The "Busy" Myth
[wpaudio url=”″ text=”The ‘Busy’ Myth”]
I think we have talked about this topic before, but it was a long time ago, and I read an article yesterday that made me think of it again.
Apparently, an Indonesian nurse tweeted that she was surprised to find that although Japanese people are never late, they never seem to manage to finish anything on time. In particular, she was talking about the culture of working late. As you will see if you read the comments on the article, the opinion of most foreign people who live and work in Japan is that Japanese people don’t see a difference between working and just “being at work.” In other words, they think that Japanese people are not really very busy at all; they just spend a lot of time at their workplace.
I think there is a belief in Japan that if you finish too quickly, you cannot be working hard. There is also the pressure of not being allowed to leave before your boss. The result is that many people mess around all day being very inefficient, and then start working properly at around four or five. They leave the office around ten, and tell everyone “I’m so busy!”
I know from experience that what the Indonesian nurse said is very true of Japanese meetings. Although they usually start on time, no one can ever say when they will finish. I think there is a belief that if the meeting is over too quickly, it means that people haven’t thought carefully enough about the topics. As a result, millions of hours are wasted every day on pointless meetings that no one wants to go to in the first place.
So what do you think? Are Japanese people really busy? Or is there just an expectation that everyone has to pretend to be busy so that others will think they are a hard worker?
By the way, Tomo’s comment on the last entry made me think about another big difference between the West and Japan. Tomo’s clinic clearly doesn’t have enough staff, and so she has to work late as a result. The difference is that if a boss said “We don’t have enough staff so you will have to work late” to someone in my country, the answer would be “The fact that you don’t have enough staff is your problem, not mine. I’m going home!” I think that Japanese companies and managers get away with murder (←check this phrase if you don’t know it) because Japanese workers feel so much responsibility to their employers. Of course, this is a good thing in many ways, but it means that workers have to suffer because managers can’t / don’t want to find extra staff.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the topic of being “busy.”
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By the way, I posted Kattie’s photos on the last entry. I will leave the comments option switched on for a few days so that you can comment on the photos if you want to.
Hi David,
I finished translating this week’s topic so if you need it, please let me know.
(I’m wondering if I should have posted it in that early timing last week. Do you think beginners should make effort to translate it themselves first? But, if I didn’t post it on Monday or Tuesday, they might have less time to write their comments….)
Hi YU,
Thanks for that. Please just feel free to post it as a comment. If people want to try translating it themselves, they can skip your translation and then use it later to check their own.
Hi everyone,
The “Busy” Myth
I think we have talked about this topic before, but it was a long time ago, and I read an article yesterday that made me think of it again.
Apparently, an Indonesian nurse tweeted that she was surprised to find that although Japanese people are never late, they never seem to manage to finish anything on time. In particular, she was talking about the culture of working late.
As you will see if you read the comments on the article, the opinion of most foreign people who live and work in Japan is that Japanese people don’t see a difference between working and just “being at work.” In other words, they think that Japanese people are not really very busy at all; they just spend a lot of time at their workplace.
I think there is a belief in Japan that if you finish too quickly, you cannot be working hard. There is also the pressure of not being allowed to leave before your boss. The result is that many people mess around all day being very inefficient, and then start working properly at around four or five. They leave the office around ten, and tell everyone “I’m so busy!”
I know from experience that what the Indonesian nurse said is very true of Japanese meetings. Although they usually start on time, no one can ever say when they will finish. I think there is a belief that if the meeting is over too quickly, it means that people haven’t thought carefully enough about the topics. As a result, millions of hours are wasted every day on pointless meetings that no one wants to go to in the first place.
So what do you think? Are Japanese people really busy? Or is there just an expectation that everyone has to pretend to be busy so that others will think they are a hard worker?
By the way, Tomo’s comment on the last entry made me think about another big difference between the West and Japan.
Tomo’s clinic clearly doesn’t have enough staff, and so she has to work late as a result. The difference is that if a boss said “We don’t have enough staff so you will have to work late” to someone in my country, the answer would be “The fact that you don’t have enough staff is your problem, not mine. I’m going home!”
I think that Japanese companies and managers get away with murder (←check this phrase if you don’t know it) because Japanese workers feel so much responsibility to their employers. Of course, this is a good thing in many ways, but it means that workers have to suffer because managers can’t / don’t want to find extra staff.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the topic of being “busy.”
Hi David,
Thank you for posting Kattie’s photos. All of them are very nice and atmosphere in each room looks cozy. I liked them! As for this week’s topic, I haven’t read the article yet, and just have had a look at the entry now, so I’d like to write something later.
Hi Tomo,
That’s too bad! I hope work shift is adjusted to normal and things is going well soon. Things would be tough for the time being for you and for your family,especially for your daughter. Anyway, you are lucky to have such a supportive mother. Take care!
Hi YU,
Wow! That’s amazing!
Hi everyone,
> Are Japanese people really busy?
As the Indonesian nurse points out, I don’t think most Japanese people work efficiently. In particular, white-collor workers are often in a position to be able to adjust their work pace their “convenient leaving office time” accordingly.
Having said that, I guess more and more companies in Japan are starting to keep an eyes out for those unnecessary overtime work of the employees to reduce labor cost.
And regarding to Tomo’s problems, I think “the fact that her clinic doesn’t have enough staff is their problem, not hers”, but I think I would have worked as Tomo, if I were in her situation. In my case, it is rather from selfish motives, though.
I mean, I might suddenly have to take days off in the near future due to any reasons(illness, children’s matters, holidays, etc…), too. And in those cases, someone else in my office will end up working longer for me. So, it’s like, “We should help each other in times of need”. It might sound very Japanese ways of thinking, though…
Having said that, Tomo has three children, so I think she’d better negotiate with her boss in person in order to hire a new staff as soon as possible.
Hi everyone,
The topic for this week is quite difficult for me to decide where to discuss from! I agree with some of the ideas like the never-ending meetings and the uncompensated overtimes, but I don’t think that only Japanese are working inefficiently.
When I go somewhere abroad, I’m really surprised by the way people continue chatting with their co-workers right in front of a customer! You meet those kind of people almost everywhere like restaurants, airplanes, post offices, stores, even on taxis. I think that is never the case in Japan, and I wonder if they can finish their tasks by working that way.
Having said that, it is true that Japanese are working too much ( or maybe just spending too much time at office) and people in other countries seem to enjoy a rich social life after work. That is quite a mystery to me.
Hi Biwa,
I agree 100%. When I go back to the UK, the thing I notice most is that people do not seem to take pride in their work the way they do in Japan. The problem is that bosses and companies abuse the goodwill of Japanese workers. I think there also needs to be a big change in the way that Japanese people think about work. As you say, people in other countries manage to be just as productive as Japanese workers while having a much better work / life balance.
I knew a junior high school teacher in Sapporo who was one of the best teachers I ever met. She did fantastic lessons, and she also met all of her other responsibilities. The problem was that she used to leave school every day at 6 o’clock, so other teachers used to talk about her behind her back even though they had spent most of the day reading the newspaper!
Hi David,
Thank you for uploading the photos. I am enjoying them.
Hi YU,
Thank you for translating the topic. They are very helpful to me.
Hi everyone,
I use to work as a sales representative for a long time. Some excellent representatives are rewarded every six months. A woman, who excels the others, doesn’t work overtime. She decided not to work overtime because she raises her children as a single mother, and every day she leaves the office finishing her work within the limited time. Her ability to concentrate and take action is much greater than the others.
I watched a certain company on TV the other day. It introduced the system where working hours is cut from 8 to 6 and a salary is not changed. It seems that to make shorter working hours possible, it improved the efficiency including cutting the meeting time and doing away with a lunchtime. Now the employees finish their job at 3 and leave the office at once.
The point is time management. It is necessary to deal with time management at the training in order to promote their awareness about it. It would end up accomplishing for the company.
In Tomo’s case, we don’t consider it from the viewpoint of efficiency. I want to say “Don’t push yourself too hard”, but someone has to bear the burden because of short of hands. I would do the same thing. But still, I say “Don’t work too hard.” I hope the clinic will get some people soon.
PS I struggled to write this comment. I think there are tons of mistakes. Thank you for reading.
Hi everyone,
Talking about meaningless overtimes, I think, for some people, there is a kind of fear for being left out from the group. When I used to work, I sometimes had to work overtimes and all the section managers(課長) and the branch manager(支店長) were always there. At first, I thought they had a kind of responsibility and had to be there while their staffs work, but gradually, I understood that the managers were building a sort of connection with each other by talking or just hanging around in the office.
If one of the managers had to leave early for some reason, he would tell a bunch of excuses which sounded really funny to us. Why didn’t he leave the office with just saying ” See you tomorrow”?
These things made me think that they were just scared to be left out from the group, or they thought like if they had missed something just because they weren’t there, it would cause a great damage to their career success.
Having said that, my husband is now the age of my bosses used to be, but I don’t think he thinks this way. He says his team really lacks staff. I’m very worried about his health these days!
I think there was a similar working culture in the UK in the 1960s. When my dad was in his early twenties he worked at two/three large companies in Central London, he always tells me that if you wanted promotion, it was important to pretend to be busy and always try to be one of the last to go home. It was also crucial to attend every meeting, not because you wanted to discuss the business, but to stop people criticising you behind your back! In those days men weren’t really expected to do much housework, or help with the children and there were very few women working in senior positions in companies.
Nowadays there are lots of women in senior positions and men are expected to help around the house and with the childcare, so these are perhaps some of the reasons why most people in the UK like to finish their work at a reasonable time. I also think that, unlike our parent’s generation, we now expect a certain amount of leisure time every day – we want to ‘work to live, not live to work’ – or maybe we’re a lazy bunch!
Hi David,
I saw your comment right after I posted mine!
I understand about your friend being said things behind her back. I don’t know why those kind of people(the teachers saying things) can actually become teachers and I guess this is another case of being scared to be left out of the group.
Hi David and everyone,
Thank you for worrying about me, YU, Anne, and Kimi.
I’m a bit tired, but I’m OK 🙂
As I mentioned before, the people at my clinic are all nice, and they say they are sorry that I have to work more than I was going to. My clinic doesn’t have enough staff at the moment, but I can’t blame them because I understand that they never thought the women would quit like that.
まぁ、この状態が続くようだと困りますが、今は他にどうにもならないので。。 皆さんいい方なので「申し訳ないんだけど…」と言われたら、あっさり「嫌です」なんて言えないですよね。(欧米では言うのかな??) やっぱり私も「困ったときはお互いさま」派ですね。
I have to work tomorrow too, so I’m off to bed.
Good night,
Hi Kattie,
That’s interesting…so it might take another 40 years or so to catch up. A long long way to go!
By the way, we had “English muffins” for breakfast this morning. I wonder if you call them that way, too. It’s a kind of flat round bread with a slit, and we cut it horizontally? with a knife and toast them, and eat them with butter and marmalade. Do you sometimes have those, too?
Hi Kimi,
Your story is also very interesting! I guess not a few companies are trying various things to work efficiently, and I hope other companies follow them to make a big change in the ways and attitudes toward working.
Hi Anne,
1. I think there are often too many middle-men *involved.* (多くの中年の人が含まれている。10/16 Yu へのコメントから)
If I memory is correct, Kattie was talking about the reason of the high cost of home-stay, so I took her words like this;
I am not sure though, “middle-men” in this case not 中年 but 中間業者.
What do you think?
Hi David,
I was too sleepy to write a comment last night so I haven’t checked the article that you mentioned. I will have a look it tonight and write a comment later.
Hi Kattie,
Thanks for sharing nice pics.
Your house is sooo lovely:) when I visit the UK, I’d like to stay your place.
Thanks again.
Oh it’s my stop, I am off the train.
Have a nice day, everyone.
Hi Kimi and everyone,
Kimi, I’m glad to be of your help!
> It seems that to make shorter working hours possible, it improved the efficiency including cutting the meeting time and doing away with a lunchtime.
I want to work for the company!! I still want to have a lunchtime, though!
Joking apart, I guess more and more companies in Japan are changing their policies into this direction these days, they are still a minority, though…
My older brother is 44, he is in a responsible position in his company. His main duties are supervising his men and taking responsibility for their failures. Actually, I was very surprised to know the fact that he usually leaves office already around 6 except for some special occasions. He told me, “Even if I work late, it does no good for the benefit of my company. Everyone will just feel obligation to stay longer than me, and the company will end up spending unneccesary labor cost.”
When he was hospitalized last year , his colleagues told me that actually my brother is one of the most successful person among the employees in the same year. I’m not bragging about how capable he is, but what I want to say is that it doesn’t seem that his company judges employees’ ability only from “how long they stay at their office”, at least…
By the way, it’s interesting that exactly “an Indonesian” should have tweeted like that because I know from experience that they work inefficiently, too. Generally speaking, they’re very nice people(incl. my husband!), but I never ever think that they work more efficiently than we do. Certainly, they might leave office on time, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that they “completed” their tasks for the day, I think!
Hi Biwa,
Today we’re having a “Halloween party” at my English Club for mothers and kids. Do you sometimes have such parties with your students, too?
Last year I bought a book named “Halloween is…”
and gave a reading of it for our kids. The book says that there’s an old English Halloween game, called “Bobbing for apples”. Have you ever heard of it? I wonder if British people today still enjoy this game, though…
Anyway, everyone liked this book last time, and I’m going to read aloud it again today.
Have a nice day all!
Hi Anne and Amo,
> I am not sure though, “middle-men” in this case not 中年 but 中間業者.
I think you are right.
“middle-men” means 仲介業者(brokers, intermediaries).
Hi YU,
Enjoy your day, YU!
Yes, we do have a trick-or treating every year and I’m rushing to prepare these days. The students invite their friends and siblings, too, so I think nearly 80 children will be spooking around in my neighborhood. I’m going to be an Indian(native American) GIRL!(not an obasan!) this year.
I also have the book you’ve mentioned and I read it to my students, too. I also like to scare the kids (LOL!) so I read spooky books, too. There are lots of other funny Halloween books that your students might like, such as “Skeleton Hiccups” and “In a dark, dark, house”. You can find them at a net-shop called “kids mart”. Here’s the link.
Hi amo and YU,
amo, tha~nk you for correcting my mistake! Yes, both of you are right. This kind of mistake happens to me often… I’m afraid I tend to jump the gun. By the way, if I want to say, “中年の”, it should have been “middle-aged”,right? How confusing these two words are!(Am I the only person who thinks this way?)
Hi David and everyone,
What the article said is true to some extent. There have been such unspoken rules that didn’t allow workers leave their offices before their bosses say”See you tomorrow!.” There is still such an atmosphere in some companies, but I assume situations have been changing little by little.
Let me share two reasons for that:
One is the economy is stagnant, and each company is more concerned with work efficiency; they focus on how much they can reduce overtime pay. A friend of mine who works for a bank touched on this issue the other day. She is a chief of some section(課長). According to her, she advises her subordinates how to work effectively or tells work priority. She also says they don’t need to stay at the office when their work were done.
Another is the change of worker’s attitude toward their company. As Kattie mentioned, young people expect a certain amount of leisure time, and they don’t feel “guilty” when they leave the office earlier than their coworkers. People care much more about work and life balance.
Do you remember a commercial about energy drink? In it, it says,”Can you work 24 hours?(24時間働けますか?)
Here’s the link of the commercial just for the people who don’t know:
This really reflects the social condition in the bubble economy! I have to admit those hard working makes what Japan is now.
As for the problem what Tomo has now, the story is different. I would do the same as she did,and I don’t think most of the Japanese won’t say, “It’s not my problem, but yours.” As Tomo said, “help each other in need” is the idea that Japanese bear in mind when something unusual happens at the work place. I guess it’s a kind of “しょうがない”situation,isn’t it? ( I think you don’t agree with the idea of “しょうがない” situation,David.)
Hi Yu &Biwa,
YU, have fun!
Biwa, 80 Kids!? It sounds like a big event!
I like the stories, ornaments or games concerning Halloween!
Bye for now,
Hi Anne,
I think that Tomo’s situation is a special case, and I would probably do the same as her if I were in her place. However, if the situation has not changed three months from now, and if the boss is still saying “We don’t have enough people,” I would probably change my attitude. If I feel that someone is genuinely having trouble because of something that is not their fault, I would always try to help out, but if I felt that they were just taking advantage of me in order to save money, I would tell them to get lost!
I’m just tweeting so just skip this if you want!
I just found the expression “circle the odd one” in a children’s workbook. I mean, I know what this means, and it’s really a simple word that even a child would know, but I just couldn’t put it together like “stay an odd night out” like Kattie did. Also, if I’d written like “this is another case of being afraid to be the odd one”, my sentence would have sounded more natural and clearer.
I wish I could handle those simple and short words like “meet” one’s responsibilities, as David wrote. I guess these words are the most difficult for non-native speakers, and I really learn a lot here.
Hi Biwa,
I think I’m not smart enough to understand your “tweet” above.
“Circle the odd one out” means “仲間はずれにマルをつけなさい”, but I still can’t understand why this has something to do with Kattie’s sentence(=Sometimes our guests stay the odd night or two in other places…).
“Odd” in “Circle the odd one out” means 半端な、余りの, and the one in “stay the odd night or two” means 臨時の、一時的な. They are used in the different meanings, I guess.
By the way, we played “Halloween BINGO”, made “Jack-o’-lantern mask”, danced “The skeleton dance”, etc…, but as soon as our kids received “treats”, they stopped joining the Halloween activities and started to be absorbed in eating them!!! Sigh… 😉
Anyway, good luck with your native American “GIRL” costume!!!
Hi Anne,
Thank you for the link.
The CM reminds me of the end of term test in my university days. リゲイン was a very popular energy charge drink in those days. I know, it’s originally sold for “busy Japanese business men”, but friends around me and I used to drink it during the term test period to stay up all night studying for the tests!! And thanks to リゲイン, I managed to graduate from my university without repeating the year! I love リゲイン!!
Hi YU,
Thanks for replying my odd tweet!
I learned from my dictionary that “odd” meant “triangle” in an ancient language. I guess all the other meanings come from the same stem.
半端なis “something not regular” and 臨時の、一時的なis “something that does not happen regularly”.
When you put it into Japanese, they might sound different from each other, but if you build a certain image of “odd” in English, it’s quite easy to recognize both meanings, I think.
Hi Biwa,
I got it now, thank you!
> 私なりに理解したoddという言葉のイメージから考えると、実は全部の意味の根っこは同じだな~と感じます。
I looked it up in my English English dictionary.
And I know exactly what you mean.
By the way, your sentences sometimes rack my brain, but solving your “riddles” might be a good training for my aging brain!
Hi David,
Oh, I got it and I know you are kind, so please don’t get me wrong! I’m not meaning that the present situation at Tomo’s hospital continues for ever, but these kinds of things happen in Japan. People have to overwork, sometimes unpaid(サービス残業.) Actually,this happened at my elder son’s place. I think this is another problem in Japan, and I wonder how many people in Japan can afford to change their attitude under this situation.
Hi YU,
Did you used “リゲイン” to charge your energy? Katakana”リゲイン”means “regain” in English and its name conveys a strong message,right?
Hi Biwa and YU,
Both of your discussion about “odd” is interesting. For me, its image is “奇数 and 奇妙”, so when I first saw this in Kattie’s comment, I was not sure about its meaning. As YU mentioned, its meaning here is “occasional or random.” I guess it conveys the nuance of vague ideas or plans.
“I spent most of my stay in England at kattie’s house, but I spent odd night and two at the hotel in London.(イギリスではほとんどケイティの家で過ごしたのだけれど、1,2泊(いつとは言わないけれど)ロンドンのホテルに滞在したわ。)I wish I could say this way!
By the way, I found another sentence using”odd” in a dictionary.
” I’m going to do odd jobs during spring vacations.”(春休みにちょっとしたバイトをするつもりです。)
There are lots of meaning,indeed!
Hi David and everyone.
I think it’s true that Japanese meething and conference take long time uselessly.But also it’s true that working peopele are much busier and forced to work overtime more than before because of cut-down of workers under this economic situation.As far as I experienced, I never saw anyone pretended to be busy working although there were some slow-workers.I wonder if I just didn’t notice that….
>Japanese workers feel so much responsibility to their employers.
I think lots of people feel responsibility to their own job more than to their employers.For example,if someone neglected his/her duties at work it would trouble not only his employer but also his connections ,such as customers,clients and so on.Most of people don’t like that, I think.
Having said that,
>but if I felt that they were just taking advantage of me in order to save money, I would tell them to get lost!
I agree with David on this opinion.
I actually don’t like overtime work because as I mentioned before,I’m a person who is always anxious about the time and I want anyting to go on schedule,for better or worse.So I used to leave my task until the following day and go home on time,unless it needed to be done for the day when I was working.
My husband is completely opposite to me.Even when his work-schedule is not tight and he could go home early, he ends up working overtime for preparing things for the following day.I don’t know if he is workholic but probably he is more typical Japanese worker than me.
Hi Kimi
>I watched a certain company on TV the other day. It introduced the system where working hours is cut from 8 to 6
I saw the TV program,too and I was really impressed by the idea and system. I remember the woman working for the company said she didn’t have to hesitate to have a child working there.
See you everyone!
Hi Anne,
> Did you used “リゲイン” to charge your energy?
Yes, but some of my firends used to drink it before “clubbing”, too!
>“I spent most of my stay in England at kattie’s house, but I spent odd night and two at the hotel in London.(イギリスではほとんどケイティの家で過ごしたのだけれど、1,2泊(いつとは言わないけれど)ロンドンのホテルに滞在したわ。)I wish I could say this way!
Indeed(!), but I have still long way to go, so I’ll try to write “simple English” like Tomo for the time being so that everyone will understand what I want to say.
By the way, I didn’t know how to pronounce “Kattie”… Thanks!!
Hi rinko and everyone,
>I think lots of people feel responsibility to their own job more than to their employers
You might be right. As you say, most Japanese workers place great importance on their customers’ needs. In Japan CS(Customer Satisfaction) is the most important thing, but ES(Employee Satisfaction) is often slighted.
Japanese companies often survey the opinions of their customers or clients, but they seldom ask if their employees are satisfied with their working conditions(working hours, salary, holidays, etc…)
Hi Anne,
I’m not sure if “odd” has a random or vague nuance. I think it’s just いつもと違って。
>“I spent most of my stay in England at kattie’s house, but I spent odd night and two at the hotel in London.(イギリスではほとんどケイティの家で過ごしたのだけれど、1,2泊(いつとは言わないけれど)ロンドンのホテルに滞在したわ。)
I stayed at Kattie’s house mostly, but I stayed an odd night at a hotel in London.
~~~~~~,but I stayed two odd nights at a hotel in London.
というように、私は理解しました。(違ったらごめんなさい。)ケイティーがこの表現を使った時には、あるゲストの例を挙げていたので、1、2泊”an odd night or two”となっていましたが、”odd”という言葉自体には「漠然とした」ニュアンスはあまりないように思います・・・。
Hi YU,
I admire your brother. How cool he is to be great at his job even if he leaves the office!
Hi Biwa,
If you are interested in knowing the story about the company I wrote, you can see it here.
Hi rinko,
That TV program on women’s social advancement got me thinking. Although there are a lot of problems in Japan, I hope women can advance more into society.
Hi everyone,
I mentioned about time management before and I think that women can manage time more efficiently than men. (Sorry, David!) Especially, those women who have experienced marriage or childcare are good at time keeping. They (We!?) are doing a lot of things in small pieces of time. It is said that once women quite the company on the occasion of getting married or having a child it is hard to find another job. I think that they should be highly appreciated.
Thank you for reading.
Hi YU,
Sorry I made a mistake.
>How cool he is to be great at his job even if he leaves the office!
How cool he is to be great at his job even if he leaves the office earlier!
earlierが抜けていました。・・・が、この文章自体、もしかして意味不明ですか? even if でいいのかどうかもわからず・・。もっと適切な言い方があれが教えてください。
Hi Yu and Biwa,
>YU,I wish I could say this way!—I’m afraid my sentence was incorrect. I was not meaning to say about the sentence but the content. I mean,”....イギリスではロンドンにも1,2泊したわ。”(なんて言ってみたい!)
Anyway, you are right. Tomo’s writing is so superb that everyone should learn from her including me:)
As her name, I’m not sure how to call, so please don’t trust me.
Biwa, ややこしいこと書いてごめんなさい。基本はYUの言うとおりoccasionalだと思います。
*Did you used “リゲイン”—Did you use “リゲイン.”
Hi David and everyone,
Sorry, I haven’t read the article and the comments yet. I just wanted to say that I don’t think I will be able to join you this week because one of my colleagues is down with a cold and I have to cover for her. I will read them this weekend.(if my brain is working! LOL)
I’m going to do the laundry for tomorrow.
See you!
Hi David and everyone,
I didn’t know about the tendency of Japanese people pretending to be busy and working inefficiently because I haven’t been worked in such offices. I think this tendency is mostly apply to white-collar workers not blue-collar workers. And I think the things are getting better. As you know, more people are prioritize their own life too e.g. some men take some days off to help around the house and with the children. I want to “work to live, not live to work”, as Kattie wrote. And I hope this old, ridiculous tendency (people working inefficiently and pretending to be busy) be abolished soon.
Hi Tomo,
It seems things are really tough at your workplace at the moment. Please take care of yourself!
Hi Anne,
No problem. っていうかI’m not really sure at all. Anyway, I think it’s nice to share with members what you’ve learned about a certain word/phrase. Little by little, you get to know how to use them correctly.
By the way, I love the smell of fragrance olives, too! It’s a pity that you can enjoy it for only a limited time.
Hi YU and everyone,
I’m so sorry that my sentences rack your brain! I always try to write my thoughts in the simplest way, but it’s just that there is a huge gap between what I want to say and what I can say (in English). I have to be careful and thank you for letting me know, YU!
Hi Kimi,
Thanks for the link!
The president of the company looks very young and I think that these people from the new generation will help people to change their attitudes toward working.
Hi Tomo,
Please take care of yourself! I hope you are eating and sleeping at least a little!
Have a nice day, everyone!
Hi Anne,
>YU,I wish I could say this way!—I’m afraid my sentence was incorrect. I was not meaning to say about the sentence but the content. I mean,”....イギリスではロンドンにも1,2泊したわ。”(なんて言ってみたい!)
I see. To be honest, I didn’t realize that your sentence was incorrect!! 😉
> Tomo’s writing is so superb that everyone should learn from her including me:)
These days, I really feel that vocablary or expressions I can “handle” in practice(=active vocablary) are fa—–r less than the one I can just understand(= passive vocablary).
Hi Kimi and everyone,
Thank you for the interesting link, Kimi.
Although I agree with David that there also needs to be a big change in the way that Japanese people think about “work-life balance”, I don’t think it is not that easy to find a solution, as the article says.
I don’t think Japanese companies and managers will renounce their advantages(=that they get away with murder using the responsible nature of Japanese people) so easily unless they can take some other benefits instead.
Hi YU,
Your right, but I think lots of employers are starting to think the other way round. That is because if they don’t try to improve their employees’ working problems, they will just end up losing their most excellent employees.
Sorry, “Your right” should be “You’re right”.
Hi Biwa,
> I’m so sorry that my sentences rack your brain! I always try to write my thoughts in the simplest way, but it’s just that there is a huge gap between what I want to say and what I can say (in English).
Please don’t say sorry.
I didn’t mean that your sentences are always comlex nor unclear, but I just wanted to say that I’m too dull to get your points sometimes.
Hi Biwa and everyone,
> but I think lots of employers are starting to think the other way round. That is because if they don’t try to improve their employees’ working problems, they will just end up losing their most excellent employees.
“I guess more and more companies in Japan are changing their policies into this direction these days, they are still a minority, though…”
I wrote as above before. So I agree with you to some extent, but unfortunately they are still a minority, and they are often big companies who can afford to worry about things like that. What’s more, not all jobs need excellent skills, knowledges or educational backgrouds, and so most ordinary workers who don’t have any outstanding skills will just end up accepting their bad working conditions as they do now. So, I think what the Indonesian nurse pointed out is the reality in Japan, unfortunately.
Hi everyone,
This is quoted from the link Kimi posted.
I totally agree with her.
In Japan employers and employees halve the social security tax so I don’t think employers like to pay the tax for the employees who can work only for short hours(5-6 hours) a day in average. That’s why Tomo’s clinic, for example, hires 6 part-timers instead of maybe 2-3 full-time employees.
It will be also more profitable for employers if they employ 3 people who can work 8 hours than 4 people who can work only for 6 hours. The total working hours are both 24 hours, but the former case will cost them less than the latter one because they only need to pay the tax for 3 employees wheras the latter case is for 4 people.
The point is actually the work efficiency, not the total length of working hours, though….
Anyway, I don’t really think that the idea of “work-life balance” will establish in Japanese society so easily unless this tax system is changed.
As Mr.Hasegawa points out, I really wonder why comapanies and managers in Japan just have been ignoring the low productivity among white-collor workers until today. Does anyone have any ideas??
Hi YU,
Yeah, I kind of understand what you say is reality, but those unsatisfied workers/employees can just shift to more satisfactory workplaces. It might not be that easy to shift workplaces under this bad economy, though…
Anyway, “excellent workers” doesn’t always mean workers with special skills or knowledges, I mean workers who take pride in their jobs and who work hard to safisfy their customers. There are always exceptions, but I guess most of the people are generally excellent workers and those are the ones who bring benefit to the employers. So I think not only the big companies but also the small companies need to look further(=try to satisfy their employees) and try not to cling on to their short-term benefits.
Hi Biwa,
> So I think not only the big companies but also the small companies need to look further(=try to satisfy their employees) and try not to cling on to their short-term benefits.
I don’t think it is easy to turn their attention to the medium- and long- term manpower training under this bad economy(for small companies, in particular), but I agree with your opinion all in all.
Hi everyone,
I think that the key to increase productivity is whether people work with awareness about it or not. People can improve productivity by eliminating waste and inefficiency with our ingenuity amid strict competition. Unfortunately, we Japanese have been protected under lifetime employment and the seniority system. So many employees haven’t had to consider productivity improvement. Times have certainly changed. More and more companies are taking achievement-oriented. Competition is fierce with increased globalization today. To make “work-life balance” possible, we must increase productivity by any means. I think government, companies and people should work together about it.
Sorry, I wrote my name on top.
Hi Kimi and everyone,
The article you posted intoroduces how the “work-life balance” works in Netherlands. And it says that when the working hours are shortened, the productivity increases naturally.
It also says that the society and employers need to treat part-time workers and full-time workers eaually(e.g. post, social secrity, etc…) to realize “work-life balance”.
As all of you might know, more and more companies in Japan are hiring temps because they are very convenient for employers. I mean, temp agencies pay the social security tax and the company can stop the contract anytime they like.
So, I’m a bit skeptical if Japanese companies would really think over the realization of “work-life balance” seriously. For them it is much easier to hire temps. They are usually good at the job and work efficiently(of course, there are always exceptions, though!) because their working hours are normally fixed.
Hi Kimi, YU and everyone,
>To make “work-life balance” possible, we must increase productivity by any means. I think government, companies and people should work together about it.
I agree with you, KImi.
>It will be also more profitable for employers if they employ 3 people who can work 8 hours than 4 people who can work only for 6 hours. The total working hours are both 24 hours, but the former case will cost them less than the latter one because they only need to pay the tax for 3 employees wheras the latter case is for 4 people.
YU, I didn’t know about this. I thought the employers pay tax according to the employees’ working hours. If they have to pay according to the number of the people they hire, this is definitely not fair to the employers.
>I’m a bit skeptical if Japanese companies would really think over the realization of “work-life balance” seriously.
I still think that if the workplace is not attractive for the workers, even the temps will just go away to more attractive companies.
As Kimi said, I think we have to think from three ways(government, companies and people).
The government should try to improve the legal system(like the one YU mentioned above), and the companies should try to improve the workers’ labor conditions not to lose the manpower, and people should try to increase productivity.
I read some of the older comments which was written by a careworker. He said that his job was very tough both physically and menatally because of the bad working conditions. I think that these jobs are one of the most needed these days, and their employers should try very hard to improve their working conditions unless they will just lose their precious manpower.
I know it’s not easy, and there are lots of dilemmas, but I think we really have to think about this.
Hi Biwa and everyone,
>YU, I didn’t know about this. I thought the employers pay tax according to the employees’ working hours. If they have to pay according to the number of the people they hire, this is definitely not fair to the employers
Of course, the amount of the tax that employer needs to pay differs depending on how much the employee earns.
However, as you know, employers don’t need to pay those social security tax at all as long as their employees work within the working days/hours specified by laws as follows ;
unemployment insurance : under 20 hours/week
health insurance and employee’s pension : under 3/4 of full-time workers
雇用保険 : 週20時間以内
健康保険・厚生年金 : 正社員の3/4以内の労働日数、時間
As the article says, that is why companies in Japan expect full-time workers to work hard and longer so that they don’t need to employ extra staffs.
目一杯働いてもらわないと元が取れないんじゃないですか、記事にも書いてあるように。それにオランダのようにそう簡単に短時間労働者(でも社会保障対象者)を自前で雇い入れると結局新たに人を雇わないといけなくなるし。そんなことするなら少々時給が高くても雇用費用ゼロの派遣社員を使う方がお得、というわけです。私も理想はwork to liveが可能な社会の実現ですが現実の経営の世界ははそんなに甘くないと思います。KimiとBiwaの言うようにまず環境から整備しないと何も始まりませんよね。
Good night!
Hi everyone,
If you are interested, here is a link of the definition of “odd”.
Hi YU,
Thank you for the explanation of management situation of Japanese companies. I’m not good at economics.
Hi Biwa,
> I think that these jobs are one of the most needed these days, and their employers should try very hard to improve their working conditions unless they will just lose their precious manpower. I know it’s not easy, and there are lots of dilemmas, but I think we really have to think about this.
I totally agree with you!
Do you know that the nursing care compensation system has been changed this year? Everyone had thought that nursing care homes(?) would receive more money with the change, and care workers’ working conditions would be improved, but it was again just another tricky reform by our government, and the working conditions in most nursing care facilities got even worse after the reform!!
If you are interested, here is a link ;
Hi Fumie,
Thanks for the link. With lots of examples, this is very useful. I’m going to add it to my list.
Hi YU,
Thanks for the explanation. I’m really bad at these things.
It seems that this rule meet both the temps and the employers needs. A temp who wants to work wihout so much responsibility ( like they can quit any time without feeling too much guilty), and the employers are somewhat protected (don’t have to take the risk of paying tax for a temp that can quit any time).
I think, this kind of tax loophole(抜け道)is always unavoidable, especially under the bad economy, but yes, I agree with you that we have to rethink about these things, too.
Also, I hope Tomo knows these things(余計なお世話かもしれませんが・・・・), and would like to hear from other members who might be working as a temp.
Hi YU,
I saw your comment right after I posted mine!
I’ll take a look into the link later. Thanks always!
Hi Biwa,
Just one more thing.
In Japan, employers usually spend not only social security premium or training education, but also many kinds of welfare programs(福利厚生費) of their own, such as bonus, retirement money, 住宅手当, 役職手当, 家族手当, etc… for their full-time workers. It means that employing one full-time worker really costs much!
Hi Kimi,
>How cool he is to be great at his job even if he leaves the office earlier!
earlierが抜けていました。・・・が、この文章自体、もしかして意味不明ですか? even if でいいのかどうかもわからず・・。もっと適切な言い方があれが教えてください。
even ifは「たとえ~だとしても/~しても」の意味なのでちょっと違うと思います。
“It’s amazing that he should know how to get the job done and even leave the offfice earlier than his men!”
It’s amazing that he should…. ….なんてすごい!
know how to get the job done 仕事ができる
even しかも
his men (彼の)部下たち
Hi everyone,
Ishihara announced to resign his post just now.
Appalently, he’s going to form a new political party.
The day has finally arrived….
Hi YU,
Yeah, and he’s 80 years old. I think he’s old enough to retire!
Thanks for the link. Sigh…..
People just do these meaningless reforms instead of solving the fundamental issues just because they don’t have any good ideas. I think the problems in this area needs to be considered seriously and as soon as possible. The front line staff always get hit badly. It’s really easy to understand why many careworkers with lots of goodwill just quit their job.
Hi everyone,
I wonder if there is a phrase in English that expresses 「車の両輪」exactly.
I know by experience that a person who can organize his/her work well tends to be a very attractive person who enjoys his/her private life. Also, when your praivate life is a satisfactory one, you can also work efficiently and energetically. So, I guess you can say work and private life affects each other mutually, but is there a more natural way to say this? May I ask you, David?
Sorry Biwa, I don’t know that expression.
Does anyone else know?
Thanks for replying, David.
I found some phrases on the net-dictionary. Do you use these in real conversation?
“a pair of wheels”, “be inseparable”, “be closely connected with each other”, “be great help to each other”
I was imagining something like “the sun and the moon” (LOL!) I guess, “be inseparable” is the closest to the Japanese nuance. Thanks anyway.
Hi YU,
Thank you for your suggestion.
>It’s amazing that he should…. ….なんてすごい!
I have a question. Why is “should” used ? I’m afraid I don’t understand the usage of auxiliary verb so much.
Catching up to your exchanges takes me a good amount of time. So your English and Japanese are very helpful to me. They can help me understand your comments and I can learn a lot of new expressions from them. Thank you!
Anyway, you can’t take your eyes off politics more than before.
Hi Biwa,
You are an English teacher for children, aren’t you? No wonder your English is sophisticated. I want to learn more from your comments.
Hi Kimi,
>I have a question. Why is “should” used ? I’m afraid I don’t understand the usage of auxiliary verb so much.
It is/I am…. should that…..で驚き、意外、怒りなどの感情を表す、というのがあります。日本語だと「…なんて/…とは」という感じです。
It is lucky that the weather should be so nice.
I’m surprised that she should have done such a thing.
It’s a pity that you should have to leave.
Hi Kimi,
> It’s a pity that you should have to leave.
Hi YU,
I got it!
Thank you for answering my question in your busy schedule.
Good night.
Hi David and everyone,
>There is also the pressure of not being allowed to leave before your boss.
Actually, I don’t like people who just spend a lot of time at their workplace, so I don’t allow my staff to work unnecessary overtime. Although having said that, I used to work late before, but I never forced my staff to work late, so they usually left the office earlier than me. Of course I asked them to work late sometimes. After going through a tough situation a couple years ago, I decided not to work late anymore, since then I also try to take paid leaves regularly. Sorry I am getting off the track. Anyway, in this respect I have good staff because they really don’t like overtime.
>Are Japanese people really busy?
I think some are busy and some are not. One of my sisters are very busy, and I don’t think that she just pretends to be busy because she always has to work hard to meet deadlines.
>Or is there just an expectation that everyone has to pretend to be busy so that others will think they are a hard worker?
I can’t believe this. As I mentioned above, I don’t allow my staff to work unnecessary overtime so this kind of thing won’t happen to my section. If this true, there are so many stupid people in this country lol
I had a look at the article and read some comments. To tell the truth, I was a bit of shock to know that there are so many people who think that Japanese people don’t work efficiently.
Hi Anne,
>amo, tha~nk you for correcting my mistake!
Not at all 🙂
PS. correction
If I memory is correct,
>If my memory is correct,
Hi David,
This is not relevant to the topic.
I finished reading “Born to Run”. Let me write my impression. I found out that my idea(knowledge) of what is good for running was completely wrong.
The more expensive shoes are, the worse it would be for feet. And it made me want to run barefoot after reading this book. But only on safe (clean) ground without pebbles, broken glasses and dogs’ poops like school playground in my case.
I first tried to read original one(English One)but I gave up in some point because it’s too difficult for me. And I started to read Japanese version. Actually until about the half of it, I didn’t feel much interested, but after about the half it become very interested. What I learned in the book was full of surprised.
トピックとは関係ありませんが、”Born to Run” を読んだので感想を書かせて下さい。この本を読んで、私がこれまで走るのに良いと思ってきたことが全く違っていたことを知りました。靴が高価であればあるほど、足にダメージを与えてしまう。確かに読んだ後、はだしで走りたくなりました。だけど危険な物や汚い物のない学校のグラウンドなどならですが。
Hi David,
My previous comment seems to be a bit different from what I wanted to say. Can I rewrite it?
「車の両輪」means “a pair of wheels” directly , and it includes all the meanings written above. Does the phrase in English include all those meanings, too? Does everyone get it when I use it like “Work and private life are like a pair of wheels”?
Hi Kimi,
Thanks for your compliments! As YU said, I asked the same question to David before. (みんな同じところに疑問を持つのですね!前にTomoも同じ質問をしたとのことでした。)The name of the entry is “The part where…” and David’s answer was posted on Oct.2. (Since there’s so many comments, I think it’s easier to find David’s because his name is written in blue.)
Hi amo,
>To tell the truth, I was a bit of shock to know that there are so many people who think that Japanese people don’t work efficiently.
I agree! Actually, I was thinking the other way round, especially for the people like sales clerks and waiters/waitresses you meet abroad.
Hi KImi,
Sorry, “Since there are so many comments…” is correct.
Hi Fumie,
Oh,did you? That’s great! Same as you, I started reading the English one, and gave up reading after reading a third of it. I wasn’t enjoying at all, and it was difficult for me,too. Some parts of the book I’ve read so far are about situations and people concerning Tarahumara Indians of Mexico.
読み終えましたか? それは素晴らしい! 私も同じように英語バージョンで読み始めたんですが、3分の1読んだところであきらめました。 楽しめなかったし、私にとっても難しかったです。 これまでの読んだところは、メキシコのタラウマラ族にかかわる状況であったり、人々についてです。
>. Actually until about the half of it, I didn’t feel much interested, but after about the half it become very interested. What I learned in the book was full of surprised.—You found it interesting after half of it? Oh, I should have been patient until I go that far. I’ll start reading again from where I stopped. Thanks for letting me know about it. By the way, I have to wait a month to read the Japanese version because two people are ahead of me on the waiting list at the library.
半分過ぎたあたりから面白くなったんですか? あ~そこまでたどり着くまで我慢しなくちゃいけなかったですね。 やめたところから、もう一度読み始めることにしましょう。 教えてくれてありがとう。 ところで、日本語版については図書館の予約リストに私の前に2人いるので、あと1月ぐらい待たなくちゃいけないと思います。
Hi YU,
Thanks for letting us know lots of information!
By the way,you(in general) can’t take your eyes away from the politics,don’t you?
See you soon,
Hi Biwa,
>I agree! Actually, I was thinking the other way round, especially for the people like sales clerks and waiters/waitresses you meet abroad.
I was wondering that too! I was going to write about it last night but it was already too late so I didn’t . When I went abroad, I often met people who weren’t interested in their work. Especialy shop clarks, they keep talking with each others and also it seemed like they didn’t want to be bothered by customers.
I got to go,
Hi amo and everyone,
> I think some are busy and some are not.
Very true! Some are really busy like your sister, but I guess some are just wily.
I knew a coworker who always worked inefficiently by design to work overtime so that she would be able to earn more. As you know, you get paid for overtime work(usually!) unless you are a management level employee or higher. So, I suspect that some are just pretending to be busy for “money” like her.
That is why I wrote in my first comment on this topic as follows ;
> In particular, white-collor workers are often in a position to be able to adjust their work pace their “convenient leaving office time” accordingly.
Hi Anne,
> By the way,you(in general) can’t take your eyes away from the politics,don’t you?
As I mentioned before, I didn’t used to be interested in politics very much, but thanks to the “interesting” politicians like Ishihara or Hashimoto, I started to get interested in politics more and more these days! 😉
By the way, the company I worked for before giving birth had the annual-salary system.
I’m not sure because of it or not, most of the employees tried to avoid working overtime as much as possible and left the office aroud 7 at latest.
So, if you were garanteed to get payed as the same amount of the saraly as you get now, people would probably work much more efficiently within the limited working hours like the model company’s employees in the article Kimi posted.