:56

    Hi YU,

    >Did your sons learn “the limit” in that way, too?

    I hope so! I’m still halfway through my lo-oong journey of raising children. lol!

    >Even if his friends hit him, he just controls his anger.

    I wish I were you! My sons (especially my younger son) used to hit or kick his older friends because he knew he wouldn’t be able to beat them with words. However, my elder son was less like that, and I think it was because that he(my younger son) had to deal with older friends from the beginning.

    I guess your son is good at expressing his feelings with words, so he doesn’t really need to hit or kick his friends. I wouldn’t worry too much about that as long as he’s not feeling frustrated.

    I kind of understand what your husband says. Maybe I’m a half-man?!! Anyway, the point is, as he says, beat them back “a little(ちょっとは)” or “once in a while(たまには)”. I think he’s saying the same thing as “there are limits”.

  18. YU on 2013年02月20日 at 15:19

    Hi Biwa,

    > I guess your son is good at expressing his feelings with words, so he doesn’t really need to hit or kick his friends.

    I think he is rather bad at expressing his feeling with words. My husband says, “男は無口な方がモテる”, but that’s not the problem! 問題はそこじゃないでしょ!(笑)I hope he will gradually learn to do that when he starts kindergarten.

    > I wouldn’t worry too much about that as long as he’s not feeling frustrated

    I’m not really sure, maybe he is actually very frustrated!? However, the other day, it turned out that actually he can say anything he likes if he puts his mind to it. その気になれば結構いろいろ話せるみたいなんですよね。

    As I told you before, my son takes ならし保育 lesson once a week. Now he is taking the lesson alone with his friends. After the class his teacher told me that my son found faults in her ways of scolding his classmates and told her to improve them like “そんなに厳しく怒らないで。もっと優しく言って、謝って!”. His teacher thought he was right, she was too emotional, and finally she apologized to the students.
    He seems to have two faces. I haven’t seen the other one yet, but probably he shows it only when he is not with me.

    If my son had siblings like your sons, I guess my son would not be as quiet as now he is!!

  19. YU on 2013年02月20日 at 17:31

    Hi everyone,

    Now I remember that Mr.Ishihara said before the election, “Japan should simulate cases in which it possesses nuclear weapons, and this would work as a deterrent.”
    Prior to that, Mr.Hashimoto had said, “Japan needs to reconsider our three nonnuclear principles(非核三原則).”

    Here’s the article about Mr.Ishihara’s remark :

    “Shintaro Ishihara, Tokyo ex-governor and the leader of a newly formed opposition party, says Japan should study the procedures and impacts of possessing nuclear arms in case the country decides to acquire such weapons, Japan’ NHK TV reported.

    Ishihara, who recently took the helm of the Japan Restoration Party, was speaking to foreign correspondents in Tokyo on Tuesday.

    Ishihara said countries that lack nuclear arms have only a very weak voice in today’s world. He said that, in his personal view, Japan should simulate cases in which it possesses nuclear weapons, and this would work as a deterrent.

    He said the question of whether or not the country should go nuclear can be decided after that.”


    How do you think about their ideas?
    Do you think if Japan had nuclear arms, we would have more powerful voice in the world as Mr.Ishihara said?
    Do you think having nuclear arms would work as a deterrent?
    Do you think we’d better simulate the cases at least?
    And if it worked, do you think we should start to think of having them?
    By the way, does anyone know how we would simulate “the cases”?

  20. Kattie on 2013年02月20日 at 23:20

    Hi David and everyone,

    >Watch how little boys fight and compete with each other all the time
    Actually I don’t thnk women are generally any less competitive than men but they handle things differently because they are usually not so strong physically and so fighting is not the best method to resolve issues and win battles. This might partly explain why little girls often have better communication skills than little boys of the same age; they fight and compete verbally!

    On the nuclear issue, it’s hard for me to comment on this issue because I don’t live in Japan but generally I don’t like the idea of developing nuclear weapons. Smaller nations like Japan, the UK etc should not waste their money on these weapons. If there was a huge nuclear threat posed I think the US would come to our call. Developing our nuclear weapons would probably just make us more of a target and give the excuse for other, less stable, nations to develop their nuclear weapons. I agree with Biwa when she said ‘What happens if people start buying more powerful guns? It’s quite obvious that people would look for newer and more powerful ones. It’s just endless’

  21. amo on 2013年02月20日 at 23:57

    Hi David and everyone,

    Sorry but I am a bit busy this week and I don’t have time to write a long comment. It is a tough issue and it’s impossible to eliminate nuclear weapons in the world. Like Biwa mentioned, It might be true that nuclear weapons act as a deterrent, and yet I don’t like the idea that we rely on those things to keep peace.

    Hi Biwa,

    >I would never want them to use our money endlessly for that! I know I’m being too idealistic, but I really want them to use money to make the world a better place.

    I totally agree with you.

    Bye for now,

  22. YU on 2013年02月21日 at 09:03

    Hi Kattie and everyone,

    > Actually I don’t thnk women are generally any less competitive than men but they handle things differently because they are usually not so strong physically and so fighting is not the best method to resolve issues and win battles.

    You have a point, but still, I think men are generally more hot-blooded than women by nature. The reason why I say so is that boy babies look usually more aggressive and rough than girl babies to me. I don’t really think there’s a gender difference in babies’ physical strength.

    > I agree with Biwa when she said ‘What happens if people start buying more powerful guns? It’s quite obvious that people would look for newer and more powerful ones. It’s just endless’

    I think so, too, that’s why I wrote “So I think once every country starts to think of developing nuclear weapons, they can’t go back to normal.” in my first comment.
    I read in Wikipedia that the U.S. developed nuclear weapons and conducted the test in 1945 first in the world. Until then there was no country who had nuclear weapons, but then other countries have started to develop nuclear weapons one after another, too. It’s just endless. We can’t go back to normal any more.

  23. Biwa on 2013年02月21日 at 12:28

    Hi everyone,

    I was googling some articles for some clues to answer YU’s questions about the impacts of possessing/developing nuclear weapons. I found this:

    Let me put it into English: (2006.12.25 the Sankei News)The goverment concluded their studies of the possibilities of developing nuclear weapons of our own as “impossible within a year or two”. At least 200-300 billion yen, a few hundreds of technical experts and 3-5 years would be required even to create a small bomb. Without any nuclear testing, more time and money will be needed.

    As many of you say, it’s not a good idea to waste money on these weapons, and actually many of the stable countries are ‘trying’ to lessen them by entering into the nuclear-nonproliferation treaty(
    核拡散防止条約). However, as David said, the problem is that the unstable countries use these weapons as a means to carry their point, so it seems like it’s just impossible to do away with them.
    At the same time, the technology to create these weapons is also useful for many other things like generating electricity and developing space. It’s also impossible to avoid the outflows of these technologies to those unstable countries, I guess.

    Having said that, I still don’t think we need to have our own nuclear weapons. There must be a lot more effective ways to get along with neighboring countries like China and Korea. However, North Korea is an exception, the leader is really scary and crazy because he actually does launch missiles!

  24. Biwa on 2013年02月21日 at 13:28

    Hi YU,

    By the way, have you finished preparing for tomorrow’s lesson? I know the song, but I have never really read the lyrics before. My favorite is “I will”. It’s a very simple and ベタな love song, but I love the melody. If you’re interested;

    I used to study English with my mom-friends, too, and we dictated some of the Carpenters’ songs. They’re slow and easy to catch the words, too. Anyway, good luck with your lesson!

  25. YU on 2013年02月21日 at 14:16

    Hi Biwa,

    Thank you for your tip.

    Yes, I’ve already finished preparing for the lesson.
    Apart from the song dictation, I also prepared 英語日記添削, words dictation, “make sentence longer” game, simple discussion and I think I will share the video of numbers which David posted the other day because it says “we should share it with friends” at last part!
    This time I have to give them a two hour lesson alone as another mother can’t come because of the work.

    > I used to study English with my mom-friends, too, and we dictated some of the Carpenters’ songs. They’re slow and easy to catch the words, too

    I’ve also heard that Carpenters’ songs are good materials to learn English because Karen sings each word very clearly. I have their album, so I’ll chose one of their songs for next lesson!

  26. YU on 2013年02月21日 at 15:13

    Hi Biwa,

    > I was googling some articles for some clues to answer YU’s questions about the impacts of possessing/developing nuclear weapons. I found this:

    Thak you for sharing the article with us.
    I wonder if Sankei Newspaper also reported why the government studied things like that. Anyway, it seems that a huge amount of money and labor is required to develop nuclear weapons.

    However, I think what Mr.Ishhara meant with “similate cases” or “study the impacts possessing nuclear arms” wasn’t about “How much it would cost”, but it was more about “How much more powerful Japan could be than now in the world if we had possessed nuclear weapons.”
    So in my personal opinion, his idea is almost the same with those unstable countries.

  27. YU on 2013年02月21日 at 16:52

    >“How much more powerful Japan could be than now in the world if we had possessed nuclear weapons.”
    -> How much more powerful Japan could be than now it is in the world if they possessed nuclear weapons.

    > So in my personal opinion, his idea is almost the same with those unstable countries.
    -> almost the same as the ones of those unstable countries

  28. Biwa on 2013年02月21日 at 17:26

    Hi YU and everyone,

    >However, I think what Mr.Ishhara meant with “similate cases” or “study the impacts possessing nuclear arms” wasn’t about “How much it would cost”, but it was more about “How much more powerful Japan could be than now in the world if we had possessed nuclear weapons.”

    For some reason, I just thought Mr. Ishihara was talking about the cost! lol! (By the way, I hope I can use ‘I thought’ for this case.)
    Anyway, there were no explanations about why they figured out the costs, but I guess it shows some people do think that we should have our own nuclear weapons.

    However, this figure also suggests that countries like the US, UK and many others spend a huge amount of money for this, and Japan doesn’t. I mean, Japan does pay a lot of money and also lends our land to the US for being protected, but it must be considerably different from the amount what they pay. It’s like you’re saying “I’ll pay you money and you can also keep your weapons in our house, so please protect us. However, we can’t help you create stronger weapons because we’re not allowed to.”

    Maybe it’s natural for those simple-minded people like Mr. Ishihara starts saying “We’re not powerful in the world because we don’t have our own weapons.”
    I hope Japan can soon find out a good way to contribute to the world peace-besides having weapons-!

  29. Biwa on 2013年02月22日 at 13:16

    Hi David,

    By the way, how do I say「観られないと思ったら、余計に観たくなった。」?
    I went to TSUTAYA the other day to rent a movie which someone recommened in the older entries. However, I found out that it was 生産中止, so it means I can’t see it forever. “Finding out that I would never be able to see it, now I really want to see it.”?

  30. YU on 2013年02月22日 at 14:20

    Hi Biwa,

    I found an example sentence like this :

    – When we are told not to come, we become all the more eager to go.

    all the more = かえって、ますます という意味があるみたいです。

    So, how about this?

    When I’m told that the film is no longer in prouction and it is not available now, I become all the more eager to see it.


    I’d like to know the correct answer, too!

  31. David Barker on 2013年02月22日 at 14:38

    Hi Biwa,

    Maybe “Knowing that I can’t see it makes me want to see it even more!”
shemale lesbian.