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This week, I would like to try an experiment. These days, a lot of very high-level English speakers comment on this blog, which is great, but I sometimes worry that lower-level learners will be a bit intimidated. (Actually, some of the older commenters have told me that the blog is now too difficult for them to keep up.)

Another problem is that when there are a lot of conversations between regular contributors, it sometimes becomes confusing for other people to read, and it makes it even more difficult for newcomers to join in.

I am not saying that I want to change the way we do the blog completely, but I would like to try an experiment for a month just to see what happens. I am not a blogging expert at all, so the only way I can make it better is through trial and error.

Anyway, my idea is that I will suggest a topic every Monday as usual, but that everyone will post only one comment and keep it as short and simple as possible.

I realise that we may end up with just one or two comments on every entry, but if that happens, we can just go back to the old system from March. As I said, I would just like to give it a try to see what happens.

If everyone is okay with this idea, the topic I would like to talk about this week is tattoos. I think we may have done this one before, but there was a story in the newspapers this week about a school office worker in Osaka who had her wages cut because she had some tattoos on her body. She was also told that she would lose her job if she refused to have them removed.

As you may know, because of fashion icons like David Beckham, tattoos are now really popular in other countries, especially with young people, so many foreigners are very surprised to hear news stories like this one.

My questions this week are:

1) What do you think when you see someone with tattoos?
2) Do you think Japan’s attitude to tattoos is outdated?
3) Do you think it is right that someone should lose their job simply because they have tattoos?

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

PS Please feel free to comment on the new idea as well.

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  1. Red1 on 2014年02月03日 at 15:12

    1) What do you think when you see someone with tattoos?
    2) Do you think Japan’s attitude to tattoos is outdated?
    3) Do you think it is right that someone should lose their job simply because they have tattoos?

    1)I do not get an special feeling form people with tatoos.
    2)Yes, it is a bit outdated as well as that to colored hair.
    3)That’s too much. Whether people should lose their job should depend on how they work.

  2. David on 2014年02月03日 at 15:44

    Hi Red1,

    Thanks for your comment. Nice to have you with us.

  3. Anne on 2014年02月03日 at 16:49

    Hi david and everyone.

    Here are my answers to this week’s topic:

    1) What do you think when you see someone with tattoos?
    —I don’t feel anything special as long as they aren’t too much.

    2) Do you think Japan’s attitude to tattoos is outdated?
    —Yes, I think so.

    3) Do you think it is right that someone should lose their job simply because they have tattoos?
    —No,I don’t think so. It depends on the situation.

    Hi Red1,
    Nice to have you with us^^)

  4. Mimi on 2014年02月04日 at 00:26

    1) What do you think when you see someone with tattoos?
    I only hope that they do not regret it.

    2) Do you think Japan’s attitude to tattoos is outdated?
    Yes, I think so. It’s old.

    3) Do you think it is right that someone should lose their job simply because they have tattoos?
    No, I think that it goes too far fire them.

  5. Biwa on 2014年02月04日 at 09:14

    Here are my answers:

    1) What do you think when you see someone with tattoos?
    -I just think they are a bit showy types.

    2) Do you think Japan’s attitude to tattoos is outdated?
    -Yes, I do. I think it’s because tattoos used to remind people of gangsters.

    3) Do you think it is right that someone should lose their job simply because they have tattoos?
    -No, but I think it greatly depends on the job.

    Hi Red1 and Mimi,

    Nice to have you with us.

    Hi Tsuneko,

    Thanks for your message.

  6. Animal Farm on 2014年02月04日 at 10:16

    Hello David and everyone. It’s been a long time!

    1) What do you think when you see someone with tattoos?
    -When I lived in Japan, I wasn’t exposed to people with tattoos, so I didn’t have a good feeling about it. However, since I moved to the U.S., there are many people with tattoos and they work everywhere. So, I don’t have any more bad feeling about it.

    2) Do you think Japan’s attitude to tattoos is outdated?
    -Yes, but It’s very controversial in Japan.
    In the U.S., tattoos are mostly for fashion, but in Japan, people tend to think that tattoos mean “Yakuza.”

    3) Do you think it is right that someone should lose their job simply because they have tattoos?
    -Although people shouldn’t be prevented from having a job because of tattoos, it’s very important to think about the customs of tattoos in their society.

    Thank you.

  7. taco on 2014年02月04日 at 16:51

    Hello David and everyone,

    1) For me, tattoos and irezumi are different, so I have to admit tattoos are kind of fashion
    2) No, I don’t, because I still have a negative image on irezumi.
    3) No, I don’t, but I personally think teachers shouldn’t have tattoos on their bodies.

    see you,

  8. Fumie on 2014年02月04日 at 23:03

    Hi David and everyone,

    1)Honestly, I feel a little scared because most people who have tattoos are Yakuzas in Japan. (In Japan there are still few people who have tattoos.)
    2)Yes, Japan is way behind about this matter.
    3)Absolutely not. I think having tattoo is not wrong at all.
    I wonder why people who have tattoos are prohibited to use public bath or swimming pools?
    Simply because people are afraid of them?
    (I hope my comment are not long.)

    Hi Red1 and Mimi

    Nice to have you with us!

    Hi Kattie,

    Thank you for correcting my sentence! Please be careful not to be eaten your dinner by Poppy again!

  9. Tsuneko on 2014年02月05日 at 14:46

    Hi David and everyone,

    Here’s my answer.

    1) I have an Australian niece. I see a new small tattoo on her back or shoulder every time I see her. She likes to introduce me her friends, and almost all of them have some tattoos. Some tattoos are okay, still I don’t want her to have any more. When she calls me to ask about Chinese characters, I don’t answer because it’s the time she’s planning a new design.

    2) My aunt who lives and works at a temple has my niece put bandages on her tattoos when she visits and stays there in summer. I can understand my aunt but I don’t think that is very good.

    3) No, it shouldn’t be like that. Yet, it might be depends on how tattoos are like and also what the job is.

  10. amo on 2014年02月05日 at 18:27

    Hi David and everyone,

    Here are my answers to your questions.

    1) I don’t get any special feelings from them.

    2) Yes.
    You know, if you have tattoos on your body, you are not allowed to enter public baths and pools in Japan. A friend from work who has a tattoo, always complains about that.

    3) No I don’t think so, but like others said, it might depend on what the job is.


  11. pinoko on 2014年02月07日 at 11:20

    Hi Everyone,

    This is Pinoko and it is my first time to write my comment though I have been a big fun of this blog for a quite long time:)

    Here are my answers;

    1)What do you think when you see someone with tattoos?

    A:I become worry particulary when I see young people with tattoos because I know that Japanese society still have very negative view about it.

    2) Do you think Japan’s attitude to tattoos is outdated?

    A:I can’t simply say it is just outdated and I think we have to think about the background of tattoo in Japan.

    3) Do you think it is right that someone should lose their job simply because they have tattoos?

    A:No, but it depends on their job.people should be assessed by their performance but if I am employer and find out that employee have tattoo on their body I might ask why they have it.

  12. Megumi on 2014年02月07日 at 16:53

    Hi David and everyone,
    Here is my coment.

    1) I think it’s acceptable if the tattoo is a little and simple one in fashion, but I’m scared when I see a person who tattoos something like flying dragon or amidanyorai on one’s whole back. Because that means he or she is a Japanese Mafia.
    2)This is a difficult question. Japanese traditional tattoo and the other one (recently introduced from Western countries) are completely different. To keep away from Japanese Mafia, it has been effective to prevent someone with tattoo from public area. But nowadays, Mafia tattoos and fashionable tattoos are mixed and it is difficult to distinguish them only in a word, “tattoo”.
    3) No, I don’t think so. But in this case, I think she should get a penalty. Because she has known everyone in her office should not tattoo on his or her body in office regulations and she covered up the fact.
shemale lesbian.