Unworn Clothes
[wpaudio url=”https://www.btbpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Unworn-Clothes.mp3″ text=”Click to listen”]
I heard an interesting story on the radio the other day about a survey that was conducted recently in the UK. The survey found that the average person has around £1000-worth (approx. ¥150,000) of brand new clothes in their closet that they have never worn.
The survey also found that almost everyone has clothes that are one or two sizes too small. People don’t want to throw them away because they are sure that they will be able to lose weight and get back into them at some point in the future. I suppose throwing old clothes away is like admitting that you have no chance of losing weight!
I understand the unworn new clothes problem, too. I guess that a lot of people try on things that look good in a shop but then find that they don’t actually like them when they get them home.
My problem is that I am very conservative, and I like wearing the same kind of clothes all the time. I sometimes get adventurous when I go shopping and buy something that is different from my usual style, but then it just ends up sitting in the back of my closet. I must have around 30 T-shirts in my house, but I end up just rotating the same five or six and never wearing the others. I can’t bring myself to throw them away because there is nothing wrong with them. I keep telling myself that I might still wear them in the future.
Anyway, I promised you a nice easy topic this week, so here are my questions:
1) How much stuff do you have in your closet that you have never worn or only worn once?
2) How much stuff do you have in your closet that is now too small for you? Do you ever throw old clothes away?
3) What kind of things are you most likely to buy and never wear? (Shirts? Shoes? Jackets?)
As most of the readers of this blog seem to be women, I’m expecting a lot of interesting comments this week!
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Unworn Clothes
I heard an interesting story on the radio the other day about a survey that was conducted recently in the UK. The survey found that the average person has around £1000-worth (approx. ¥150,000) of brand new clothes in their closet that they have never worn.
The survey also found that almost everyone has clothes that are one or two sizes too small. People don’t want to throw them away because they are sure that they will be able to lose weight and get back into them at some point in the future. I suppose throwing old clothes away is like admitting that you have no chance of losing weight!
I understand the unworn new clothes problem, too. I guess that a lot of people try on things that look good in a shop but then find that they don’t actually like them when they get them home.
My problem is that I am very conservative, and I like wearing the same kind of clothes all the time. I sometimes get adventurous when I go shopping and buy something that is different from my usual style, but then it just ends up sitting in the back of my closet. I must have around 30 T-shirts in my house, but I end up just rotating the same five or six and never wearing the others. I can’t bring myself to throw them away because there is nothing wrong with them. I keep telling myself that I might still wear them in the future.
Anyway, I promised you a nice easy topic this week, so here are my questions:
1)How much stuff do you have in your closet that you have never worn or only worn once?
2)How much stuff do you have in your closet that is now too small for you? Do you ever throw old clothes away?
3)What kind of things are you most likely to buy and never wear? (Shirts? Shoes? Jackets?)
As most of the readers of this blog seem to be women, I’m expecting a lot of interesting comments this week!
Hi, David
I’m Tomoaki. This is my first time to comment your blog. And I am a man.
I am a senior student in a university in Sapporo. So I know there are many students in nice fashion and they buy many clothes, but I don’t. The reason is I am not much interested in clothes and fashion. Three or four times I buy clothes in a year. So there are few unworn clothes in my closet, I think.
However, instead of buying new clothes, I buy a new book which I don’t read. I go to a bookstore 3 or 4 times in a week. My bookshelf is full of books I have never read or read only 10 or 20 pages. I think there are 100 or 200 such books. When I buy books, I always think that this book looks very fun, famous or written many important things so I’d better buy it, but after buying it and put it on my bookshelf at home, I am satisfied and don’t want to read it. Sometimes this is called “Tsundoku(つんどく、積む+読書)” in Japanese.
Maybe this is not what you want to know. But I think buying unworn clothes and buying unread books is very similar situation.
finally, I’m happy to find this blog. I am not so good at English but I want to comment as passible as I can after this.
Thanks YU.
Hi Tomo,
Nice to have you with us. I know what you mean about books! I have lots that I keep promising myself I am going to read, but that I never seem to get around to!
Hi Tomo,
Nice to have you with us! 🙂
I read your “つんどく” story with interest.
In my case, I buy books only 3 or 4 times a year just like you buy clothes, so my bookshelf is never full of books! I usually buy books out of necessity, so I don’t think I have unread books in the bookshelf. I never mind to throw old books away or sell them to secondhand bookstores like BOOK OFF. This is probably because I’m not very interested in books.
Hi David and everyone,
Here my answers :
1) How much stuff do you have in your closet that you have never worn or only worn once?
I’ve never counted them.
Actually, I threw most of them away when I bought a house and moved in, but I guess I still have 20-30 at least.
2) How much stuff do you have in your closet that is now too small for you? Do you ever throw old clothes away?
I’m not sure how many, but I have lots of old clothes and shoes that are now too small for me.
For example, the other day I was thinkng about if I had a bit elegant pumps for my son’s kindergarten entrance ceremony in my shoes collection. I found ones my husband bought for me when I was still working. I think I wore them only three or four times. They were just the right size at the time.
And now I put on the shoes, but they’re too small and I can’t walk properly! Come to think of it, I haven’t worn high-heeled shoes since I got pregnant!, that means, more than for 5 years!! I wear nothing but comfortable shoes these days. I still buy the same size shoes as before pregnancy, but I guess the width of my feet must have changed! So I think I’ll end up buying new pumps for the ceremony. But I don’t think I’m going to throw the old pumps away because I may still wear them in the future!
3) What kind of things are you most likely to buy and never wear? (Shirts? Shoes? Jackets?)
I think shoes, in my case. I tend to buy shoes look nice even I know they’re a bit too small for me. I usually think this way : “そのうち履いてれば伸びる”. Indeed, some really get bigger, but some don’t at all. I never wear those shoes again because wearing too small shoes make me feel sick.
Hi OOE and Tomo,
Nice to have you with us! I’m looking forward to hearing from you again soon. Tomo, I know what you mean about books, too. For me, the “best sellers” are especially dangerous. Have you read “ハーバードの人生を変える授業”? It’s one of my “Tsundoku” collection. LOL!
Hi everyone,
Great topic! Although I always wish if I could live with just a few things that I really need, things seem to keep piling up in my house.
As I live in a teeny-tiny apartment with my husband and two sons, I know well that I don’t have enough room to keep what I don’t really need. However, I just end up throwing things away at least twice a year. I don’t know why this happens!
Here are my answers:
1) I think I have at least 20 or so. Most of them are clothes, scarves and bags from my mother-in-law, but unfortunately they are far away from my taste(this is a secret!). I’m not bold enough to throw them away.
2) Yes, I do throw too old or small clothes away. However, I still have things that I don’t wear so often. I don’t think they’re £1000-worth though!
3) I don’t say I never wear, but I can’t help buying skirts, dresses or bags for special occasions that come only few times a year. I love buying things during the bargain season!
Hi Biwa,
> I love buying things during the bargain season!
Same here!
However, I tend to buy clothes, shoes or bags just because they are cheap and often end up regretting that I should have given it more thought before buying them…
Hi David and everyone,
Do you ever sell your old clothes(clothes you never wear) to secondhand stores or at flea markets? Or do you ever give them to your friends??
I sometimes give my son’s old clothes that are now too small for him to my mom friends who have younger sons, but I never thought about giving my clothes to my friends. Maybe because I don’t want to see my friends looking nicer with my clothes than when I wear them!?
This has nothing to do with the topic, but I found that it’s almost one year since I joined this blog. Actually, I posted my first comment on February 9th last year. My heart was full when I read the comment last night!
David, thank you always for your interesting topics. Thank you everyone for sharing your opinions.
It’s already one year, but it’s still one year. I’ll try to keep posting comments as long as possible like Tomo, Anne, amo, Fumie and others.
Hi YU,
Congratulations on your first anniversary for joining the blog! I joined last September, and I hope I can keep commenting regularly like you.
I know exactly what you mean about being attracted by the cheap prices! I don’t know why I can’t learn that I’m just wasting money by doing that no matter how cheap they were.
>Do you ever sell your old clothes(clothes you never wear) to secondhand stores or at flea markets? Or do you ever give them to your friends??
I’m always interested in selling unworn clothes, but I’ve never done that. Perhaps that is because when I clean up my closet, I want to get rid of those unnecessary clothes at that very second. It’s a lot easier to throw them into plastic bags than to bring them all the way to flea-markets or secondhand-shops.
Besides, I sometimes give my clothes to very close friends. I also get some from my friends, too. I try to be careful not to force them to receive anything they don’t really like.
My sons’ clothes were seldom good enough to give, because they were mostly worn out or dirty!
Hi Biwa,
> I’m always interested in selling unworn clothes, but I’ve never done that.
I’ve never done that, either.
There’s a clothes recycle shop called “DonDonDown on Wednesday” near my house. Have you ever heard of the shop? As its name suggests, clothes at the shop get cheaper and cheaper every Wednesday.
Back to our main topic, anyway, the shop is always crowded with people bringing their old clothes in cardboard box. A friend of mine told me that she has sold clothes to the shop several times, but it always takes so long time to assess price there, on weekends in particular. Another friend of mine sometimes sells her old clothes at flea markets. She told me that you have to pay to open a stall and whether it sells well or not is easily influenced by weather on that day.
> My sons’ clothes were seldom good enough to give, because they were mostly worn out or dirty!
I know exactly what you mean, but my son seems to be a bit 潔癖症 like me. He doesn’t dirt his clothes as much as other boys do, so when I give his clothes to my mom friends, they’re always surprised and say, “I wonder how you could keep them in good condtion like this!”. Besides, young children grow very quickly, so it is often the case that his clothes get too small for him before they are worn out!
Hello David,
You’ve already fixed it, but I found something strange was happening on the blog. When I read this blog this morning on my smart phone, one of the members’ name and address were put in the “your name box” and “your address box.” Now they disappeared, but I was surprised and scared when I found them.
Hello everyone,
I’m interested in your “unread books” rather than unworn cloths!
See you,
Hi YU,
“DonDonDown on Wednesday”! I like that!
As you say, trying to get money from what you don’t need is often troublesome. I remember volunteering as a “bazar staff” at my sons’ kindergarten. A month ahead of the bazar, we set a huge box so that anyone who wants to give unworn clothes can just throw them in. We were surprised (in a bad way!) to see many people seem to think the collection box as a “rubbish box”. It took days to sort out unworn clothes from rubbish!
Hi everyone,
The story of the £1000-worth unworn clothes was quite interesting and it reminded me of the word “Compulsive buying disorder(買い物依存症)”. I don’t mean to be too serious here, but I just thought that everyone must have a bit of the tendency. lol!
The link shows a self-check list of 14 questions. You just need to click yes or no to get your results. If you’re interested:http://yuzuriha.sakura.ne.jp/~akikan/pain/mantaro/12.html
Hi taco and David,
I’ve met the same case, too. I think it was about two weeks ago. I was reading from my smartphone as well.
Hi Biwa,
> We were surprised (in a bad way!) to see many people seem to think the collection box as a “rubbish box”. It took days to sort out unworn clothes from rubbish!
That’s terrible!
By the way, yesterday, I saw an interesting survey conducted in a variety program.
Question : “How do you throw your “worn out underwears” away?”.
A : Cut the cloth into small pieces and then throw them away
B : Leave them just as they are and throw them away
C : Others
The survey found that about half of the respodents answered “A”, and the other half answered “B”.
What surprised me most was that the pin-up girl(グラビアアイドル)who appeared in the show yesterday answered ;
“I usually don’t do anything special before throwing them away. I just throw them away with other garbage like papers or tissues.”
I wondered if young sanitaion workers in her area might get interested in her garbage hearing that! Or is it just her ways to attract male fans?
I tried the self-check you posted. It seems that I’m not 買い物依存症.
Hi taco and Biwa,
Really? I don’t know how it actually shown is because I still use a ガラケー, but it’s very scary if my name and e-mail address are open to general public!
Hi Taco and Biwa,
Thanks for pointing out the problem. Could you explain a bit more? Are you seeing somebody else’s information when you open the app?
Hi David,
I have just emailed you from “contact us” page. Please check it!
Hi David,
Sorry for my late reply.
Anyway, my case was on January 20th. I was reading the comments from my smartphone, and noticed that someone else’s “name” and “address” was published after “Add your comment” at the bottom of the page. I thought “???” at that time, and just re-opened the page and everything was all right. That was the only case.
Whenever I open(access) your entries through my computer or smartphone, I see this “Add your comment” with my “name” and “address” already published automatically. (Everytime after my first comment, and of course this is very convenient.) The “name” is the name which is published next to your comment, so I don’t think that most of the members would care about that so much. However, if our email addresses are published to everyone who reads the blog, that is quite scary. I’m not sure how often this is happening, but I hope everything goes all right soon.
Thank you both. I had no idea that was happening. The tech guy is looking into it now, and we will solve the problem as soon as we can. Please let me know if it happens again, or if anyone else has the same experience.
Hi David,
I just remebered something that might help you to fix out the problem. However, I thought it shouldn’t be written here, so I emailed from “Contact us”. Please take a look!
Hi David and everyone,
The topic is about Tansunokoyashi. Have you ever heard of this expression?
1)I’ve never count but maybe I have 10~20 items.
2)Actually, my case is opposite. I used to be fatter than now. I lost weight after I gave birth my children maybe because raising 3 boys was so tough. I suppose throwing old clothes(bigger clothes) away is like admitting that I have no chance of putting weight! So I’m happy to throw them away or sell them at flea markets.
3)Those are mostly blouses and skirts. When I spot some fancy clothes, occasionally I buy them but I don’t have much occasion to wear them. Because I usually wear casual/practical clothes like T-shirts and jeans.
I don’t want to live in a house which is clutterd with so many things. So I try to buy only necessary things. But as for clothes, I sometimes get fed up with the ones I used to wear. Once in a while, I sort out clothes that I rarely wear. I put those I might wear in the future in the attic and I sell those I’ll not wear at thrift shops.
Hi Tomo,
Nice to have you with us.
Hi YU,
Congratulations on 1 year anniversary of joining here! You are a frequent commenter. I wonder how many comments have you wrote so far?
Hi David and everyone,
1) I am not sure but there are some.
2) Not that many. I used to be slim, so when I bought clothes, they were a bit big for me. It was hard for me to find clothes in my size back then. Even though I have put on weight I can still were those clothes. I only throw old clothes away when they are worn out.
3) Most of them are rather for a formal occasion so that those clothes and shoes are worn much less often than casual ones.
>I guess that a lot of people try on things that look good in a shop but then find that they don’t actually like them when they get them home.
In those cases, I usually give them to my sisters.
Hi Ooe and Tomo,
Welcome to the blog. I am looking forward to your comments from now on.
Hi YU,
Congrats!! I am happy for you.
Good night and sweet dreams,
Hi David and everyone
I realized that the many of participants of this blog are mothers. And it reminded me that a professor said that, these days, students, especially boys, don’t want to go abroad to study. I also didn’t go, but I think female students tend to go abroad without much thought. Therefore, it may be true that women tend to be more sociable than men.
About the topic
I don’t have many opinions about this topic, but I always think that why so many clothing stores are in a shopping mall and that why clothing stores are always during a sale. It is very curious for me.
Hi Tomo,
> but I think female students tend to go abroad without much thought
I don’t really think all female students(around you) go abroad without much thought, but as you say, it is true that there are some who go abroad for no particular purpose. However, I don’t think that is nothing new or can be said of only female students.
I think reduction in the number of students going abroad has much to do with the economic recession.
I mean, parents want their children to graduate from university and find work as soon as possible. They can’t afford their children to go abroad to study, and children feels it, that’s why students today keep from going abroad. This is just my opinion, though.
Or do you mean students today are less interested in going abroad to study in the first place?
Hi Biwa, Fumie, amo,
Thank you for your kind messages.
Fumie, I don’t think I can count them!! hahaha…
See you!
> I don’t think that is nothing new
I don’t think that is SOMETHING new
Hi Tomo,
>but I think female students tend to go abroad without much thought.
I just thought that you might wanted to say “female students tend to go abroad without worrying too much (about their speaking abilities or whatever)” Am I right?
If so, I often feel the same, too, because young girls seem to be much bolder or more active than boys. Please don’t take me wrong, I’m not saying that you’re not bold or active! I don’t know why, but I sometimes think about that as a mother of two boys. How about your classmates? Do you feel like that? I’d love to hear about recent university life.
Hi YU,
I think so, too, that the tendency has lots to do with the bad economy. However, the system of the Japanese society and universities seems like a bigger problem to me. The April-starting school year makes it difficult for the students to study abroad and the companies hire “new-graduates” only once a year. There seems to be very few chances to get a good job for students who drop behind the year. (前にもこんな話題が出ましたよね!)
Well, I think the old system and people’s ways of thinking are both starting to change, and I’m looking forward to seeing how Mr. Abe’s 教育再生plans are going to be practiced.(Not really!)
Hi Biwa,
When I was a university student, it was said that it was not easy to get a good job for university graduates over 25. Of course, the younger the better, but the situation seems to be getting more severe for students today…
When I was in university, there were quite many classmates who have studied abroad before or during university, so they were all older than me.
However, their experience studying overseas seemed to be always advantages to them, even when they found job. All those students around me have got a good job.
This is a very old story, though!!
By the way, I heard that “the April-starting society” is very unique. India, Japan and only a couple of more countries adopt it. I wonder why India and Japan had a same idea!
Hi David and all!
Long time no see.
1. I have no clothes in my closet that I’ve never worn or only worn once. Why? In the first place, I don’t purchase clothes on impulse to cheer me up when I’m down in the month. You know when we are not happy our brains don’t work normally and buy unnecessary things. Secondly, I don’t buy clothes online because I can’t try them on to see if they will suit me.
2. None. My size has been the same. Having said that, I threw stuff away just because they had become unfashionable.
Hi David and everyone,
Here are my answers:
(1)2 or 3. However if I add kimonos, situation is quite different. Before I got married, my parents bought(prepared?) me lots of kimons. I have to admit that most of them have never been put on, I mean, I have lots of brand new ones.
(2) None. I threw them away a couple of years ago. I also took several clothes to shops when they did a kind of sales campaign exchanging their companies’ ones to coupons.
(3) maybe shoes. I used to buy shoes that looked nice and elegant, and they ended up being put in a shoe cabinet as one of the collections. However I’m very careful not to do the same mistake these days, so I don’t think this would happen again. My priority when I buy shoes is “comfortable to walk.”
By the way, this is nothing to do with this week’s topic, but I wonder if there are some people who find difficult to pronounce a word “clothes.” As you know, the word “—es” is not pronounced as “–iz.” It is always difficult for me to figure out the difference between “cloth” and “clothes.”
Hi OOE and Tomo,
Nice to have you with us!
Hi YU,
Congratulations! It’s still one year? I can’t believe that:)
Hi Biwa and YU
Thank you for your kindness, Biwa. What I want to really say is it. So I didn’t want to say female students go abroad to study without any purpose. I think female and male student’s English abilities are not so different, but female students are more interested in going abroad than male students. Sometimes it is called “inward (内向き).” And I feel students in my university are also like that.
I think recent university life doesn’t differ from it in 1980’s and 1990’s. Yes, I know there are many changes have happened in past 30 years (my father went to university in 1980’s), but students may don’t change too much. One of the most different things is internet (and maybe cell phone), I think. It changes student’s way of communications between friends, girlfriend, and so on.
Hi Anne,
Glad to see you are recuperating!
Hi YU,
>their experience studying overseas seemed to be always advantages to them
I really think so, too. I mean, it has to be that way, but I can’t help feeling that the Japanese system makes the students hesitate to try things other than their major studies. The companies and universities might give us more choices without making a big deal out of it.
>I wonder why India and Japan had a same idea!
That’s interesting. I don’t even know why Japan adopted the system, either.
Hi Tomo,
I’m glad I could be of some help. As I’ve written to YU, I can’t help thinking that the system makes the students “inward”. Most of the boys have to be the bread-winner (of their future family), and I think that makes them more difficult than girls to try other things and force them to stay on the main track. By the way, are you going to work from April?
Hi Anne,
Nice to hear from you again! I hope you’re feeling better. Your story reminded me of the kimonos I have in my mother’s house! I don’t have that many, but they’re too much to keep in my small apartment. As you know, we have lots of other things like obi, zouri, juban… I wore my 留袖only once for my sister’s wedding!
Hi David and everyone,
This topic is nice, but thinking about my kimonos that my parents prepared for my wedding over 40 years ago, it’s a shame because I seldom wear them. My mother used to say to me, “Female can’t stop buying clothes until they have one foot in their coffins.” Needless to say, she loved shopping and I like shopping, too. But I try to spend my husband’s money wisely (I hope).
Here are my answers.
1)Maybe I have only a few.
2)I gave a lot of my clothes to my sister, my daughter, my cousin, and relatives, too.
3)I try to wear every cloth, because my idea is that it’s waste of money if I don’t wear them.
Tomorrow I’ll go to a school music event (my granddaughter’s school), so I’ll wear my favorite Jacket.
Have a nice weekend.